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Escape in the truck- limited seating ver.
05-04-2013, 02:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2013 05:34 AM by Mr. Migi.)
Post: #1
Escape in the truck- limited seating ver.
I normally shoot from the hip most the time with my game scenarios getting moderate success. I don't often play with seasoned board game players and alcohol is usually present so....I normally don't get allot of complaints with motivation/reasoning on why you have to complete tasks in order to win. Everyone just wanted to bash zombies and all that thinking stuff was getting in the way

Everyone on here has some great ideas to add to the game and I tend to patch in pieces of them into my games. I mean no disrespect to any ones hard work and seek nothing more than to share my take on it. Imitation is flattery right?

With that being said, I really like making players paranoid and fight each other.... The Zombie player gets a feeling of hope as their hoard slowly moves in on the heroes and the heroes....well...Like I said alcohol is involved most of the time so....Now they get more things to bash on. A favorite with my old game crew was to do a fetch quest and hand out one poker card to each hero face down. Whoever had the joker card was in league with the zombies all along and could reveal it anytime to either a) escape ironic zombie death, b) on picking up the item needed or, c) dramatic effect. ah, good times....

ANYWAY I was reading deepfreeze's take on escape in the truck http://www.thezombiegame.com/forums/Thre...Reimagined and BaronVasDefrense card ideas... http://www.thezombiegame.com/forums/Thre...d-feedback and BAM! A brand new baby scenario is born!

ESCAPE IN THE TRUCK-Limited seating ver.

Word is one of the heroes has a truck, they say they can’t remember how many can fit in it…With everything going crazy they forgot to grab the keys….and it wasn’t a payday…so….the truck needs gas too….It’s the only way out of this nightmare, either they all try or die trying.
-Heroes start in the townhouse
-No additional spawn pits
-No Time limit
-Hand out number tokens to hero player’s face down
*-1 to total number of players, unless it’s a 2 or 1
-Roll for who “owns” the truck- the player who wins can look at his number token
-roll for truck position, place winner number token face down on top of truck
*Players can look at the number token only if they reach the truck, they cannot share the number with anyone else.
*Once the truck is full with gas and the keys are present the number is revealed to all players.
* reveal that there is -1 to number written unless it’s a 2 or 1. At the beginning of the game hint to heroes that there is one thing that will be revealed once the truck is full with gas and the keys are present.****ONLY USE IF MORE THAN 8 PLAYERS*****
-roll for key placement; will count as a search to find
*Keys don’t count for item space
*if player is killed keys are dropped where they died, to pick up the keys if outside must roll a 2+ otherwise keys act like they did with original placement.
* Killed players can be searched while on movement phase with a -1 to movement. Search is successful on a 4+. If search fails the player can either continue moving or stay with movement penalty still intact.
-roll and place gas can tokens, remove gas cards from hero deck
*One gas can is needed for the truck, once token is placed on the truck-the truck is full
*player must sacrifice one turn to fuel truck
*gas cans can be blown up and when being carried by another player, can be hit with a ranged weapon on a natural 6 with the same effect as if it was on the ground.
-Truck moves 3 spaces normally at the beginning of the Hero turn phase - Zombies are "killed" if truck moves into their space. Heroes must roll 3+ to avoid geting hit
*Truck can only move 2 spaces if over limit by 1- Zombies are included but “fall off” 1 space away from the truck on the end of the movement phase
*Truck cannot move if over limit by 2 or more.
*Truck cannot be destroyed, player in truck gets a +2 to roll if caught in a blast radius.
*One player must be in the truck for it to move. Player can drive the truck to go wherever they want except through buildings
*driver can only use ranged weapons, on their normal turn.
****-After hero dies- they return as a zombie hero who is controlled by the player
*Can move 3 spaces at the beginning of the Zombie phase
*Has 2 points of health
* Cannot use any of their special skills
* Can use whatever weapon card they had equipped if it wasn’t taken from them. Once they die…again… the weapon is added to the discard pile.

- At least one hero must get the truck to the road out of town or decided point on the board.
- Those who didn’t make it on the truck lose

- All heroes are dead
- All gas cans destroyed before truck is filled
Zombies are attracted to certain sounds and will automatically move one space towards it if in of +1 range of the weapon and ignore it if within 1 space of range. EXAMPLE handgun RANGE 2, ZOMBIES within 1 space of player don’t move but within 2 and 3 spaces move towards player.
• This does not count towards their normal movement
• HEROES can chose to SHOUT instead of searching or using a ranged weapon with an area effect of 2
• TRUCK - at the end of its movement phase makes a sound with the range of 3

Planning on testing this next game night, Any suggestions and feedback is greatly appreciated...I'm sure its full of holes and this goes off of just the base game right now.
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Escape in the truck- limited seating ver. - Mr. Migi - 05-04-2013 02:10 AM

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