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As a Forensics Pathologist*, I find it rather silly to be locked out of the Morgue. Might I have the keys, please? I need to conduct a few tests whose lab results could be expedited with the access to proper equipment. Currently, the subject in question is one Jake Cartwright, who I feel may be suffering from mild cases of Delusions caused by alcohol poisoning amongst other possible hallucinogenic inducers. It may not be too late to save this man, but time is of the essence. So I ask again, may I have those keys?

*Bokya is not a real Pathologist.
Fake Pathologist always make interesting members.May the Great Worm lay some darkness on you.

We constantly make fun of Cartwright for being a drunkard while we play. Like he would have made that shot if he wasn't drunk all the time. Or maybe he could move more than one space at a time if he'd stop drinking...Please help this poor man Bokya.
If I didn't already think you deserve access, that post would have sealed the deal. LOL! That was too funny! You already had my support, but now I'll throw in an extra vote from one of the voices in my head. LOL!
Hey, I'm special! I was let in. Cool I'mma be doing this thing soon. Hopefully, I'll have something to contribute by this weekend.
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