
Full Version: Warm Bodies?!?!
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Hopping on the Twilight bandwagon is one thing, hopping on the zombie bandwagon (thanks to the popularity of The Walking Dead, Zombieland, Plants vs Zombies, and Left 4 Dead) is another, and hopping on both at the same time is on an entirely different level.

Warm Bodies is a Zombie romance story about a male zombie who gets high on the memories of a guy after eating his brains and falls in love with the girl that the guy was originally in love with.

I mean, c'mon. Seriously? Seriously?!
Oh my god that sounds terrible..why? Why?! WHY?!?!?!
I hope that this is a joke. Insane21
If you're referring to the book version there's a sweet discussion on this thread.

xoxo Zombie03
No offense to those who liked it, but it's a knee-jerk reaction to what looks like an attempt to cash in on the success of the Twillight franchise. I was fine until I saw the movie poster - shouldn't judge a book by its cover but i still can't help frowning upon this as an initial impression.

Zombie romance - i'll be keeping an eye out for this movie's trailer, that's for sure.
Well... Vampire stories is mostly about penetration, loss of innocence and tasting the forbidden fruit... Zombie stories are about mass conforming into 'consumers', non-critical masses droning about etc., destruction of anything out of the ordinary... Zombie love stories? I wont even begin to comment...
Looks like I judged the concept of a zombie-romance movie too harshly - I saw the trailer for it and it looks... acceptable.
ya know.. I can go with a good virus zombi pandemic and infected people.. maybee even some weird reanimated / limited thing.. but the zombie love story.. it's a real stretch for me???
I haven't seen the trailer yet but the concept sounds awful to me. I watched an attempt at a serious zombie romance/drama called Zombie Honeymoon and it was almost unwatchable. I did sort of like Boy Eats Girl which approached the zombie romance from a comedic angle.
Zombie Love (with apologizes to Pat Boone)

Zombie love is for the very dead
Every brains'sss an eating brain that shines for you
Zombie love is all the seven wonders
One little bite can tell you this is true

Sometimes a Zombie's day will suddenly bring blood showers
Blood to grow the infection for her first bouquet
But Zombie love can slip right through your fingers
So if she's the one don't let her shamble away

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