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The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
10-08-2011, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2011 01:38 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
Hi I'm doing this in reply to funklord's great idea. This is a linked 3 scenario campaign with a story throughout.

Here's the few rules.
1) Instead of the character being Killed. Roll at the end of each scenario for each 'dead' Hero. Chances are they were just knocked out. See the end of each scenario for dice rolls. Note how after each scenario it becomes more likely your Hero will fall.
2) I have used the core scenarios so that everyone can use this that has the basic game. (However if you have the Advanced Ability deck they may be carried through each scenario (Heroes only). Also you can use the Survival Tactics and Grave Weapon decks if you choose).
3) Choose your Hero characters. Or random it's up to you. Either way if a Hero is Killed/knocked out you do not get a replacement Hero during each seperate mission. You can however get another Hero if they became a Zombie Hero. See at the end of each mission.
4) After each scenario Wounds are fully restored. Any Items maybe carried through to the next scenario. All Remains in Play cards stay on the Heroes. Including Zombie cards such as Twisted Ankle. Any other Zombie cards that are not on specific Heroes go back into the Zombie deck.

Scenario 1 Defend the Manor House.
Pick your Heroes or random it's up to you. Either way if a Hero is killed/knocked out you do not get a replacement Hero.
'The Zombie apocalypse has begun. What started it, none can say. Theories had been thrown around before the TV and 'net went down. Some say it was chemicals in the food or water, some say a biological warhead hit. Others claim Armageddon had arrived. Either way the world we knew had gone within a day or so society and government had collapsed turning on it's self the population decimated. Cities became mass graves. Estimations of the world dead went into the billions. With only a few struggling survivors holed up awaiting the inevitable...
In the town of Woodinvale a group of survivors band together in a final attempt to defend themselves. With one eye on the boarded up windows and one eye on each other in case they turn like the rest. The survivors' vigil begins...'
At the end of the game providing the Heroes won.
If any Heroes are killed in this scenario roll 1D6 for each Hero. On a roll of 1 the Hero is permanently out of the game. The next scenario begins with any remaining characters. However If the Hero became a Zombie Hero you may now have a new Hero.

Scenario 2 Save the Townsfolk
'Morning had arrived. The wait had been a living nightmare the Zombies had broken into the Manor House and amongst the survivors Heroes had emerged. Perhaps humanity wasn't going into oblivion without a fight. The Manor House was in ruins and barely standing. It wouldn't last another night. The Zombies had been relentless bent on feeding. The roars and screaming had etched scars in their minds forever. Another plan began to formulate amongst the survivors. Outside the Zombies seemed to be restricted to the odd shambler but that couldn't last. It was time to bust out. Raised tensions and heated words were used as how to proceed. Get out of town as soon as possible finding transport that wasn't burnt out or crashed. Or trying to find loved ones still barricaded in their homes. "If we survived, maybe there's a chance?" The Heroes decided to stick together not prepared to leave their fellow man to a fate worse than death. The survivors now had a modicum of hope and a saying "If this is truly the end, we face death with honour!"
At the end of the game providing the Heroes won.
If any Heroes are killed in this scenario roll 1D6 for each Hero. On a roll of 1 or 2 the Hero is permanently out of the game. The next scenario begins with any remaining characters.
However If the Hero became a Zombie Hero you may now have a new Hero.

Scenario 3 Escape in the Truck.
Acts of Heroism would now pass into legend as the Zombies had renewed their assault after the Manor House had been abandoned. Many houses had been entered with scenes of devastation witnessed countless times. Whole families choosing to execute themselves. Zombie children found feasting on their parents. Rotten burning things screaming in cellars. None would ever forget this hell. The heat of the day had been relentless and putrification began to take its toll. Clouds of flies added to the nauseating vision as some of the first turned Zombies began to fall. Their bodies collapsing into flyblown writhing heaps. The strongest stomach turning, when confronted by those heaps of writhing limbs, hideous rolling eyes and gnashing teeth.
The sun would fall soon and the town was already lost. The only option now was escape. One of the survivors had left their truck in the town centre unfortunately it was out of gas and the keys had been dropped in one of the buildings during the days fighting. It was a long shot but it was still a chance. Another survivor had told of a nearby military base 'Fort Baxter' still defended with a bunker. A fool's hope remained.
At the end of the game providing the Heroes won.
Congratulations you are a Zombie mashing legend! Put your name on this thread and I will add your name to this post. You have accomplished the almost impossible. Let me know how many Heroes survived and if you chose them or random.
If any Heroes are killed in this scenario roll 1D6 for each Hero. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3. The Hero didn't make it to the end of this campaign.
However If the Hero became a Zombie Hero you may now have a new Hero.

As the sunset began to fall on Woodinvale the Truck roared into the distance. There were no backward glances. The memory of that place would never be mentioned again. As the Truck climbed a long sweeping rise a huge military complex was seen in the twilight distance. The lights were out and parts of the fence were down. Tanks, jeeps and trucks lay scattered like a children's toys and acrid smoke was rising in places. Even from here you could- SLAM!!!
A Zombie had come from nowhere in the centre of the road. The truck had careered off the road and flipped. Dazed the Woodinvale 4 survivors
crawled out of the overturned truck. The mangled Zombie dragging it's self towards them...

Please send me any questions regarding this campaign. I'm on here just about everyday. If you guys enjoyed this I may make another campaign using other supplements from the game. Happy gaming.
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10-08-2011, 02:36 PM
Post: #2
RE: The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
awesome story ill have to try it with my friends next time we play
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10-08-2011, 02:39 PM
Post: #3
RE: The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
Would the hero deck/discard get reshuffled between each?
What campaign-wide victory conditions are there for the zombies and heroes? IE, what if the zombies successfully invade the manor house in scenario 1?
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10-08-2011, 03:06 PM
Post: #4
RE: The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
(10-08-2011 02:39 PM)mqstout Wrote:  Would the hero deck/discard get reshuffled between each?
What campaign-wide victory conditions are there for the zombies and heroes? IE, what if the zombies successfully invade the manor house in scenario 1?

1) All used decks are shuffled between each mission.
2) That's a good question. The victory conditions are the same for each individual mission. But the winner of the campaign has to be the side with the most victories.

Results (Heroes on the left)
3-0 Heroic legends never die! May I personally say YOU RULE at this game. Zombies were crushed epic style!
2-1 Survivors of the wasteland. You have won but at a price. You faced defeat but clawed to glorious victory. The Zombie threat is almost over...
1-2 You won a battle but not the war. The Zombies have overrun the town of Woodinvale the Heroes were killed, fled or chose to end themselves. Hard luck...
0-3 You are the Master of the Dead. The Heroes hopes were utterly crushed and the world will soon follow...

Any more questions or suggestions most welcome.Watchmen02
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10-13-2011, 06:45 PM
Post: #5
RE: The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
Sounds epic. I have wanted to come up with a way to link multiple scenarios and this is a good idea platform to work from. Good job.
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10-15-2011, 12:13 PM
Post: #6
RE: The End of Woodinvale (3 mission campaign)
Thanks all for checking this out.Watchmen02
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