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Turmoil in the Nightside
07-12-2022, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2022 01:00 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
Turmoil in the Nightside
The following Game is a 3 player Solo Variant of On Her Majesties Service rethemed slightly
to place it into the Darkside World of Simon R. Green book series. If your familiar with the
Darkside Books the names & places of the opening set up will be known but if not it really
won't make any difference to the game play. Strangefellows Bar is the Esplanade Tile.

The Session Report sums up each 4 Rounds as one month. I also use a variant suggested on BGG
that at the end of each round I randomly rotate a tile (one for each non playing Gentleman)

Confusion when mentioned means due to a die roll the regular rules for Actions are set aside
and the Gentleman must instead roll on a Confusion Table that dictates the Action he/she must make.

The Hourglass tokens represent various minor Clubs that obstruct the major Club Gentlemen by hiding
sources of Ether & Arteffects. The Shadow Master is now the Authorities & the Game Set up fluff is in
the spirit of Green's Nightside stories.

Strangefellows-Oldest Bar in the World
Nightside London. March.3,1889

Alex Morrisey grunted as he rolled the keg of Death Breath Ale onto the
bar floor up from the basement. Quickly closing the basement door to
avoid the creepy chills the basement always gave him. Merlin Satanspawn's
tomb did protect the bar but having a dead ancestor lurking around didn't
do much for Alex's peace of mind.

Looking around Morrisey observed it was a typical Friday night at Strangefellows,
at the end of the bar Thor was whining to Venus about disrespect for forgotten
deities as she wondered why in hades, she let Pan set up a blind date for her.
On the other side of the bar a group of ghosts doing ectoplasm body shots which they
found hilarious. The bar singer had just finished singing "Come into the Garden
Maud" and she was being subjected to obscene remarks from several male vampires.
The house orchestra began to strike up a Spanish Dance and 16 couples crowded
out on to the dance floor. Friday night was Succubus Friday at the bar so it always drew a
lot of dancers.

Morrisey's gaze then noticed something atypical in a back booth engaged in intense
conversation were representatives of four major Night Side clubs, Master Fox of the Friends
of Oberon, John Brown of the Knights of St. George, Countess Ada Lovelace of the Mechanical
Siren Club and Sir Daniel Home of the Maze Club. The Nightside had been a buzz all week with
the sudden disappearance of the entire Adventures Club which had controlled most of the illegal
activities that made up the economy of the Nightshade. Rumors abounded that the Club ran afoul
of one of the Nightsides dangerous individuals like Razor Eddy or Jessica Sorrow but the consensus
was they had simply run into a Timeslip and were now who knows where in the past or future. In any
case it appeared the four Clubs were now seeking to fill the power vacuum.

Morrisey rolled the keg into position and noticed that Master Fox had left his share
of the tab on the table and had left pushing himself through the dancers and leaving the
bar. It was obvious he wanted nothing to do with a Club War a power struggle would provoke.
That meant the 3 other Clubs would form a coalition or fight it out for the top spot. Shortly thereafter
strong words were exchanged among the other 3 individuals and throwing their tab money
on the table they stormed out.

Morrisey lifted the keg in position when the stool opposite him was occupied by Larry Oblivion of the
Darkside most prestigious Dectitive Agency. Larry ordered a Ghoul Drool brandy the cheapest drink served
at Strangefellows, Larry was a Zombie and didn't eat or drink but Morrisey had insisted if he was to hang
out at the bar he needed to order something. Oblivion was in an unusually talkative mood and asked
Morrisey " you saw the Club talks break up you know what that means? "

Alex sighed " it means The Mechanical Sirens ,The Maze and the Knights of St George are going to war and the
Nightside will be turned upside down as they look to seize ancient powerful Artifacts and Ethers to acquire enough power so that
they can call the shots behind the scenes and I'm sure The Friends of Oberon will try to obstruct them every
step of the way". Oblivion made a ghastly smile & muttered "interesting times' then ignoring his drink left the

Meanwhile, the Spanish Dance had ended and the dancers made a mad run for the bar as Succubus Friday at Strangefellows
ran its inevitable course.

So it begins : Late Febuary 1875

The 3 Clubs lost no time trying to acquire the necessary Ethers & Artefacts to seal their position of dominance.
Countess Ada Lovelace thought such competition beneath the nobility, so she sent out her protégé Parvin Khan to do the
dirty work. Parvin was a bit confused having the responsibility thrust upon her but recovered to track down and secure 2
Blood Ethers and a Spectral Chain.

