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Arrive via gaming or zombies?
02-07-2013, 08:42 AM
Post: #1
Arrive via gaming or zombies?
Hi just a question that crossed my all seem like a very mixed bunch of people from around the globe, so did you stumble upon LNoE because of your love of all things zombie or was it primarily because you play other games?
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02-07-2013, 10:14 AM
Post: #2
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I have travelled from being a wargamer with models (I love history) and playing classic board games such as Kingmaker and Britannia to later discovering Axis & Allies (which I rarely play now as it takes so long). Then I discovered the D-Day, Battle of the Bulge and Guadalcanal A&A games which were turn-limited. Next up came Memoir '44 and all of the Command & Colours stable.

As my son grew older I wanted to play board games with him and also I couldn't see myself collecting and painting large numbers of figures anymore. The attraction of a ready-to-play board game was too much! I've had an interest in zombies - something about being attacked by hordes (perhaps linking back to seeing the film Zulu when I was 9)! Any old how research on BGG lead me to LNOE and all the expansions quickly followed. I then got ATOE as the quality and re-playability of FFP games meant this was a low-risk purchase and again I like the theme. Last month I got F&G.

So quite a journey but all linked to my needs:
* Simple (but subtle) rules
* Ready-to-play format
* Quality production
* Engaging, story-telling theme
* Ability to play solo and 'lose yourself in a game'
* Fun with friends
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02-07-2013, 10:27 AM
Post: #3
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I started many years ago (1980's) playing simple wargames and developed into an avid roleplayer and historical gamer. During my first marriage (R.I.P) it all got put away but in the last few years my passion is back with a vengance. I know play mainly skirmish figure games (Malifaux, Witchfinder General), lots of board games with a preference for horror/lovecraftian things and have also become addicted to magic the gathering.
I'm having lots of fun with old friends, new friends and my family, just that normal life gets in the way of playing games sometimes Watchmen02
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02-07-2013, 03:01 PM
Post: #4
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I arrived through gaming.
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02-07-2013, 03:06 PM
Post: #5
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
(02-07-2013 08:42 AM)Sarge Wrote:  Hi just a question that crossed my all seem like a very mixed bunch of people from around the globe, so did you stumble upon LNoE because of your love of all things zombie or was it primarily because you play other games?

I have not played many board games as an adult. I came across LNOE due to a love of zombies in general. I happened across a simple little game called Oh, No! Zombies! which figured some heroes and 6 little zombie figures. That made me wonder if there were other zombie board games out there. After some internet research I picked up LNOE and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

“By the time I realized the danger, it was scratching at my front door.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
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02-07-2013, 05:10 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2013 05:19 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #6
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I can trace the road so far right back to seeing the skeletons in 'Jason and the Argonauts' for the 1st time as a kid. Then at primary school our teacher read to the class 'The Hobbit'. My passion for the undead and the fantasy genre had began. A friend of mine always used to get loads of christmas presents and one of them was a board game by MB called 'Heroquest' As soon as I saw the box cover it was like I'd had a spell cast on me. All I wanted to do was play it as often as possible. My love affair with board games and miniatures had began. A year or two later our science teacher brought in a lead miniature to show the class. This lead to me finding this dark, unknown store called Excallibur Games. I think it must have been an old book store as it was dark and musty inside. It was also frequented by long haired, pale, shuffling beings which are now known as geeks. I knew I had to become worthy of that accolade. It was there I was introduced into Lovecraft's works; which lead me to Poe and Clark Ashton Smith. (A worthy contemporary and friend of H.P. Lovecraft). I was also introduced to the White Dwarf magazine. l spent every penny on figures, paints and board games. 'Space Hulk' 1st ed. Which I still own plus expansions 'Death Wing' and 'Genestealer'. Next came 'Bloodbowl' and 'Advanced Heroquest'. Over the years I amassed a huge Warhammer undead army and a 40K Ork army. I also created my own games using the 'Battletech' miniatures. I made the roads, ruined buildings and used the buildings from a game called 'Space Marine' to create a huge cityscape for these huge Mechs to duke it out. I also made a Vietnam skirmish game and a Ninja game. Much later came the LotR films and figures and I amassed many miniatures and gamed often It wasn't until fairly recently (2009). When in York I saw a board game called 'Zombies!!!'. I'd always loved Zombie stuff in films etc. so I bought it and later some of the expansions. It was ok but not great. A year later in the same shop I saw LNoE and felt like I'd been transported in time to when I was 10 again. My hobby and love for painting and gaming had been re-kindled. I bought it with my girlfriend and she enjoyed the game as much as me. This inevitably led to marriage and taking the game on honeymoon! I found this site via the FFP site, as I was looking for custom characters and scenarios. I found the TZG to be a really cool community so I joined my 1st forum. The rest is history!
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02-07-2013, 05:39 PM
Post: #7
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I've always liked playing games and until about 5 years ago thought Monoply was about as complex as games could be, then joined the geek and found lots of other games I didn't even know existed. ATOE took my eye and I bought that, and liked so decided to make my second proper game a FF one too and went for LNOE
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02-07-2013, 09:35 PM
Post: #8
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
Dude! What an AWESOME idea for a topic. I HAD to give you a +1 on you reputation for that! ;-)

Anyway, actually kind of a funny story in my case. I sort of arrived at it through both. Though, I guess really more through gaming than zombies. Here's how it went for me:

We were visiting friends because it was the one guy's birthday. For his birthday, he wanted to have a game night. Knowing I was into Halloween, horror movies, zombies, and that sort of stuff, he figured I would love this game. So, he started telling me about this board game he has that is zombie themed, and in fact, you are split into two teams. One as zombies, and one as the heroes.

So, naturally, I HAD to give that one a try. We played ONE GAME of Last Night On Earth that night. ONE GAME. It didn't even last very long. We played Escape in the Truck, and the heroes just so happened to win pretty quickly this time. But that was all it took. I was HOOKED. After just that one game, I was OBSESSED. Probably to a little bit of an unhealthy level. LOL!

It was a few months away from my birthday, but the game INSANTLY went on my birthday list. Not that I actually had a written one yet, but I just made sure it was well known right away that it was the main item on my list. LOL! The rest, as they say, is history.
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02-08-2013, 08:00 PM
Post: #9
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
It's a 50% in my case. I really love zombies, and I really love games. So, it was a matter of time...

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02-09-2013, 01:34 AM
Post: #10
RE: Arrive via gaming or zombies?
I had forgotten about gaming nearly completely until my Bro-in-Law got us LNOE for my wife's birthday. He got it because we liked zombies, so I guess that you can say I came for the zombies, but stayed for the games. LNOE reminded me why I loved games so much in Middle/High School, and I have since gotten back into games pretty heavy. All thanks to LNOE!
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