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well, we played it last night. our group is an avid AH group. we usually play near max # of players and wil all the expansions possible.. so our games can take many hours.. especially since we are all cthulu and lovecraft fans.. so there is alot of cross board commentary and psuedo role playing of the characters.

I must say.. elder sign has all the flavor of the main game.. is pretty streamlined for play.. the mithos and adventeur cards that change out give you a good variety.. not the same game each time..

played against shub-n last night.. after about 2.5 hrs beat the game was quite fun. i forsee us playing lots more elder sign.. and lots less ah.
well, we played it last night. our group is an avid AH group. we usually play near max # of players and wil all the expansions possible.. so our games can take many hours.. especially since we are all cthulu and lovecraft fans.. so there is alot of cross board commentary and psuedo role playing of the characters.

I must say.. elder sign has all the flavor of the main game.. is pretty streamlined for play.. the mithos and adventeur cards that change out give you a good variety.. not the same game each time..

played against shub-n last night.. after about 2.5 hrs beat the game was quite fun. i forsee us playing lots more elder sign.. and lots less ah.
Great review. I agree the theme is a great part of the game's appeal.
Thanks for this.
i liek the fact that the cards change out each time you complete one giving it a moving game board.. plus the otherworld cards. the challanges are neat. interesting character specials. and the 1-use items keeps you on your toes!

with some dice getting locked , etc.. it makes you plan moves way more than the average baord game.

glad they have ewasy movement too.. just back to beginngin or to another card.. no counting..e tc.. speeds it up!
this weekend we played it some more.. i see there is now a faq available.. we will try it again.. another few games ( we've played a good 5-10 games now with different characters and #'s of players ). will see how the faq changes it..
there was an expansion update on the iPad version, Cthulhu I think it was and introduces a new enemy(Cthulhu) and a bunch of new chars, is this available also on the boardgame?
havn't seen it yet?
havn't seen it yet?
(06-27-2012 07:50 AM)argailwall Wrote: [ -> ]there was an expansion update on the iPad version, Cthulhu I think it was and introduces a new enemy(Cthulhu) and a bunch of new chars, is this available also on the boardgame?

The Card/Dice Game comes with Cthulhu as one of the GOO.
Alas no Expansions yet.

I had this on my phone long before I got the physical version. I thoroughly enjoy both versions although I think the digital version is far more forgiving and I rarely lose. I am yet to win a game of the physical version (bad dice rolling).

I think I like it more than AH simply because of the setup/put away time of AH.
we've lost investigators a few times, but have yet to loose the card game, save 1 time.. the first time we bumbled thru playing it... azathoth is a tad unforgiving whent he clock runs out.. Watchmen02
Oh you have no idea how bad my dice rolling is. :-) I used up all my dice rolling luck during a game of Blood Bowl in 1996
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