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Against The Reich
10-19-2011, 01:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2011 01:21 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
Against The Reich
This is our 2nd Co-Op Game this time with the Germans
as Villains.

Heroes=Jake Zane (San Francisco)& Shelly Hardgrove(Paris)
Villains =Tresa in The So.Pacific Is.& Col. Stahl (ready)

Starting Artifacts

-The Shadow of the Sacred Stone-Mexico
-Temple of Lost Souls-(Temple)So.Pacific Islands
-The Caves of Atlantis(Temple)-The Devils'Reach
-The Armor of The Dark Fire-Russia

Again I'm trying to keep this a Turn by Turn account with my beloved excess Fluff.
Basically Shelly has been recruited by
Direction Générale de la Sûreté nationale(French Secret service
in the 1930's & has enlisted her friend(with benefits )Jake
Zane to help her in her assigned mission.

Turn #1

Shelly moves to Russia

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-20-2011, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2011 10:48 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #2
RE: Against The Reich
Turn #1

Shelly moves to Russia,slipping across the E.Europe
border to try to find The Armor of the Dark Fire,an
ancient Mongol Artifact.The Soviets ever sensitive to
foreign incursions give chase.

Shelly easily wins a "Car Chase' & then an'Air Plane Chase"
to throw the Soviets off but is then ambushed by
"the Order of The Crimson Hand"a mysterious Cult
seeking the Armor of the Dark Fire for it's own
proposes but she escapes them.She manages
to move through Soviet "Occupied Territory"
and survives a "Cargo Plane Crash"to finally
acquire the Armor of the Dark Flame and 12 Glory.

Jake Zane following Shelly's instructions heads for
Mexico to search for another Artifact,The Shadow of
the Sacred Stone.His mission is however know
to others & he has to overcome an "Assassin".
Still pressing on he inquires among the locals
about the Artifact & is taken to a cave where he
is presented with the "Riddle of Nardu"which he fails
to solve & suddenly the "Walls are Closing In"

Meanwhile Tresa gains "Forbidden Knowledge"
and The Nazi War Zeppelin moves to the Indonesian
Jungle and drops off a Nazi Trooper.

Tresa is searching for The Temple of Lost Souls
in the So.Pacific Islands.Her efforts are hurried
& although she recovers 4 Fortune the Temple
Collapses on her doing 6 hits(she has 8 max)
and is thus delayed.The Villain Track goes to 1
using 3 of the 4 Fortune provided by the Temple

Col.Sthal arrives in the devils' Reach to begin a
search for The Caverns of Atlantis.

2 Artifact are replenished :The Skull of Zeus in Manchuria
and The Crown of Medusa in The Steppes.

Well Shelly's Agility & Chase bonus have been very handy
and in general our Heroes are rolling better this Game.

I hate "The Riddle of Nardu" & it came up again this
Game & as none of the Heroes used so far have a
high Lore Stat it's a real challenge.The Cliffhanger
"Walls Closing In"is not an easy roll either think
I'll have Jake extend some next turn to try to make

Shelly should go to the nearest City & sell the
The Armor of the Dark Fire which should get
us half way to victory,unless we get screwed by
another City Event.

It does seem our Villains have problems with
Temples collapsing.This is twice now in the
2 Games that they rolled a 1.

Correction-we forgot to provide the Nazi Villains Henchmen
So Tresa only takes 4 wounds from the Temple collasping
the 1st 2 wounds took out the 2 Henchmen

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-21-2011, 01:03 AM
Post: #3
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 2

Shelly travels to Shanghai to sell her Artifact
and Jack trapped with the cave "Walls Closing in"
Extending himself causing 2 wounds he makes
his Cunning roll.

Taking a chance to make up for lost time he manages
to "Stowaway on a Nazi Zeppelin"he has some
success with staying hidden but then is discovered
leading to a Fistfight at 5000'.

Shelly arriving in Shanghai encounters "Trouble in Town"
Herr Teuffel a notorious Nazi Agent & his Henchmen
realizing she has the Armor of the Dark fire attacks
her.She fights them off but at the cost of 3 wounds
(she has 4 ).She then manages to sell the Artifact
for 8 Fortune & then uses Glory to acquires a Pilot
as an Ally & heal her 3 wounds.

