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Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
09-19-2011, 05:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2011 06:29 PM by thanatos.)
Post: #1
Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
My group is becoming addicted to creating scenarios - especially massive scenarios.

This is a custom scenario we are currently refining to get the challenge just right (especially turn count and how the heroes break barricades), but it is inspired partially by games like Manhunt and movies like Saw. I wanted to post our "beta" play-through to see what everyone thinks. Like I said, we're still working on getting the balance right. As you will see, several extremely lucky draws and a string of lucky rolls worked heavily in the heroes' favor.

Victor has drugged eight heroes and barricaded them on opposite sides of town while he tries to crack a vault inside the manor house holding the majority of the town's fortune (for our purposes, the manor house could be considered the town's bank). This scenario could be played by up to 11 players, though it is ideal for four (two hero players controlling the two four-hero teams, one player controlling victor, and one player controlling the zombies). In a pinch, it can be played by just 3 players, with the Zombie Player also controlling Victor. This is ONLY viable so long as the Zombie Player is willing to go after Victor as hard as he goes after the heroes.

Fuel up the vehicle on their side of town, find keys for it, and use it to smash one or both of the barricades cutting the manor house off from the rest of town.

Once one barricade has been smashed, Victor appears inside the manor house. The heroes must break through the fully reinforced barricades around the manor house and kill Victor before he cracks or blows up the safe and absconds with the town fortune.

Once Victor has been defeated, at least three heroes must reach the road out of town. BOTH teams must have at least one member among the survivors who reach the road out of town.

Crack the safe (sacrifice move action on the safe and roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the safe combination has been cracked successfully) or blow the safe up (sacrifice turn with dynamite in hand, survive all fights in the space, and roll a D6 to see how much of the cash is destroyed. On a 1 or 2, only 33% of the fortune remains. 3 or 4, 66% remains. 5 or 6, and the cash is completely unharmed)
Escape on the road out of town with the money

Kill Victor
Kill six heroes OR kill all 4 members of one hero team
Keep heroes and Victor from escaping before the sun marker reaches 0.

[Image: 01%252520-%252520Setup.jpg]

Special rules:
Hero event cards that one team draws may NOT be played on the other team until both barricades have been destroyed. This also applies to abilities like Strength of Spirit.

If one team somehow happens to draw all gas canisters or all keys, these two items MAY be traded through a single barrier to the other team.

A hero must end his turn on the truck with gas in hand to refuel a vehicle. On the next turn, any hero with keys may use the vehicle to attack the nearest barricade.

When a vehicle hits a barricade, destroy the barricade and roll a D6. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, the vehicle is totaled, and the other team must get gas and keys for their own vehicle. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6, the vehicle is still drivable and may be used to smash the second barricade.

Start the truck exactly 6 spaces from the nearest barricade. Truck has 6 movement

Start the forklift exactly 4 spaces from the nearest barricade. Forklift has 4 movement.

Any zombies directly in the path of a vehicle are killed when it moves.

Vehicles can NOT be used once barricades are destroyed

Special rules applying to Victor:
Old Betsy cannot be used on Victor

Victor can search and fight as normal. Any cards that mention effects on zombies are instead applied to heroes (likewise if heroes play cards against Victor).

Victor (and ONLY Victor) can search inside the manor house

Outside of an exploding gas can in the same space, any ability or card that "kills" a zombie only wounds Victor or other heroes.

If a hero and Victor are in the same space and a zombie attacks, the hero and Victor roll. The higher roll shoves the lower roll toward the zombie. The lower roll fights the zombie and is forced to subtract 1 from all dice rolls for being caught off-guard.
+If multiple zombies attack, the shoved hero must fight ALL of them
+If multiple heroes are in the same space with Victor, all roll. As long as one rolls higher, Victor is shoved into the zombies UNLESS one hero rolls a 1, in which case, Victor grabs and shoves them to balance himself.

