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04-03-2012, 09:24 PM
Post: #1
Hi, here is a scenario I/we been working on. It is a Horde type scenario. Please take a momnet to check it out. Ask any question, leave nasty or helpful comments Watchmen02 Thank you


Its been a grueling gruesome past 28 hours. I don’t know how it started, it just did. The people of Woodinvale were taken by surprise when the dead started walking. But what town wouldn’t be surprised. A bunch of us gathered in Town, looking for help. Or at least some answers. For the most part the Town was quite. A bunch of us huddled in the Diner. A few of the townsfolk gathered a makeshift militia, and searched the town for survivors.

We made it to the Air Field. There were a couple of them wandering around, but we made quick work of them, finally putting them to rest. Once at the Hanger, someone managed to reach Timber Peaks on an old CB Radio. The old logging town had built some reinforced structures and was holding their own. They said they would send a Helicopter after dawn to rescue us. They also said, they would only land if it were safe.

We arrived back to town with a plan, a way out of this nightmare. There were 13 of us in total. Six of us still healthy and fit, an elderly couple, two were wounded from fighting, one ten year old and two littler ones. We started dragging old furniture, tires what ever we could to surround an area for the copter to land. Most of us we’re tied, exhausted, hungry, and frightened. We did what we could do and hoped for the best. Sure enough, about an hour past sunrise we could hear the constant thumping, a continuous sweet sound of modern machinery. We never said how many of us were stranded, and they never said how big, or small the helicopter was.
I guess all the noise was like a dinner bell. The “things” started coming from all direction, just one or two, then, a couple more. We quickly loaded the sick and elderly, then the little ones, and last the other kid. There was no room for the rest of us. The pilot agreed to come back for us, but it would take about 2 hours.

We started to realize our fate, but not yet understanding on how grave it may become.

The problem is, they almost didn’t make out of Woodinvale. The things, creatures… were everywhere. We had to shoot, kill, and kick them away, so the helicopter could take off. The Pilot, or who ever was fling it said “ If there was not a clear landing area, when we come back. We’re not pick you up” and I think he means it.

“…so, I find myself standing in the middle of town, waiting to get “picked up”. The sun is shining J and Zombies are everywhere! What a day L”

Turns: 12
(For a real time feel, each turn is 10 minutes, its 120 minutes, or 2 hours)
…but don’t try to play it in real time

Survival Tactics, Unique Items, Barricades, Well Stock, Free Search Markers, Extra Heroes, Card Pool
Horde x 4 (42), Grave Weapons, Zombie Pillage, Auto Spawn, Always Zombie Hero

SET UP (sorry, when developing this game SOTF was used)
Select 6 Heroes. Either all Random or all Selected.
Set up the Town Square ( with the wishing well ) and 4 random L boards.
The Zombie Player places 6 Barricades along any line on the Town Square. There are 9 lines on the Town Square Board. The Zombie Player places 6 barricades, 1 per line, on the Town Square board.

The Hero may Place 1 Barricade on a line, of the Town Square. Then place their Heroes anywhere on the Town Square board.

Draw 18 Hero Cards, 2 Unique Items and 2 Survival Tactics These cards can be assigned to any Hero

The Zombie Player then places random Free Search Marker in every building

If you do not have barricades, improvise something or use a Lego Block J

Barricades may be built on the 9 lines of the Town Square.

Reinforcements may be gathered from any building. To gather reinforcement the Hero must Search in a building. Searching for Reinforcements, is gathering random items to make the barricade. No actual searching or drawing of Hero cards. After declaring searching for Reinforcements, place a Supply marker on the Hero’s Card. Any Hero can carry 1 reinforcement. When carrying 1 Reinforcements, the Hero’s movement is minus 1 to their movement. When carrying 2 Reinforcements, the Hero’s movement is minus 2 to their movement. A Hero may only carry 2 Reinforcement

To Create a new Barricade in the Town Square. Place any 3 Reinforcements on a line. Once 3 Reinforcements have been laid down. It instantly becomes a Barricade.

To Build a Barricade on a Building. A Hero must first roll a 4, 5 or 6 for movement. Instead of moving, they my build a barricade along any 1 wall they are touching.

To Reinforce a Barricade, add the reinforcement to the Barricade. A Barricade can have a maximum of 3 Reinforcements on it.

A Hero my “Exert” themselves to build a Barricade/Reinforcement, on a Building. To Exert themselves, at the end of a Heroes Turn, they may take a wound to build a barricade/reinforcement along any 1 wall they are touching.

BARRICADES – A Hero may cross any Barricade with out any additional movement loss.