The Nazi War Zeppelin probably contacted by Herr
Teuffel moves into China & drops off a Nazi Trooper.

The Nazis secretly deploy a Trooper in the SW US,
a direct threat to Jake.

Col.Stahl with his Henchmen begin to explore the
Temple in The Caverns of Atlantis.He manages to secure
1 Fortune from the Temple Treasures but both
his Henchmen are lost in a treacherous rock slide.

So we're about half way to victory,but the Nazis are
on to us .It's a good thing both Jake & Shelly can
get around by plane as Nazi Troopers are blocking
many of their land options.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-22-2011, 04:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2011 04:05 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #4
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 3

Jack tries to sneak pass the "Nazi Guards" but
they find him & he takes 2 wounds.Jack does
manage to escape & recovers the Shadow of
the Sacred Stone plus 7 more Glory.

Shelly moves to The Steppes searching for
the Crown of Medusa.She found some clues
in "A shady warehouse"but in investigating
further ran a foul of "Ancient Trap"& now the
"Room is filling with Sand"

The Nazis attempted to subvert Shelly's Pilot
to Double- Cross her,but he remained loyal.

The Nazi war Zeppelin has gone to Greece & dropped
of a Trooper.While the Secret Base has activated
another Trooper in The Ivory Coast.

Tresa has gone to The Steppes to contest Shelly's
hunt for The Crown of Medusa.

Col.Stahl continues to try to recover the treasures from
The Caverns of Atlantis Temple.It's not going well he
recovers another Fortune but it cost him 2 wounds
& this time he has no Guards to take the hits.The
Temple shows disturbing signs of instability but holds.

Word of another Artifact Hammer of the Dead said to
be in Siberia is making the rounds.

So some Birthday Mojo works I finally picked up an
Artifact!.Actually I thought I failed the Nazi Guards
scored 3 hits & Jake already had 2 & 5 is his total.

But then I realized Jack has a Defense of 1 so he
was left standing,then I made the escape Cunning Roll.
I need to get him back to LA to cash in & heal.

Shelly although in a Cliffhanger now has a good shot of
picking up another Artifact & there are 2 others adjacent.
Tresa will be an added complication but she only has 2wound left.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-23-2011, 04:05 PM
Post: #5
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 4

Jack moves to LA & it's just "Another Day"he
fully recovers from his wounds & sells The Shadow
of the Sacred Stone for 4 Glory & buys a pair of
"Driving Gloves"

Shelly is KO'd as the "Room filling with Sand"
covers her.Her pilot manages to get her dug out
& she is returned to Paris for recovery,losing 5 Glory)

Meanwhile the Nazis are given "Order to Kill"if
they get anymore interference.

The War Zeppelin heads for Japan but strong head winds
allows it to get only to China.

Teresa now has the search for The Crown of Medusa
to herself with Shelly gone.She males a little progress
(2 Dangers) toward obtaining the object.

Col.Stahl is finding The Caverns of Atlantis Temple
madding but he picks up 2 more gold & another wound.

Our Heroes now have 12 Fortune (3 to Go)Shelly
being KO'd just prevented a good chance of winning
in another turn.

The Villain Track is only at 2,so the odds seem to be in
our favor.Col.Stahl being pinned down now for 4 turns
trying to recover the temple Treasure & Teresa getting
that Temple collapse has really helped keep our Heroes
ahead of the Game.We do however have a lot of Nazi
Troopers on the Board,which could slow things down.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-23-2011, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2011 07:53 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #6
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 5

Shelly now recovered ,moves to Siberia to secure
The Hammer of the Dead.She easily overcomes
"A Cargo Plane Mishap"with the Aid of her pilot.
Making her way across "A Perilous Bridge" &
surviving a bad case of "Poisoned Food"to obtain
the Artifact.

Jake travels to Tokyo & encounters "Trouble in Town"
Herr Teuffel & his Henchmen appear but Jake's
sneaks by them.

A Blizzard catches Shelly in Siberia & she suffers 2

The Nazi War Zeppelin returns to Germany & debarks
a Trooper.

