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First game
11-10-2009, 11:52 PM
Post: #1
First game
Played Die Zombie Die twice.
Me (zombie),Sam the 11 year old (heroes). Although Sam didn't have much of a clue when it came to tactics, his dice rolling was unbelievable. He killed 9 zombies with Sheriff Anderson and didn't once loose his revolver.
He didn't do much searching of the buildings till I told him it would be a good idea to do so. Me and my big mouthInsane19
I managed to get Billy out on his own and ripped him to pieces, then Johnny came out to play.
It was an increadable finish, with two turns to go 3 zombies had Johnny cornered and were going in for the kill. Johnny had the meat cleaver which kills a zombie if the player rolls a higher dice than the zombie. I rolled a 5, meaning Sam needed a 6. Guess what he gotInsane19 yes a 6, and off he went running round the table with his hands in the air.

Games 2
Me (zombies, again) against Dave the 16 year old. Sam was told by his mum he had to do his homework (spoil sport)
Dave was a completely different kettle of fish, his dice rolling was diabolicle. But, his understanding of the strategy of the game was brilliant. He knew straight away that it was important to get into the building and search for stuff. He played his cards brilliantly, studying each one dilligently. Unlike me, who kept fogetting to play the bloody things.
At one point I had all four of his heroes tapped in the general store, with 9 zombie breaking in. He killed the lot without receiving a scratch. In the end he pretty much trounced me.

We all thouroughly enjoyed ourselves, and are looking forward to playing the truck scenario tomorrow.
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11-11-2009, 12:29 AM
Post: #2
RE: First game
Awesome report. Glad you're loving the game!

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11-11-2009, 03:50 PM
Post: #3
RE: First game
Sound like great games.

Win or lose, I always have a good game with LNoE.

Zalgo....he comes.
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11-11-2009, 11:47 PM
Post: #4
RE: First game
Escape in the Truck

Me (heroes, yahoo!), Sam (zombies).
I thought the game would be over in no time, as Jenny found the gas in the barn staight away, and Sally found the keys in the High School. This was going to be easy:rolleyes:
Everyone headed to the truck to join Sheriff Anderson with the zombies in pursuit. It's amazing how quickley those darn zombies can get to where you don't want them to be. Before Jenny could fill up the truck the zombies were swarming all over them. Sheriff Anderson had forgoten to load his bloody revolver. No one had a weapon and they were beginning to take damage, they had to get away from the truck. Jenny and Sheriff Anderson headed for the barn, and Sally and Father Joseph headed off in the opposite direction. Sally and the priest got seperated and father Joseph ran into the diner followed by 3 zombies. When he emerged, he had some distant memory in his dead mind that he needed to get to the truck, and lead the other zombies there, where they waited for the heroes.
Jake Cartwright woke up, he had been sleeping in the School Gym. With all the screams and groans, he could tell something was wrong, and searched around the gym. He found a chainsaw in the gym teachers locker (no wonder the pupils of Woodinvale High were 6 times rope climbing champions!) As the zombies broke into the gym Cartwright sliced them up. He then found some gasoline.
Jenny was caught in the Cornfield and was eaten, the gasoline being lost in the corn.
Becky came out from the back of the diner, were she was working on the side to help to make up for her crappy nurses pay. Luckily Sam the cook, had some dynamite left over from his vietnam days in his rucksack. There was no sign of Sam though as he won't arrive until my copy of "Growing Hungar" is delivered.
Time was running out for the heroes, as Sheriff Anderson was killed in the Barn. Billy, who had been trying to find naughty pictures in the schools copies of National Geographic, was disturbed as Cartwright barged into the school. Billy picked up his trousers, as Cartwright gave him a strange look. He picked up a set of keys from the table, which amazingly would probably start the truck. Cartwright found a lighter. There was no more time to mess around they had to start heading for the truck. The odds were against them but they had no choice. Becky charged out of the diner screaming that she had some dynamite, did anyone have a lighter. Cartwright shouted that he had one, he started to run over to her but tripped up, and was pounced upon by a hoard of zombies and despite his chainsaw was ripped to pieces. As Cartwright fell the heores last hope fell with him. It was all over.
BrilliantZombie17 Absoluetly loved this scenario, even though I lost, yet again.
Had the CD playing in the back ground, it's okay, but wasn't at all frightening.
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