Until the barricades are broken, zombies must not only spawn evenly between spawning pits, but also between sides of the board (so, on a roll of 2, one zombie must spawn on one side of the board, one on the other).

Once one barricade is broken, zombies gain autospawn

Once both barricades are broken, zombies no longer need to spawn evenly between sides of the board, but must still spawn evenly between all pits.

Scenario rules:
Gas station is well-stocked - this intentionally provides an advantage to one starting team. So that one team can't simply "call" the side with the gas station, flip a coin to see which side of the board each team starts on

The Manor house is fully barricaded (barricade + 3 reinforcements).

The ground connecting the manor house to the rest of the town has barricades that may only be destroyed by vehicular impact.

Heroes may destroy a manor house barricade by rolling for movement. The movement number is the total number of attacks they may make on a barricade that turn. Reinforcements are removed on a roll of 4+. Once all reinforcements are removed, the barricade is destroyed on a roll of 4+
NOTE: This is under consideration, as some incredibly lucky rolls meant the heroes only needed one turn and one hero to wipe out a fully reinforced barricade, and there were still heroes able to move in and wound Victor. We will try this next time with heroes only being able to make d3 attacks per turn.

Zombies may destroy a manor house barricade in the same manner, but are limited to one attack per zombie per turn.

Zombie Horde
Hero Starting Cards (2)

After one barricade collapses, Zombies autospawn

Turn one:
Setup phase:
Sally, Jade, Father Joseph, and Sam wake up groggily in the diner while, at the same time on the other side of town, Jenny, Johnny, Stacy, and Becky wake up inside the gym. Both sets of heroes hear a distorted and menacing voice asking, "Would you like to play a game?"

Peeking out the windows, both groups realize that the town has been barricaded off while they slept. The voice explains: "Four of you are in the diner. Four of you are in the gym. On one side of town is a truck, on the other, a forklift, but two blockades separate your groups. If you want to join up and take me down, you will need to find where I've hidden the keys and fuel up your respective vehicles to destroy my barricades. I'm waiting for you in the manor."

Losing no time, Stacy said, "Hey guys, that gas? I know where it is! It's in the factory!"

Johnny told his team, "I stole the keys to the forklift for a prank last week. Let's go get the gas!

Zombie Turn:
Unfortunately, while Stacy informed her team that the gas was in the factory, two zombies walked up to the entrance of the gym, blocking the heroes in.

Hero Turn:
Jenny took a shot at one of the zombies outside, killing him, but that was the only shell in her shotgun. "Hellfire and tarnation!" She cried in frustration, throwing the shotgun across the gym.

On the other side of town, Father Joseph looked under a table in the diner and exclaimed, "Just what I needed: the keys to the truck!"

Meanwhile, Sam told the heroes that he kept a can of gas in the back, just in case he ever needed to make napalm some fine morning, it being such a fine smell and all.

Turn two:
Zombie Turn:
Becky felt Haunted by the past

The second zombie outside the door clawed his way into the gym to attack Johnny, but Mr. Hyde came running in from out of nowhere to menace the zombie and save Johnny

Hero Turn:
At Last Becky found some closure and was no longer haunted by the past

Before heading to the factory, Stacy looked under the bleachers and yelled excitedly, "Just what I needed: the gas can!"

Jenny shot the signal flare at the zombie menacing Johnny, thoroughly roasting him.

On the other side of town, Sam gave Father Joseph the gas from his napalm preparation kit and Father Joseph made a run for the truck and began fueling it

Jade looked in the back of the diner and found Sam's garden shears

Turn three:
Zombie Turn:
A zombie came in to the diner to make a high-fat, high-protein meal out of Sam. Sam fended him off and shoved his cigar through the zombie's empty eye socket, burning up its brain. "Damn," he said, "that was my last stogie."

Johnny was menaced by another zombie, but fended him off and, having been a good church-goer all his life, frightened the zombie to death by telling him, "Get back you devil! The power of Christ compels you!"