Zombie MUST roll a 4+ to cross a Barricade.
If the Barricade has Reinforcements – The Zombie must roll a 4+ to remove 1 Reinforcement. Once all Reinforcements have been removed, the Zombie still needs to roll a 4+ to cross the Barricade.
A Zombie Hero must first roll for their movement, then make an addition roll to cross the Barricade.
If a Zombie tries to Cross a Barricade and fails, its movement has ended.

If 2 or more Zombies cross a Center Town Square Barricade in the same turn, the barricade is destroyed. (remove it from the board)

Heroes must spend a movement to remove Reinforcements before crossing the Barricade. Example; The Hero rolls a 5 If a hero is 2 spaces away from a barricade with 2 reinforcements– they will spend 2 movement to be in the same space as the barricade – they must spend 2 movements to remove the 2 reinforcements – with their final movement point, they may then cross the barricade.

ZOMBIE Spawning Rules

Normal Spawning Pits or added Pits are not Active.

Standard Horde Spawning Rules: 3d6 Starting Zombies, 2d6 for Spawning

Zombie spawn from any grassy or outside, outer edge of an L board. Every outer edge grassy/outdoor square is now considered a Spawning Pit. Spawning must be done evenly as regular during a Spawning action,

The Heroes MUST have at least 2 Heroes on any square of the Town Square Boards, with NO Zombies in it, at the end of the 12th Turn.

Zombie Victory Condition; Kill 4 Heroes. No other conditions apply.

Designer Notes

Dots System.
Extra Heroes (2) 10
Card Pool 13 (9 plus 4 SOTF Cards-I am not sure how to add them. They are more powerful than a regular Hero Card, so 1 point each)
Tactics 3
Barricades 2
Well Stock 1
Free Search 3
TOTAL 32 Dots

Zombie Heroes 2
Zombie Pillage 1
Auto Spawn 4
Grave Weapons 3
Horde 21 4
Horde 28 4
Horde 35 4
Horde 42 4
TOTAL 26 Dots

If you do not have 42 Zombie. Use Pennies or something.

Other options that didn’t work to balance the Dots. It was all deemed to powerful, and not needed.

1 Zombie Choice Taken Over Marker 3 Dots
1 Random Taken Over Marker 2 Dots
1 Zombie Choice Lights Out Marker 2 Dots
1 Random Lights out Marker 1 Dots
Zombie Pillage 1 Dot


The biggest game determination is the buildings. With the Well Stock in play, there is a potential for 3 gun supplies and 3 first aid supplies. (stock pile) There is also the potential for much less. Well Stock and Free Search are a bitch, so are 42 zombies J

Hero- This scenario does not have any Scenario Search Items. Choose your Heroes wisely. Look for Gasoline, Shotguns and Fire Extinguisher. The scenario is not that difficult. All you need to do is clear out any square, of the center town board, and have at least 2 other Heroes that can move into it. …and no zombies in it

Zombie- Buffet is served; get it before its gone J Divide and Concur.

FAQ and Designer notes

Spawning Pits:
Every outdoor space that is on the Outer Edge of the Board, is a Spawning Pit. The printed and newly acquired pits are NOT ACTIVE – NOT A SPAWNING PIT.
Use standard spawning rules, 1 zombie per space until all spaces have 1, per spawning action.
(no, do not remove cards that add spawning pits,
deal with it, suck it, get over it.
Its like drawing Catfight and having no female heroes)

Auto Spawn, and Starting Zombies
Use 3-6 sided dice for the Starting Zombies. 3d6
Use normal Horde Spawning rules, 2-6 Sided Die. 2d6
You can only have 8 Grave Weapon Zombies
At most with perfect rolls every time, you could have spawned 162 zombies. That means you need to have dead zombies to spawn.

Using this method actually gives the feel of surrounding Woodinvale.
The zombies are not coming onto the board in massive numbers,
making it extremely difficult for the Heroes. The Zombies come
on the board in limited numbers, but spread out more evenly.

Hero Replenish and Always Zombie Heroes.
Heroes do not get replenished. This is to create a feel of need or importance for each Hero to survive. Although, The Zombie Player does not need any extra zombies on the board. Having Always Zombie Heroes re-enforces the urgency to keep every Hero alive.

