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Hello frombies!
11-12-2012, 12:18 PM
Post: #8
RE: Hello frombies!
(11-12-2012 12:08 PM)zelectah Wrote:  Thanks for the warm, undead welcome everyone.

I will share my coming projects with you. I am working on a "black ops" inspired scenario with Nazi-Zombies.

I am still waiting for an idea for a nice scenario story. Maybe someone of you can help me out.

OK here's my Nazi Zombie Story(this was from a TZG story
contest a few years ago) but it's easier to just provide it
here rather than dig it up (pun intendedWatchmen02 ) with a link.

Oh,the dates,American Units & personel,Aachen campaign
are all accurate.Capt.Brown C company really
had a bad time of it.

Oh to set the mood click the Link at the start of the story.

Treu, Tapfer, Gehorsam"

Sept.28, 1944 Wewelsburg Castle

Knock.Knock ...Ja!!!... Reichfuhrer...Herr Doktor Streicher is here

Ah Herr Doktor come in,be seated, so you have succeeded at last.

Well Mien Reichfuhrer,phase 1 is successful & we have hope
for phase 2,I'm sure in several months we...................

Herr Doktor The Vatherland stands on its own borders,
we don't have several months! Besides the American
bombing is disrupting our power grids.The special SS Morgues
are being run off generators,we must act now or lose the
whole project.What can phase 1 do?

Reichfuhrer,we have achieved animation but not fine motor
skills,they can't use weapons.

Hmmmm,well Herr Doktor can they be controlled?

Yes,mien Reichfuhrer ,the reanimated process does not
interfere with SS Training,they can't speak but they obey.
They seem to remember their deaths & reanimated they
will attack & rend any living enemy.The process instills
a desire for living flesh.Use of weapons is the goal
of phase 2.If we can continue our resea...........

Enough Streicher!!! enough NO more time!I have 20,000
SS dead on ice,you promise me ultimate soldiers & The
Reich needs them now!.

But Reichfuhrer??? if we reanimate them they are animals,
tooth & claw ,only with weapons will they be of true service
to the Reich.

Doktor,how long does the reanimation process take,how
is it done?Is it complicated?

Nein,Reichfuhrer,preparing the special serum of blood,
tissue & chemicals is complicated & time consuming.The
actual reanimation process is merely to inject the serum
into the corpse,it works in about 20 minutes.

So Doktor,the answer is before you.I want you to
get over to the SS Morgue at Aachen, their are 1500
corpses select 500 ,I'll have enough transport to take them
to the front.The Americans are advancing you'll drop
off the bodies on the front lines,inject them for reanimation
& the Americans will run right into them.Reanimate the rest,
the Z Brigade is Activated.You have your Orders.The Fuhrer
himself has ordered Aachen held,that would include by
tooth & claw.Understood!

At once Reichfuhrer,Heil Hitler!!

Heil Hitler!!-Oh Herr Doktor,see to it that proper uniforms are issued,remember these corpses have died for The Reich
& their Fuhrer!They now rise to fight again,they give new
meaning to our motto "Treu, Tapfer, Gehorsam" (Loyal, Valiant, Obedient).

Yes Reichfuhrer!

October 8,1944-US I st Div.I8 th Inf.HQ.

Col Smith, Sir....Yes Lieutenant Polwski.

Sir report in from Capt.Brown's C Company,something
Hinky going on,

Explain Lieutenant,did they take that damn hill yet,we can't
invest Aachen with out holding it.

No Sir,Capt Brown reports indicate the hill was seized by 2 platoons at 0700 but then more fighting broke out & his
relief forces found the 2 advance platoons chewed up.

Well,Lieutenant,Brown knew it wasn't going to be a Cake Walk,
have B Company get some support,Ike wants that Hill
& its our job to get for him.Whats so Hinky about that?

Col. what I mean is that Brown reports the 2 platoons
were literally CHEWED UP! He reports blood & body parts
scattered all over,he said it looks like the work of animals.

Damn Krauts!,any German bodies recovered,any ID on what
outfit we're fighting,Polwski?