Hero Turn:
Father Joseph charged at the first barricade with the truck, destroying the barricade. Miraculously, the truck survived the impact.

Hearing the perimeter alarm go off, Victor charged downstairs in the manor house.
[Image: 03%252520-%252520Victor%252520Appears.jpg]

Victor Turn:
Knowing he needed to take the manor fortune and run, Victor nonetheless spared a moment to hatch a devious plan for taking on the heroes. (Search - A Little Help here)

Turn four:
Zombie Turn:
Ominous noises began to emanate from the Hospital, as it was now Taken Over!.

Heavy Rain began to fall, but Jeb the mechanic appeared and said, "T'ain't s'posed ta rain taday. The weatherman said so." Miraculously, the Forrest Gump-like innocence of the dim-witted mechanic stopped the rain!

As the zombies began to pour out of the hospital, Old Betsy ran up to menace them, willing to die to defend her master, Sam.

Yet another zombie crashed through the diner's windows, this time going after Jade, but her garden shears made short work of it

Meanwhile, in the gym, yet another zombie came after Johnny, who really should have known better than to wear that Burger King cologne. Fortunately, Johnny easily fended it off

Hero Turn:
Sally, Sam, and Jade made a mad dash toward the manor house while Father Joseph rammed through the second barricade, totaling the truck.

Stacy, Johnny, Jenny, and Becky gathered at the door to the gym, where Stacy used the fire extinguisher to blast back two zombies

Seeing Father Joseph driving to the rescue, the highly religious group of heroes in the gym said a quick prayer of thanks, bestowing the blessing of Faith upon the valiant father.

Victor turn:
Meanwhile, Victor headed over to the safe, deadset on the town fortune socked away inside.

Turn five:
Zombie turn:
An opportunistic Zombie, smelling Victor's stench emanating from the manor house, began munching on one of the manor's barricades, destroying a reinforcement.

Brave Old Betsy proved to be no match for the zombies she was menacing, as two set upon and ate her, then threw the hospital doors wide.

Father Joseph, somewhat woozy after that second crash, was beset by two zombies. Gathering his wits, he fended off one zombie and killed the other.
[Image: 07%252520-%252520Joseph%252520kills%2525...zombie.jpg]

Meanwhile, Johnny sawed through a Zombie with his chainsaw.

Hero turn:
Johnny left the gym swinging and chopped a zombie's head off, blitzing on past where the Zombie was. The rest of his team followed toward the manor

Sam, Sally, and Jade reached the manor house

Victor turn:
Hearing the assault on his barricades, Victor decided it might be best to lay just one more plan - Search: get back you devils

Turn six:
zombie turn:
The lone Zombie ineffectually bit at a barricade reinforcement, and another zombie shuffled up beside him.

Hero turn:
Sam single-handedly ripped the barricade apart, allowing Sally and Jade to rush Victor
[Image: 09%252520-%252520Sam%252520destroys%2525...ricade.jpg]

Sally decided she would be Laying Down The Law. She fired her revolver at Victor at point blank range, wounding him

Jade attacked Victor, but was fended off

Sally attacked Victor and was fended off. Victor screamed, "Get back you she-devil!" Unfortunately for Victor, his rage left Sally with Just a Scratch

Victor turn:
Victor noticed dynamite right behind the safe and grabbed it

He swung at Jade, who was staggered by his punch, but not wounded

Sally attacked in retaliation, but was caught off guard by his cry for "A little help here!" In confusion, Sally lowered her guard long enough for Victor to shove her away.