Zombie Pillage (because Jenny never gets paid in gum J )
If the Last Hero Card is revealed by a Zombie card or action, the Heroes do not lose. The Heroes are just out of luck. Zombie Pillage is to help deter Heroes from camping - hunkering down - staying in one building the entire game and searching. It also gives them a more compelling reason to defend Woodinvale, or to attack zombies

(im not saying it’s a bad thing for heroes to do)

Why is there barricades on the Center Town Board ?
It adds a sense of safety for the Heroes. It allows them some safety when running across town. (barricades should slow some movement for zombies) It also allows them to Strong Hold in the Center of Town. If there were not Center Town Barricades, the Zombie would just wash over the Heroes like a tidal wave. Having the Zombie player place the first six barricades, they basically get to design their own obstacles, which is no fun. Allowing the Hero to place a final 7th barricade helps the Heroes decide on their fate.

There are 9 lines on the Center Town Board – These lines are the only location for Center Board Barricades.

As a Hero, I find the scenario to be very easy. Tear Woodinvale apart looking for the things that you need to survive.
As a Zombie, I find the scenario to be very easy. Attack, attack, attack. Ohhh one more thing attack.

The game is designed to be a drag out, knock down type of scenario. If ever one side is not engaging the other side, go play Zombie dice J The Heroes are forced to Search for either cards or reinforcement. Heroes need to hit and run before the Zombies can close them in. The Zombies need to close in on the fast moving Heroes.
(largest kill for a single attack, 26 zombies, new record for Victor)

If Doc Brody is in the discard pile at the end of the 8th Turn. Remove Doc Brody from the Game. The Annex of Timber Grove has been saved. Most of your friends from Woodinvale survived. One of the wounded had Just A Scratch, the other seemed like they Felt A Little Strange, and so they were systematically executed.

If Doc Brody is not, in the Discard pile, at the end of the 8th Turn. One of your friends has become an undead. The future of Timber Grove is uncertain.


Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-03-2012, 10:25 PM
Post: #2
RE: Overwhelmed
(04-03-2012 09:24 PM)PJON Wrote:  Hi, here is a scenario I/we been working on. It is a Horde type scenario. Please take a momnet to check it out. Ask any question, leave nasty or helpful comments Watchmen02 Thank you

I don't have time to read this whole thing because I'm about to leave for work, but 42 zombies!!! Hooooolllyyyyy crap!

I was surprised at how intimidating 28 zombies was in my "Final Wave" scenario. I can't imagine 42 zombies roaming the board. Look forward to checking out the details tomorrow. Watchmen02

“By the time I realized the danger, it was scratching at my front door.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
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04-04-2012, 03:10 PM
Post: #3
RE: Overwhelmed
(04-03-2012 10:25 PM)goodcop2000 Wrote:  
(04-03-2012 09:24 PM)PJON Wrote:  Hi, here is a scenario I/we been working on. It is a Horde type scenario. Please take a momnet to check it out. Ask any question, leave nasty or helpful comments Watchmen02 Thank you

I don't have time to read this whole thing because I'm about to leave for work, but 42 zombies!!! Hooooolllyyyyy crap!

I was surprised at how intimidating 28 zombies was in my "Final Wave" scenario. I can't imagine 42 zombies roaming the board. Look forward to checking out the details tomorrow. Watchmen02

Hi, Its not that easy to get them all on the board at once. I almost had them all on, once. The Heroes were just waiting for them to gather more. Then BOOM !!!

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-04-2012, 07:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2012 07:20 PM by vikinglad.)
Post: #4
RE: Overwhelmed
This sounds like a lot of fun. It makes my measly little 21 zed pool look rather insignificant. I would love to try this out sometime, but I will have to pull undead figs from all my other games to try to come up with the right hoard size. The minis are half the fun; playing against pennies just doesn't seem right to me. Watchmen02
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04-09-2012, 06:33 AM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2012 06:34 AM by goodcop2000.)
Post: #5
RE: Overwhelmed
(04-04-2012 03:10 PM)PJON Wrote:  Hi, Its not that easy to get them all on the board at once. I almost had them all on, once. The Heroes were just waiting for them to gather more. Then BOOM !!!

Sounds like a lot of fun. I don't have some of the things you refer to (Survival tactics, unique items, barricades, grave weapons) which I assume are all from SotF but I could improvise the barricades as you suggest and make some adjustments maybe to offset the absence of the other things.

Do you ever keep track of total zombie body count? I imagine it would be quite impressive in this scenario.

“By the time I realized the danger, it was scratching at my front door.”
― Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
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04-11-2012, 03:37 PM
Post: #6
RE: Overwhelmed
(04-09-2012 06:33 AM)goodcop2000 Wrote:  
(04-04-2012 03:10 PM)PJON Wrote:  Hi, Its not that easy to get them all on the board at once. I almost had them all on, once. The Heroes were just waiting for them to gather more. Then BOOM !!!