The Nazi Secret base dispatches a Trooper to the
Pacific North west.

Teresa recovers The Crown of Medusa for the Reich
moving the Villain Track to 4.

Col.Stahl at the Caverns of Atlantic finds another Fortune
but the effort KO's him.

More Artifact rumors turn up The Spear of Phaxox in
Antarctica & The Tears of Time in the Andes.

If Shelly can get to a City & sell her Artifact we should
be almost home.

Still finding I have to keep checking the Temple rules,
to make sure we're doing it right.Plus I just discovered
that if a Hero is on a Sea/Land space without an Artifact
a roll has to be made to see if something happens.

In checking over my Game notes this never applied
as our Heroes were always in a City or artifact sight,
but something else to remember.

Turn 6

Jake travels to Manchuria to try his luck finding
The Skull of Zeus but becomes lost in "The Ice Caves"
and then suffers a "Yeti Attack"

Shelly arrives in Moscow & "Stocks up" on some
"Adventure Boots".She sells The Hammer of the Dead
for 7 Fortune (giving the Heroes 19,so only 1 more
to win).

The Nazis conduct"Dark Rituals"(remains in play)
The War Zeppelin heads for Arabia but a late start
means it only gets to Greece.

No action occurs at the Secret base.

Teresa moves to Devils' Reach to take over from
Col.Stahl in exploring the Caverns of Atlantis Temple.

We're 1 Fortune away from victory but this Game can bite
so we'll see.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Post: #7
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 7

In other Events The Mob exercising "Expanding Influence"
see Mobsters appear in Cape Town & London.

Shelly goes to Manchuria to help out Jake with The
Skull of Zeus.

Events continue as the "Spread of Darkness" brings
Nazi Troopers to India,the Serengeti & the Amazon

Jake escapes from the Yeti & him & Shelly push
on but are faced with a "Maze of Caves" & Shelly
fails her cunning check & now they ate "Lost in
The Darkness.

Just then the Pacific Ring of Fire acts up causing
a "Volcanic Eruption" in Manchuria which KO'd
both Shelly & Jake,they lose all their Glory &
Jakes Driving Gloves.

Another eruption in The Devil' Reach rocks the temple
in The Caverns of Atlantis but it stays standing.

The Nazi Zeppelin heads to the Bayou but only
gets as far as Spain.The Secret base remains quiet.

Teresa continues to plunder the Caverns of Atlantis
causing more instability but again the Temple remains
standing.She gets the final treasure but her guards
are eliminated.The Villain Track now goes to up 2
to 6.

Col.Stahl becomes Ready.

A new artifact is heard about The Book of The Golden
Sun in the Andes.

We were bitten having both our Heroes KO'd

This is the first Villain Event that had negative effects
on the Villains although Teresa managed to avoid both
Temple collapse roll.

This was also the first Events of the Game & they
resulted in enemies being distributed around
the board.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-25-2011, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2011 01:19 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #8
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 8

Jack goes to the Andes to track down The Tears of Time.
He finds its location but is distracted by "A Nightclub
Rendezvous"He fails his cunning test & becomes
involved in a "Shootout"

Shelly leaves Paris for the Alps on a quest for The
Book of The Golden Sun.She finds & solves "An Ancient
Puzzle" but in "Occupied Territory"fails her Agility Test &
finds herself in a "Bar Fight".

The Nazis using "Vile Tactics" establish Gestapo
cells in Hong Kong,Shanghai,Bombay,Berlin,Los Angles,
San Francisco & Rio de Janeiro.

The War Zeppelin goes to The Sahara & drops off
a Trooper.The Nazi Secret Base sends a Trooper
to the Amazon Falls.

Tresa & her bodyguards move to Antarctica to seek
the Spear of Pharox.Col.Stahl goes to Manchuria
to find the Skull of Zeus but due to the massive
manpower demands on the Reich ,goes without
bodyguards(this increases the Villain Track +2 t0 9)

Some turns you just should have stayed in bed.
Both Heroes end up in Cliffhangers (Shelly failed
agility & she rolls 6 dice!)

I now have every Nazi Trooper on the Board &
7 Cities now Occupied by the Nazi.