Turn seven:
Zombie turn:
Two zombies beat on the barricaded wall, removing another reinforcement

Hero turn:
Angry at being fooled, Sally shot Victor again

Sally and Jade both attacked again, but failed to do any significant damage to Victor

Victor turn:
Victor blew the safe open and successfully fended off Sally and Jade. The explosion destroyed 1/3 of the money, but Victor hungrily grabbed the rest.
[Image: 11%252520-%252520Spoils%252520of%252520war.jpg]

Turn eight:
Zombie turn:
6 zombies smashed through the wall of the manor house

Meanwhile, 2 zombies attacked Father Joseph, but were fended off, while another zombie attacked Nurse Becky, who easily fended it off

Hero turn:
Sally shot at Victor, but missed

Johnny and Sam bum-rushed Victor, and Johnny sawed Victor's head off, recovering the town's hidden fortune

Victor was laid to rest in state at Not-so-peaceful pines, where his beautiful tombstone read...Oh, who are we kidding, they bagged him, tagged him, and slabbed him
[Image: 15%252520-%252520Victor%252520laid%25252...20slab.jpg]

Father Joseph walked up and joined Becky, helping her fend off the zombie menacing her

Turn nine:
Zombie turn:
6 zombies swarmed Johnny, Sally, Jade, and Sam.

Johnny was caught off guard and wounded, but his time on the ball-field gave him terrific Recovery

More prepared the second time around, Johnny sawed through the second zombie menacing him

Jade, not to be outdone by some stupid jock, wielded her garden shears like a pro and trimmed the heads off of two zombies

Sally was hit by a zombie, but it was just a scratch

Sam fended off the zombie attacking him
[Image: 16%252520-%252520Aftermath%252520of%2525...inside.jpg]

Outside the manor house, 5 zombies swarmed Father Joseph and Becky

Imbued with Hero's Rage, Becky killed two of the zombies, but was wounded by a third. Fortunately, her time as a nurse gave Becky recovery every bit as good as Johnny's.

Father Joseph was wounded by a zombie and screamed, "Now I'm MAD!", flying at the fifth zombie in a maniacal berserker fury and tearing it to shreds with his bare hands.
[Image: 17%252520-%252520Aftermath%252520of%2525...utside.jpg]

Hero Turn:
Flush with excitement after killing Victor, a blood-drenched Johnny turned to Sally and said, "Hey, babe, this could be our last night on earth." Hearing them outside the manor house, Father Joseph showed great Strength of Spirit and rebuked loud enough to damage his lungs.

Jade, Sally, Johnny, and Sam ran out of the manor house. Sally shot at a zombie through the barn window, but missed him

Turn ten:
Zombie turn:
Two zombies came upon Jade, Sally and Sam.
Showing the heart of a true gardener, Jade trimmed the heads again, killing one of the two, but Sam was hurt trying to protect Sally.

Another zombie came upon Jenny and Stacy, but Jenny expertly fended it off, declaring, "Once you've wrassled a pig in mud, a zombie ain't nothin'!"

Hero turn:
Johnny, now flush with the thought of Jenny mud-wrestling, rushed to the aid of Jenny and Stacy and chopped the head off the zombie menacing the two women. Jenny rolled her eyes at this unnecessary machismo.

Sally shot at a zombie, but it seemed he was unstoppable. As he advanced, Father Joseph's prayers were answered, though, and his strength of spirit gave Sally's bullet supernatural stopping power. Unfortunately this left the good father very near death's door

Turn eleven
Zombie turn:
Suddenly, the lights went out at the gas station in the distance

5 zombies swarmed Jade, who broke ahead of the other heroes. The first zombie was fended off, but the second wounded her, springing a Deadly Surprise that shook Johnny's Heroic Resolve to the core. Stacy and Jenny smelled something that reminded them of a dirty bathroom, and Jenny began to laugh.

Frustrated, Jade gathered her wits and went after the other three zombies with a vengeance, killing all three of them with all the grace of a master landscaper.
[Image: 18%252520-%252520Jade%252520kicks%252520ass.jpg]

Hero turn:
Becky, Johnny, Sam, Sally, Jenny, and Father Joseph ran up to support Jade.

Sally tried to shoot one of the remaining zombies at point blank range, but instead heard a heart-stopping "click" from the empty and worthless revolver.

Becky treated the badly-wounded Father Joseph with her first aid kit.

