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Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
03-15-2011, 07:29 AM
Post: #11
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
I love it. It almost makes it like the competative ATOE game.

Didn't someone recently post a scenario where Billy was trying to steal Johnny's girlfirend. Something like this for the students might be a cool scenario, where they are sabatoging eachother to try to win the girl and stay alive.

Another cool scenario might be kinda like House of the Dead. There is a Team of "Bad" humans from a chemical corp that made zombies, and they are trying to contain the outbreak (and the locals) so that the story doesn't get out and ruin their evil corporation. Both teams would be trying to kill eachother and the zeds to stay alive. Maybe the manor could be the source of the outbreak, and the agents would have to defend it from the locals so they do not find out the truth. Maybe I should flesh out my own scenarios instead of posting half-baked ideas here.

Hmmm, I could use my Krav Maga agents from Heroscape for the evil agents.
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03-15-2011, 03:44 PM
Post: #12
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
(03-14-2011 08:18 PM)thegamelord Wrote:  A simple senario idea could be that the heroes are looking for something (like a cure) and there is only enough for one of them, so they have to find it before anyone else does and escape with it.

Could take this a step further and use the scenario where there are two parts to make the cure split randomly in the buildings. Heroes would need to find the right markers combine them, and to add a little more action there could be a certain amount of time that the serum has to mix (a turn or so) before it can be used.

This makes it so that when one human team makes the serum they still need to defend it for a turn or so while they are attacked by zombies and the other hero team.
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04-14-2011, 12:24 AM
Post: #13
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
Hello, new to these forums! I myself have though about how to do a PvPvZ scenario. I spent some time and I came up with a scenario called A Town Divided which is a Heroes versus Villains versus Zombies game. I came up with a bunch of special rules, including stealing items and looting. I'll attach the pdf that I wrote it all down in. Let me know what you think.

Attached File(s)
.pdf  LNOE_A Town Divided.pdf (Size: 159.06 KB / Downloads: 13)
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06-12-2011, 08:06 PM
Post: #14
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
Hi there.

I just discovered this forum today and curiously I've stumbled on it with some "Player Vs Player Vs Zombies" mechanism/scenario in mind.

Your ideas people are very interesting, both the specific scenarios (which I'll try whenever I have the chance) and the overall workable adjustments for Player Vs Player action.

I have some ideas for 2 totally different mechanisms (and it seems they might be used togheter asswell) for "Player vs Player" kinds of play and I intend showing them soon. =)
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06-12-2011, 10:38 PM
Post: #15
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
This is exactly the thing I was looking for my next scenario "The Heist". It's kind of a "Cop vs Robbers" thing, with people taking advantage of the zombie induced chaos to raid the bank and make it to the "Road Out of Town. It's 2v2vZombies so you need at least 3 players. Once I flesh out the details, I will post up the scenario.
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06-13-2011, 03:23 PM
Post: #16
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
Here are my rules for HvH, figure I should post some of them here, they go along with some of the scenarios I posted. This avoids the situation where enemy heroes share the same space, seeing as I wouldn't ever want my enemy sharing the same space as myself, and is the idea that they fight and would eventually reach a point where one or the other would kick the other out of the space and/or scare them off. For the shortened version look at the examples at the bottom.

Pushing Hero fights: If you enter the same space as an enemy hero you must immediately fight that hero. The fights are the same as if both heroes were fighting a zombie, except both heroes roll 2 fight die, the beaten hero is always “pushed” (described below) and only if the winning hero rolls doubles is the beaten hero wounded. If the two highest die rolled are a tie the fight is a draw and the attacking player moves 1 space in any direction with no fight die penalty (this is not considered fended off or beaten in a fight), unless one of the heroes has “wins on ties,” if both have “wins on ties” they cancel each other. If the attacking hero does not get pushed and has more movement points they may continue moving. If there are 2 or more enemy heroes in the space the attacking hero must fight one or both of the heroes (defenders choice) before being pushed, if both defending heroes fight and win they may add their push values together to determine how far the attacker is pushed. If only one fight occurs and the defenders lose, both of the defenders are pushed in the same direction for the same number of spaces (the non-fighting hero was watching scared or injured and when his partner is pushed he/she chases after). A hero on one team may not end their turn in the same space as a hero from another team, each hero may only fight each other hero once per turn and cards and abilities work the same as if against a zombie (except kill only wounds a hero)

pushing: The winning hero must move the losing hero up to the difference of pips between the 2 heroes’ highest rolls (minimum of 1) in a straight line in any direction away from their shared space, if it is the turn of the pushed hero he loses the rest of his turn. A hero cannot be pushed through walls or into other heroes, but can be pushed through doors and into zombies, this movement is stopped on zombies. A hero pushed into a group of zombies must fight all zombies in the space before moving with a 1 fight die penalty (basically he is fighting them as he is getting up), this penalty does not apply to zombies who move into the space after the character is pushed. If the zombies turn comes first, the hero will fight them at the zombie fight phase (w/ the penalty) then move normally during his next turn otherwise the fight happens before moving.

Hero-Hero melee combat examples:
Attacker rolls 5, defender rolls 3: Attacker wins, defender immediately moves 2 spaces in straight line (attackers choice), attacker continues movement
Attacker rolls 5 and two 1's, defender rolls 4: Attacker wins, defender takes 1 wound and immediately moves 1 space (attackers choice), attacker continues movement
Attacker rolls 4 and two 1's, defender rolls two 4's: Draw, attacker moves 1 space (attacker's choice), attacker continues movement
Attacker rolls 3, defender rolls 6: defender wins, attacker immediately moves 3 spaces in straight line (defender's choice) and loses rest of turn
Attacker rolls 2, defender rolls two 4's and one 6: defender wins, attacker takes 1 wound and immediately moves 4 spaces (defender's choice and loses rest of turn

If a character is moved against his will into zombies, they take a 1 die penalty when next fighting those zombies.

Hero-Hero ranged combat: -1 to all ranged weapon rolls
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06-22-2011, 12:14 AM
Post: #17
RE: Player Vs Player Vs Zombies
(11-17-2009 07:10 PM)Grudunza Wrote:  I think I would also have regular Fights between Heroes work the same way as with Zombies... a wound only occurs if doubles are rolled and the player rolls higher with at least one die. Otherwise, there will always be a wound anytime a Hero attacks another Hero, and that will likely prove too deadly for the Heroes in general.

Or, they could get a choice between wounding them OR taking an item from them. If a hero dies, the rules say they drop their stuff.

Also, should heroes only get to fight on the heroes turn ("fight zombies" portion), or should they get the opportunity to steal an item back during the zombie turn, or at least a choice to fight on the zombie turn if one of them wants?
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