Sounds like a lot of fun. I don't have some of the things you refer to (Survival tactics, unique items, barricades, grave weapons) which I assume are all from SotF but I could improvise the barricades as you suggest and make some adjustments maybe to offset the absence of the other things.

Do you ever keep track of total zombie body count? I imagine it would be quite impressive in this scenario.

Hi, we we have not kept a total kill list, yet. So far the biggest 1 attack is up to 28 Zombies. Thanks to Smell of Brains, a Fire Extingusher, Flare Gun (the attack) and Gasoline.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-11-2012, 05:10 PM
Post: #7
RE: Overwhelmed
One thing i didn't get it right PJON is the barricades in the middle... are they a necessary condition for the heroes winning? And how do i place them exactly?

A image with a layout would help a lot.

Besides that the 2 zombies break barricade rule makes the barricades almost useless in this scenario...

However great fun...
Played and loved! Amazingly good scenario... good work.

A good measure for the power of a weapon is how cool it looks...
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04-11-2012, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2012 07:12 PM by PJON.)
Post: #8
RE: Overwhelmed
(04-11-2012 05:10 PM)j0hnnn Wrote:  One thing i didn't get it right PJON is the barricades in the middle... are they a necessary condition for the heroes winning? And how do i place them exactly?

Hi JOhnnn. Nope the Barricades have nothing to do with the Hero Victory condition.

At the beginning of the Game the Zombie player places 6 barricades on the lines - and only on the lines - of the town center board. The Zombie player can place one Barricade on ANY one line of the Center Town Board. The Hero Player(s) then place 1 Barricade on a line of the Center board.

It is mainly there to slow down the Zombies as they cross the feild.

A image with a layout would help a lot.

The Placement can vary. There are 9 lines on the center board, and 7 barricades to start with. I/we have tried to figure out the best over all layout, but there is none. It is best, for the Heroes, when the middle square of the Center Baord is completely barricaded.

Besides that the 2 zombies break barricade rule makes the barricades almost useless in this scenario...

It is mainly there to slow down the Zombies as they cross the feild. If the Heroes are daring enough, they could try to Strong behind the Barricades, on the Center Town board. Its also kinda fun to destroy the center town barricades. it gives the shambling horde something to do Watchmen02

Wall barricades can not be destroyed, as normal.

However great fun...
Played and loved! Amazingly good scenario... good work.

Thankz, im glad you liked it.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-11-2012, 07:34 PM
Post: #9
RE: Overwhelmed
Well then it's okay... sad part of this scenario is... that zombies should desperatelly do something against fire extinguisher carriers... because they win the game without breaking a sweat by the last round.

Lastly... i think that for this scenario Heroes should be playing before zombies.

A good measure for the power of a weapon is how cool it looks...
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04-12-2012, 02:29 PM
Post: #10
RE: Overwhelmed
Hi. yeah, I totally agree. its comletely simple for the Heroes to win. Start the Game with 6 Heroes, 18 Hero Cards, 2 Tactics and 2 Uniques. Who wouldnt want to do that ! With the Gun Shop, Pharmacy and Gas Station Well Stocked. How could they fail ?

Insane19 so sad when they do

When you played were you Zombie or Hero ?

I agree, it totally sucks to play Zombie. You only get 42 Zombies and 8 Grave Weapon. The only way to win is to constantly attack the Heroes, in every possible way.

Sheriff Anderson, Rachelle and Sam in the Pharmacy
Father Joe, Becky, and Victor in the Gun Shop

I dont know why, Hereos really dont like Exploder or Blood Spray. Hide a Stinky near by and the Heroes get real antsy. I dont know why ??? Taken Overs are a beautiful thing, keep the Padre bleeding !

Ever seen a Hero cry ? Pillage the Town !!! yah cant prevent well stock, but you can trash a whole bunch of other really good things.

I just hope its fun. Yes, the scenario is designed to be in favor of the Heroes, but so are most scenarios. the Zombie player just needs to attack, attack, attack, like most game. ( i wrote attack 3 times 'cause there are 42 zombies )

12 Turns Start in the middle, run to a building
Turn 10 start searching
Make a run for victory on turn 2 or 3
Thats only like 7 turns of actual searching, using a pick up, etc....
+/- 7 turns x 6 heroes = 42 ohhh and they start with 22 for a total of +/- 64

Zombie player has about +/- 12x4=48 Zombie Cards you get to play, hope they count.

PS During Game testing, Due to the fact that the High School does not have a Pick UP. The concept of discarding the High school was contemplated. ....and so was discarding the Gas Station. Final answer NOT. Yeah building lay out determines a bunch.
It was also contemplated on only Killing 3 Heroes.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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