Swinging his chainsaw wildly, Johnny killed both zombies menacing the 7 heroes.

As the heroes breathed a sigh of relief, Becky administered first aid to the wounded Jade

Turn twelve:
Zombie turn:
Two zombies charged the 7 heroes, but Jade and Johnny came out swinging, killing both of them

Hero Turn:
At last the lights came back on in the gas station
Johnny attacked the closest zombie to the Road out of Town, but he got too cocky. The zombie wounded him, and he lost his chainsaw. Humbled in his survival, Johnny blitzed past the zombie to the road out of town.

Father Joseph reached the road out of town just behind him, with Becky, Sally, and Jenny stopping to catch their breath just a few feet behind him

Turn thirteen:
Zombie turn:
Instinctively realizing that their food was quite possibly about to get away, the zombies began to exhibit a Growing hunger.

Seeing the new fervor in the zombies' eyes, Father Joseph prayed, exerting all his strength of spirit, but this time, zombies were stronger than faith, my son.

A ravenous Zombie attacked Jenny, but she easily fended him off

Jade was also attacked, but was not so lucky, taking a wound from the hungry zombie

Hero turn:
Jenny, Stacy, and Becky casually strolled up to the road out of town, followed by Sally.

Just behind them, Jade and Sam paused to catch their breath, and the heroes raised a cheer for a job well done.
[Image: 19%252520-%252520Victory%252521.jpg]
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09-19-2011, 06:13 PM
Post: #2
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
I read the first Quarter of this, I gotta run and take cat to Vet, so I'll finish when I get back.
Just wondering, Victor only has to roll a 6 to get into the safe by giving up a move action?
And how does he get explosives? Can he search in the Manor House pulling from the same deck as the Hero's?

like I said I only read to the picture and scrolled down to see there was a WHOLE lot more, just wanted to ask to see if you can answer this while I'm gone, but if it's in the rest of what I haven't read disregard this post.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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09-19-2011, 06:28 PM
Post: #3
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
I added a quick edit to address the searching.

Victor can get into the safe two different ways. If he is in the same space as the safe, he may give up his move action and roll a D6 - if he gets a 6, it's open, otherwise it is not (we figured a 1/6 chance was fair). Otherwise, he can sacrifice his turn with dynamite in hand (and survive all fights in the space) to blow up the safe.

Victor can search inside the manor house, but he is the only character who can.

Like I said, this scenario is pretty much brand new as of last night. We came up with the base idea and did an initial play-through, and we are going to do several more play-throughs to tweak the rules before I actually post the scenario sheets. We're already thinking of adding in Jake as a second character on Victor's team to give the criminals a better chance of finding the dynamite (granted, Victor found it last night, but it was a very lucky draw). We're also considering tweaking the scenario so that Victor is usable from the start, rather than appearing after the first perimeter alarm goes off.
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09-19-2011, 10:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2011 11:13 PM by Pred.)
Post: #4
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
Might I suggest on the Victor only popping up when the Barricade is broke would be to Put a number combination on the safe like in my scenario. (the one that no one has giving me any input on) But if you plan on testing this many more times I would put a 4 Number Counters some where on the board (or off the board) and have them represent the numbers needing to be rolled to open the safe. So on a 4 number safe, (lets just say the combo would be 3256) you know its going to at least take 4 turns to open if you were lucky to roll those numbers perfectly. Remember that if one of the numbers were rolled to take that counter off. If 4 numbers ended up taking to long, shorten it to 3, or vice versa, if 4 was to quick try 5. I think it would allow Victor to have the chance of playing the whole game instead of sitting back and watching, and he may have the option of searching or safe cracking.
If you did this though I have 2 things that I wouldn't like.
1. I wouldn't like Victor or his Team (if you ended up adding one) the option to blow the safe
2. I wouldn't like victor drawing from the same Hero Deck as everyone else. In turn I think you should find some specific cards maybe 15 you think would be suitable just for Victor (or less if you think he doesn't need that many) to make it fair for him to make it out alive.

