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OD Quest
10-11-2022, 12:46 AM
Post: #1
OD Quest
As Sam just purchased an earlier edition of this Game it reminded
me that I posted up a Session Report back in 2011 for the FFG 2010 edition.
It's a brutal Game for a Hero so I made my Avatar play it-he lasted 20 turns
which is very good for that Game.

I just purchased DQ having passed it up as I already
had WHQ,HQ & Advanced HQ and frankly FFG Terrinoth
Game World leaves me rather unimpressed.

I do enjoy Runebound and once I discovered Midnight
the non Terrinoth Runebound expansion,I've used it for
for all my RB Gaming.

DQ is my type of Game however & it looked good but
I never pulled the trigger until a discussion of the Game
over on TZG about how brutal it was for the Heroes
made me think of Midnight.

So it was a short step to re-fluff DQ to a Midnight
Background as one of Midnights Villains was a Night King
who was a dragon and laid down my plastic.

This Session is my first solo game and as I tied it into
Midnight I also did a few back story references to OD
last Midnight Adventure for the true Masochist among you
a Link is provided that will explain Zardax reasons to be
upset with OD and why Taris Goodwater set him up.

Oh this is in mu usual Fluff heavy style but once OD gets into
the Dungeon every paragraph is a game turn.


Ring...Ring..Rin..Hello Babe.. Dwarfie
Boss I thought you were someone else.

It doesn't matter,and it's just a kind of nickname and
besides Avatars are entitled to a little R&R.So whats up?

A new Mission,well it has been what have you
got me into this time?At least it can't be worst than
the Midnight Mission.

What's that,you want me to go back to Midnight,NO WAY,
it's a death trap,I was lucky to get out last time!
There are some serious crazies in that Game World.

Oh it's not really Midnight,but it's going to be Midnight,
Boss this conversation is giving me a headache.This is
one of your game mash ups isn't it?Can't you just play
a damn game & let it go at that?

Sigh......OK fill me in,the game is DungeonQuest but you've
change the background from Terrinoth Runebound's World
to Eredane,in Runebound Midnight Expansion.You know if you
upped your Social Life a bit we could avoid stuff like this.

Yes I'm still listening.....I'm your Avatar,so it's not like I have
a Choice .So you feel the rational of DungeonQuest better
fits into a Midnight setting as a player is basically doomed
and it's all a matter of seeing how far you get before getting

Boss your not giving me much positive feedback here,exactly
what do I have to do?

Enter a Dungeon,grab treasure...well so far it sounds good,
but what is the catch?Traps & Monsters try to stop me...
well I guess that's to be expected,A time limit,I have to
get out before nightfall or I'm toast!

No final battle,I just get eaten!...your right it's Midnight.
For the record who eats me?.....Zardrix !!!!!!!! BOSS
that Dragon hates me,I was chased all over Eredane
by her minions,then I busted up her mirrors.That chick
has major issues with me.

You know they say Puerto Rico is a cool Game maybe
just for once you might consider buying something that
isn't going to put me in harms way.

I thought not...yes I know,I know I'm an Avatar so I
have no choice.Just give me a couple of days to sharpen
my axe.

Wait a minute,I just get dumped outside this Dungeon &
wait for it to open?It seems like there must be a back story
as to why I'm doing this...something noble to befit a
Dwarf of my stature ....Very funny Boss you know what I mean.

So let me understand this old Zardrix gets off by requiring
that once a year one of her subject races must provide
a champion to dare her Dungeon.Well it's hardly original
but I guess it will do.So I'm the Dwarf Champion.....No!
it's the year for the Gnomes to put up someone and
they select me?Why??

It was Taris Goodwater's suggestion!!...Eru I knew I should
have sent flowers or at least called,women you show
them a good time and they think it's a relationship.

Dawn.....Well this place is a rather depressing dump,I
guess I'll try the SW Tower as it's the closest.
I have a few minutes before this place opens for business,
so I better do a last supply check:..Canteen of Beer,check,
..Axe check,..Trail Mix,check,..Toilet Paper,check,Teleport Rune,check
..Damn forgot a flash light!Oh well too late now I'll just
make up a torch,at least I remembered to bring matches.