I only need 1 Fortune to win but both the upcoming
Cliffhangers do not look promising.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-26-2011, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 10-26-2011 01:39 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #9
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 9

Jake manages to Escape a Fight with "Zombies"
he then "Infiltrates Secret Nazi Base" & gets by
"We are not alone" both with agility roils.
This gives him 3 Dangers +5 Glory & The Tears
of Time Artifact.If he can get to a city & sell it
the Heroes will have more than enough Fortune to

Shelly Fight is against a "Nazi Commander",
Herr Teufel she scores 3 wounds on him but
as "Order to Kill"is in play he gets to roll 9
combat die & gets 4 to KO Shelly.She loses 5 Glory.
Worst as Herr Trufel can't have the 2 bodyguards
due to all the Troopers being on the Board,the Villain
Track goes to 11.

Herr Teufel becomes Tenacious"

The War Zeppelin moves to Australia but can't drop
off a Trooper due to lack of figs so the Villain Track
goes to 12.

the Nazi Secret base is due to sends out a trooper
but again none available ,Villain Track to 13.

Tresa tries to recover the Spear of Pharox &
gets a success but the Antarctic climate takes
it's toll & she suffer 2 wounds & is KO'd.

Col.Sthal continues his hunt for The Skull of Zeus
getting 2 Successes & a wound.

Herr Trufel has now joined the Artifact Hunt
jn The Alps to find The Book of the
Golden Sun.The Nazis manage to send some body
guards with him.His efforts however yield nothing.

A new Artifact is revealed,The Gauntlet of the Crimson
Hand,in The Great White North.

Shelly recovers in Paris & Tresa is delayed.

WHAT A TURN! Both sides are close to victory.
if Jake can get to a City next turn & sell his
Artifact we've won but The Nazis need only
to get 2 more Villain Track increase & as there
are no more figs that could easily happen
with The War Zeppelin or the Secret base.

I was very lucky that Tresa got Ko'd & thus
returned 2 Troopers to the Pool,as Herr
Trufel thanks to the Villain Event now is a
3rd Artifact Hunter when he came on the Board
I had 2 body guards freed up so the Villain
Track didn't move.

We've haven't bothered with all the Nazi
Troopers as they haven't been in the Heroes way.
So when we ran out it started the Villain Track
to go from 9-13.

In future Games we'll have to take some time
to eliminate those figs so the pool doesn't
run out.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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10-27-2011, 12:39 AM (This post was last modified: 10-27-2011 12:41 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #10
RE: Against The Reich
Turn 10

Jake gets the Event-"I Don't Think So"(he can use it to
cancel out Villain Events & other things)

Shelly slips out of Paris to Barcelona & lays low,it
was"Just another Day"

Jack moves to the Amazon Falls & fights off a Nazi
Trooper but takes 2 wounds.

Villain Event "Vile Tactics"comes up but "I Don't Think So"
is used to cancel it.

The War Zeppelin makes for The Heartland but the distance
is too great & only makes the Pacific.

The Nazi Secret Base directs a Trooper the The Caribbean.

Tresa is Ready,Col.Stahl gets 1 more success in looking
for the Skull of Zeus & 2 more wounds.Herr Teufel
searching for The Book of The Golden Sun,gets 2 successes
& 1 wound.

Well that was anticlimactic! I thought Jake could get
to a City & sell his Artifact & Victory.

Alas Jake rolled 2,I then realized that he could not
leave the Andes without entering a space with a Nazi
Trooper.I could try to get to Rio but I would have to
Escape a Nazi Trooper in The Amazon Falls.Plus
fight a Nazi Enemy due to the "Occupation"Vile Tactics
Event the previous turn-then take a City Card.

But Escape was a 6+ Cunning check & Jake has only
2 Cunning.As He has 4 Combat so I decided to just to
fight it out,also the Nazis would have 2 chances to
increase the villain Track on their turn either with
the War Zeppelin or Secret base.So trying to eliminate
a Nazi Trooper would return 1 to the pool.

So I still need 1 fortune & the Nazis need 2 more on
the Villain track.All those Troopers are now really
restricting movement.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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