With that being said, with 2 different teams I guess I wouldn't mind so much sharing the same Hero Deck but It is a little unfair that one team has a Gas Station and the Others do not. For this situation I would recommend this:
1. Split the deck again giving a fair amount and equally strong weapons and event cards with heals to each side (this is after you pick the cards for Victor)
2. Give every gas card AND PLAY IMMEDIATELY pick any scenario search item cards to the Team WITHOUT the gas station to bring a little more equalization to the gas station ordeal (in this case pull ALL gas and Scenario Search cards THEN split the remaining deck evenly between the two teams, then add the gas and scenario search cards to the teams without Gas Station

Whew! I'm thinking way to hard on this and its not even my scenario...

Ok so if your were to use my idea of splitting up the decks, I know that may take about 10 mins prep before game to do this, so I have another all new solution to this, if you didn't like ANY of my previous ideas...

OK for this to work, You would need Invasion From Outer Space (totally worth it with great boards, new hero deck,.... I'm rambling but GET IT! ITS AWESOME!)

OK for this with regular Hero deck give a few cards to Victor like before that's all the same

BUT this is where being on two different teams would completely ROCK!
1. Take of the pickup ability for gas, from the gas station,..... UNLESS you use the boards from IFOS on the other side then simply put that board pieces that allows those Heroes to find Kerosene. Then use LNOE boards for one side IFOS boards on the other. Put the Truck on LNOE side and Forklift on the Carnival side (IFOS side), and allow the Forklift to be fueled with Kerosene.
2.Teams 1 LNOE Heroes and boards with the remaining LNOE Hero Deck and Team 2 with IFOS Heroes and boards with their own Hero Deck

then all is fair.

Also since in your case you have so many playing (Iv'e never played more than 3) you could also add in the Martians for one of your teams to play and add in so much more fun to the scenario, but that's a whole new Ball Game.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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09-20-2011, 05:50 PM
Post: #5
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
The idea for the scenario is that it is meant to be challenging for the heroes and for Victor, but not so challenging that it should be impossible for either.

Blowing the safe gives a chance of losing a lot of money for Victor (win conditions are going to change based on how much money he absconds with), and it also keeps him plundering the hero deck, which can challenge the heroes more. Giving Victor a secondary deck would make it way too easy for him to find the dynamite, and it would also keep him from really denying cards to the heroes, except for those already decided by the scenario. Giving him a separate deck would also keep the heroes from having the chance to deny VICTOR cards he needs, like the dynamite. Separate decks would be a bad idea here because it would reduce the competitive drive.

It was extremely intentional for only one set of heroes to have an "easy" gas pickup, and for neither side to have an easy time getting keys (although, in my game report, the heroes got an amazing string of lucky draws). Even in a worst-case scenario that breaks their vehicle on impact with the first barrier, however, the heroes with the gas station can pick up the gas a second time at the station and pass it across the second barrier to the second team - this encourages them to think about how to work together even while they are limited in their options. Adding a way for the second team to get the gas can easily is absolutely out of the question, as it entirely changes the dynamic of the first part of the scenario.

As to the combination, I'm willing to play-test it, because it is a cool idea, but I feel like it would take away any chance of Victor ever winning - especially if dynamite were also taken out of the equation. I'm looking at the roll as a skill check, like in D&D, not an actual, "This is the combination." At most, I would make the combination 3 digits long, and I would simply make the requirement 3 successful D6 rolls of 5 or 6 to crack the safe, because expecting someone to hit specific numbers on their rolls, even with 20 turns, seems like it would make a win for that person nearly impossible. I much prefer the RPG-style skill check, either for each individual number or for the combination as a whole, as that tends to keep the game more fun, rather than making the Victor player feel like the odds are just completely stacked against him.