Hey,the doors are opening,Show time.

Eru,this place musty I'll just head North along the wall
and then cut over to the Treasure Chamber that
suppose to be in the center of this place.

So far so good just an empty room but wait what this?
Well I'll be a Bottle Imp..nice my Granny use to have one of

Well lets have a look-see for something else...ah here's
something ....BLAM!!!!...Damn an exploding trap & I
just lost 4 life points(16 left) plus a turn .
This is only my first room,I better watch the searching bit.

Let me get out of here,the room only opens to the east
so onward..oh,no the place is caved-in...but hey coins,
gold coins..lets see 5..11....25...32..39..40 gold coins,not

So no point in going back,I'll try climbing over all this
rubble....can't do it,just sliding back down.

Gotta keep trying..maybe if I can sort of crawl along I can
get some traction.YES made it into a corridor that heads
East.its bending North...a bit of luck,I'm headed toward the Treasure Chamber.
Crap a Portcullis!!!! Lets see if I can
budge this it.Well..well more
gold coins ,this keeps getting better & better...11.16..
22...28..30.Wow if this keeps up I can buy my own Avatar.

The corridor still going north & into another room.hmmmm
stairs down,this place must have Catacombs & whats this?
A potion bottle,I've seen this stuff before,very unstable
but it's valuable once I get out of here.

OK call me optimistic but I think I can use the catacombs to
slip into the Treasure Chamber on the sly.I'll just go down..
great it's headed East....No my torch went out &
it's twenty shades of Black.

Lets see..these matches are a tad old..oops dropped it.

Ouch!...well that one was OK but it burnt out

Another dud...this is getting serious,that Sun timer is
moving on and I'm getting nowhere. it..finally I can move on..Rumble...Rumble..
double crap I blundered into a trap & set off a cave in.

This is not good,I can't get through the rubble but
maybe if I try my crawling method.

Yes..made it....damn nearly stumbled over this chest.
What Luck..A Treasure Chest,now if I can just find a
way out of these Catacombs.

Fitt..fitt..fitt...Eru,another trap..a crossfire of arrows.
My armor stopped at least half of them but I still picked
up 5 more wound points(11 left).

Moving forward..woosh..cough,sputter....poison gas!
3 more life points(8 left) at least I can keep going.

Zap! damn I didn't see that Troll coming,I'm sucker punched
and down another 4 life points(4 left).Well bring it on big
boy...come on & get some really pissed off Dwarf.

...I grab a hand full of rocks & nail the troll (Barrage 4)
the Troll staggers back but is able to throw a rock
at me (Quick Shot 1) I dodge easily and put 1 hit on
the big ugly.

...Play time is over I bring on the Axe for a Cleaving Blow(3)
The Troll puts a flaming torch(Fire Blast 3) to me and
I Counterattack with 3 quick blows,which bring my
hits to 4 and drop the Troll.

That's it the Sun Timer is at 19 I can't fool around
in these Catacombs any longer.I was saving this but
as I need to exit now I'm using my Teleport Rune.
I'm taken to a Catacomb Entrance Room...that's rather

Well lets see what goes with this room....What th..
Razorwings..oh shi....4 life points (0 left)

OD fell on the 20th turn.I had wanted to get him to the
Treasure Chamber before trying to Exit the Dungeon.
This being the first Game I wanted to try the Catacombs
when the chance came up.

Lesson learned making test on Dwarf Agility or Luck is a

But as to OD fear not gentle reader,Avatars can't be killed.
True It's no walk in the park and he'll be moody for awhile.
cry in his beer a bit,but I'm sure his competitive nature
will return him to seek vengeance on this Dungeon.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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OD Quest - Old Dwarf - 10-11-2022 12:46 AM
RE: OD Quest - samuraitrev - 10-12-2022, 06:49 PM
RE: OD Quest - Old Dwarf - 10-13-2022, 11:57 AM

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