
Full Version: Dumb Zombie Jokes
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Did you here about the Zombie who
held a can of Orange Juice for 3 weeks
because it said concentrate?:rolleyes:

OK if you can do better add yours.

As one zombie said to the other zombie...

The Zombie was so Dumb he........................

Took a ruler to bed to see how long he slept.

Sent a fax with a stamp on it

Though TuPac Shakur was a Jewish holiday

Asked for a price check at the Dollar Store

Tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order

Studied for a Blood Test

Sold his car for gas money

Two rotting Zombies playing Poker.....

One threw in his hand, the other laughed his head off!!

Which character in Thunderbirds do Zombies love?

[Image: 520_brains.jpg]
Alright... that was pretty good... better than OD's at least... Zombie03
Two zombies met in a bar.
First one says "hey how you doing?"
Second one says "Hey look, a talking zombie!"

What foods do zombies like to eat with their hands?
Nothing, just the hands, please.

What do you call a zombie whose been thrown in the pool? BOB
One who's been thrown on the front step? MAT
One who's been hung on the wall? ART
Thrown in a hole? PHIL
Killed by a lawyer? SUE
Eaten by wolves? HAIRY
Three zombies walk into a bar
The fourth one ducks.
Zombie Guy meets Zombie Chick,they shamble
around one another & the Zombie Guy says
Hey babe wanna go back to my place I got fresh
Braaaaaaaaains in the fridge.She says OK.

They go to the apt.have some Braaaaaains
& things start to loosen up.

The Guy Zombie says ,hey baby lets Party,come
over here.The Girll Zombie lurches up & in
so doing losses a hand.In trying to pick it up
her nose falls off .She then runs into the coffee
table & her lower leg rips off.

The Zombie Guy says damn Babe,you know the part
I want..just throw it over!!

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