Sir Daniel Home used part of his time to Gamble at Strangefellows gaining 2 Coins and was able to pick up a
Titanium Ether & a Mana Ether plus Special Power but otherwise became confused missed his chance for an cheap
Ectoplasm Ether. He even had to pay a street urchin a coin to guide him through the Smog.

John Brown used his assignment to squeeze extra coins from his Club he was also was overcome with confusion
& lost out on a cheap Blood Ether but his practical Scot nature soon set him right. He was able to find a Mithril Lock
and a slightly more expensive Blood Ether. He also was able to bribe the Authorities and their Agent the Dandy
was activated followed shortly by the Doctor.

The Friends of Oberon although staying out of the conflict manage to sow some confusion and upset a few of
the other Clubs plans.

Early March 1875

Parvin Khan tried to bribe the Authorities to abandon support for John Brown & the Knights of St. George but
it wasn't enough .She was able to get Countess Lovelace to cover the loss if the bribe coins. The rest of the
month she was more successful obtaining a Titanium Ether and the Adamantine Key Artefact. She now
had the required Ethers and needed only to get 3 Artefacts of Power for the Mechanical Sirens to gain
the Power they wanted.

Sir Daniel Home using his connections and a successful bribe got the favor of the Authorities away from
John Brown. Home got Brown's favorite Agent the Dandy replaced by the Merchant .More Gambling at
Strangefellows replaced some of the bribe money and Home was able to pick up an Ectoplasm Ether at
a good price. At this point the Friends of Oberon tried to confuse Sir Daniel but their efforts backfired as
Home discovered their minion and was able to acquire a 2nd Ectoplasm Ether which allowed him too now
have the necessary Ethers to fulfill his mission once he obtained the Artefacts of Power. he returned to
Strangefellows where his gambling skills allowed him to replenish his coins and then moved west seeking
Artefacts. Alas he attempted to secure the Authorities continued cooperation by upping his bribe which
triggered an investigation and the Authorities to cover themselves withdrew their support.

John Brown when he gained the backing of the Authorities, he had sent the Dandy & the Doctor to
interfere with Khan & Home while he was able to pick up a Mana. Paying a street urchin, a coin he
was able to get through the Smog and acquire an artefact the Atlantean Key. Then he blindsided when
Sir Daniel Home out bribed him, and the Authorities cut their ties with The Knights of St. George in
favor of the Maze. Paying another coin for a guide through the Smog Brown retreated to Strangefellows
and contacted his Club for reimbursement. He then moved west and was able to obtain a Blood Ether.
He ended the month back at Strangefellows to regroup after hearing a rumor his rivals had managed
to secure enough Ethers.

The Friends of Oberon continue their clandestine interference in the South East section of the Nightside.

Later Turns -I started this Game at the very end of March played into April.
Then I sort of lost interest (got involved in the Bladeborn Game buying & Fluff)and it stayed on the
table until July 3rd.

I had Bladeborn going & I wanted to try it out, so I decided to finish OHMS (without additional narrative),
When I had left the Game the 3 Gentlemen had most of their needed Ethers & about half the Artifacts to win.

The Game got very interesting (to the point I wondered why I stopped in April)as the Gentlemen closed in on
the needed items. It came down to all the needed Ethers were secured and John Brown had an advantage as
he had the Shadow Master. This gave him control of the Agents and after he secured the Atlantean Key he
sent the Doctor into that Artifact Tile (the Doctor stops anyone from buying anything in its Tile.) to stop
the others from picking up the Atlantean Key.

Then Brown lost the Shadow Master & Agent Control to Khan this allowed Khan to get the Atlantean Key & find
her secret exit, Home was also able to get the Key & find his secret exit. Then Brown was able to pick up
the Adamantine Key & get his Secret exit.

Thus all 3 Gentlemen were able to secure the necessary Ethers & Artifacts to win the Game.The next move Khan
as 1st player was able to exit the Shadow Market & win. Both the other 2 Gentlemen were also in position to
exit if Khan could not.So it was close as can


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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Turmoil in the Nightside - Old Dwarf - 07-12-2022 10:39 PM

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