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Rickno7's Scenarios: Meltdown 1.0
06-17-2010, 05:43 AM
Post: #1
Rickno7's Scenarios: Meltdown 1.0
Back Story

As hinted at on several cards, this is not the first time the town has had a problem with the undead. It was after this first time that a desperate measure was decided upon by the townsfolk. If the town were ever over run, the entire town would be destroyed so the world would be spared.

To do this, the town lobbied for a nuclear power plant(The Plant) with a few modifications. Keys were given to the trusted town elders. Two would be needed so that no one person could go insane and destroy the town himself. When two of the keys are inserted, it starts a countdown that will end in the destruction of the town and all surrounding areas.

Now is the time. You must find two willing townsfolk to initiate the plan and spare the world from the undead hoard.

Set up

1. Use the field middle section and the tile with the Plant. All others are to be chosen randomly.

2. Remove the townsfolk cards from the decks. Collect the townsfolk tokens and put 6 of them in a building without having more than one townsfolk in the same building, also do not place a townsfolk in the Plant. Let the Zombie player place 3 townsfolk tokens, and let the Heroes place the other 3.

3. Remove 2 revolvers, a shotgun, and the chainsaw from the Hero deck. Remove one Lights Out and one Locked Door card from the zombie deck

4. With the Hero players not looking, the zombie player will place the 6 townsfolk cards face up with 1 of the removed zombie or hero cards that were previously mentioned(2 revolvers, a shot gun, a chainsaw, Lights Out and Locked Door)

5. All players start in The Plant

6. Place the truck between the gunshop and the plant.

7. The zombies start with 2D6 zombies placed in the middle section of the board. Spawnpoints can only be used if there are no Townsfolk in the buildings, also the plant can never be used as a spawn point.

Object of the Game

The players must go to a townsfolk and ask them to bring their key. Once they are asked, the card under them is revealed. If they agree to help, they will give the player a weapon and agree to move with them to the plant.

If the card is a zombie card, then the townsfolk rejects the idea and disappears. The zombie card is given to the zombie player and is kept in their hand until they use it. The card represents sabotage that the traitorous townsfolk does to the players. These specific cards can not be countered(though other ones drawn from the zombie deck can be)

If a zombie gets into the same square as a townsfolk before the players get to them, they die and are removed from the board. If at any time its revealed that the players can't get 2 townsfolk to the plant, then the heroes lose.

When a Hero has a willing townsfolk with them, they keep the townsfolk card with them so that people know who is with who, but they can NOT use the townsfolk card's ability and zombies can't attack the townsfolk either.

Once two townsfolk enter the plant and insert their keys, all players have 3 turns to get into the truck before the explosions begin. As long as 2 heroes leave in the truck, the Heroes win.



I'm a GM/DM at heart, so this scenario is set up around telling a story rather than trying to make everything balanced.

This scenario causes the players to think about strategy and also plan their time wisely. The Zombie player knows who are traitors, so they can easily give away which townsfolk is a traitor by not trying to attack them. So I guess the Zombie player does indeed have a bit of strategy to plan as well.

Very fun. Very easy to set up.

If you play, please let me know how things went.
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Rickno7's Scenarios: Meltdown 1.0 - Rickno7 - 06-17-2010 05:43 AM

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