Thats the other part of Hinky,Col. A few Germans shot to hell,
in SS Uniforms but no Unit markings.Brown reported the
Uniforms are like new but the bodies look odd,like they been
dead for awhile & their dry as a bone,no sign of blood.
Well except on their hands & teeth,Brown seems to think
it might be out troops blood,like they were savaged by the

Screw this Lieutenant ,Brown's seen too much combat.
Get 1st Army HQ on the phone,send them the Hills coordinates,
request Artillery work it over.I want every damn Kraut
on that Hill blown to Hell by 1400

Yes Sir Col.

October 12,1944 Aachen Special SS Morgue

Doktor,we're finished all 1000 Z Brigade Soldiers are reanimated.

Very good Karl,very good.I'll inform the Reichfuhrer,WHAT THE HELL..Karl the lights,the phone gone dead.Mien Gott,
the noise!!

Herr Doktor the Americans are bombing Aachen,it appears
the Morgue has taken a direct hit,our generators
are above ground & must have been knocked out.

Karl get upstairs ,see if you can restore power & a working phone.

Herr Doktor,Herr Doktor...over here Karl did you check the

Herr Doktor,we're trapped the Morgue must be leveled,
the exit is sealed with rubble.We'll have to wait till
they dig us out.

Who are they Karl?we're a secret facility,Only the highest levels
of the SS knows we exist & they have no idea of our fate.

But Herr Doktor,perhaps some one upstairs survived,
they might be going for help!

I'm sorry Karl but only our Team knows the true purpose of
the basement & their all down here with us.Its unlikely
anyone survived a direct hit & if they did there's little chance
the Army would bother digging out a research lab under
current conditions.

But surly Herr Doktor there is some hope!??

Karl,we are buried with a thousand Zombies that will
live for generations,how long do you think we'll last,how
long will our control last?.The only living flesh available.
I give us a week,gather the rest of the team,see if we have
any flashlights & food,water we'll meet in the surgery
in 2 hours.

Yes Doktor.

October 22,1944 Occupied Aachen

My God,Smith the IX Tactical Air liberated the hell out
of this section.

Yes General Corlett,it appears the Germans dug in the panzers around here & fortunately its not a particularly historic section
of Aachen so nothing was held back.

Well any case we got it done another nail in Hitler's
Reich.Your Division has been in the thick of it.I want you
to secure the City.Get some dozers up here & level the
remaining rubble.

October 23,1944 Aachen Special SS Morgue

Karl is it done?

Yes Herr Doktor ,all the other Team Members have chosen
to take their cyanide capsules.The Zombies have broken through
to the surgery,I expect we have another few hours before
they find their way here.,

Well then Karl,goodbye

Goodbye Herr Doktor.

January 12,2009 Aachen

Another delay.Henri? Between tearing down those
shoddy post war construction & digging out all that
war rubble,this building is already 3 months behind
& 20,000 Euros over budget.What now?

Well,Paul it appears we've hit an old bunker,looks
like a large basement ,our instruments indicate
its large & hollow.We figure its building must have been
destroyed during the War,maybe bombing,the
Americans plastered that section .Then they just
covered over the rubble,probably never realized it was there.
In any case we ripped open a corner of it late
this afternoon.How you want to handle it?

Damn Henri,Its Aachen we can't just fill it in,its the
City of Charlemagne the town commission would raise Hell
if they found out.Besides if its that big we going have to
dig it out & clean fill for our foundations.

OK Paul,you want I should get the crew started now,
its going to be overtime?

Na,the things been buried for 60 some years,it will
keep till tomorrow.Alert the night watchman to keep an
eye out to make sure no vagrants try to slip inside.

We'll alert the Commission tomorrow & have an inspection
tour,thats time enough ,I mean we'll hardly find Nazi Gold!

January 13,2009 Aachen-7AM

Ring..Ring...Hello Henri,whats up?

Paul,we have a problem better get down to the building
site,the police have just arrived.

The Police,did that old drunk of a watchman,screw up
& let some Tramp slip into that basement & break his neck.
I'll really chew him out.

Well Paul,it appears someone beat you to it,well not
exactly chewed him out its more like chewed up.
Just get down here ASAP.Bye.......................


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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