Keep in mind that the barricades Victor has set in place work both ways, too, so if Victor was made playable from the beginning of the scenario, he would still be trapped in or near the manor house, even if he managed to move to the safe and crack it within the first two turns. At that point, the hero players could coordinate their searches and intentionally delay breaking down the barricades to gear up, break the barricades simultaneously, and go after him hard and heavy as soon as the barricades go down. This would also give the Zombie player the opportunity to spawn more zombies to menace both Victor and the heroes, and potentially reinforce the road out of town.

Thanks for the feedback - it has helped me solidify a few ideas about the direction of the scenario.
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09-20-2011, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2011 06:51 PM by Pred.)
Post: #6
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
(09-19-2011 05:48 PM)thanatos Wrote:  My group is becoming addicted to creating scenarios - especially massive scenarios.

This is a custom scenario we are currently refining to get the challenge just right (especially turn count and how the heroes break barricades), but it is inspired partially by games like Manhunt and movies like Saw. I wanted to post our "beta" play-through to see what everyone thinks. Like I said, we're still working on getting the balance right. As you will see, several extremely lucky draws and a string of lucky rolls worked heavily in the heroes' favor.

Victor has drugged eight heroes and barricaded them on opposite sides of town while he tries to crack a vault inside the manor house holding the majority of the town's fortune (for our purposes, the manor house could be considered the town's bank). This scenario could be played by up to 11 players, though it is ideal for four (two hero players controlling the two four-hero teams, one player controlling victor, and one player controlling the zombies). In a pinch, it can be played by just 3 players, with the Zombie Player also controlling Victor. This is ONLY viable so long as the Zombie Player is willing to go after Victor as hard as he goes after the heroes.

Fuel up the vehicle on their side of town, find keys for it, and use it to smash one or both of the barricades cutting the manor house off from the rest of town.

Once one barricade has been smashed, Victor appears inside the manor house. The heroes must break through the fully reinforced barricades around the manor house and kill Victor before he cracks or blows up the safe and absconds with the town fortune.

Once Victor has been defeated, at least three heroes must reach the road out of town. BOTH teams must have at least one member among the survivors who reach the road out of town.

Crack the safe (sacrifice move action on the safe and roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the safe combination has been cracked successfully) or blow the safe up (sacrifice turn with dynamite in hand, survive all fights in the space, and roll a D6 to see how much of the cash is destroyed. On a 1 or 2, only 33% of the fortune remains. 3 or 4, 66% remains. 5 or 6, and the cash is completely unharmed)
Escape on the road out of town with the money

Kill Victor
Kill six heroes OR kill all 4 members of one hero team
Keep heroes and Victor from escaping before the sun marker reaches 0.

OK I am just lost as to whats the point of Victor in the Game if hes not allowed to play the full game like everyone else. I thought he was supposed to be the evil bad guys who has trapped the towns folk to steal their money. So why would victor want to blow the safe and destroy the money? And on that note whats the objective results if Victor made it out of town with 33% or 66% of the money? I was just under the assumption that his objectives were to Win by stealing the Money and Leaving Town with out dying from the Zombies or the other 2 Hero Teams.

As the Heroes, I thought this was a Saw situation. In saw if there more than one person involved it usually pits them against one another so I don't see why you would want to help the other team. And their objections in your scenario report say they want to kill Victor before he opens the safe before he steals the towns fortune. whats if he blew the safe and destroyed all but 33% of the money? (whats the point then?)

The safe thing isnt really that hard to do, you say you woulndt want them to haft to roll certain numbers because you don't want Victor to roll 20x to get that number. I dont see how rolling three six's is any different if not harder. In the way I was explaining you dont roll those numbers in a row, If anytime one of the numbers were to be rolled from the safe combination they no longer haft to find that number anymore.
Example. Combination is 256 1st roll, i roll a 3, i got nothing. 2nd Turn I roll a 2, I now know 1/3rd of the combiantion and no longer haft to roll a 2.
Also check out these statistics to this:
If a Combo was used for example 256, the odds of me rolling one of these numbers is 3/6 from a d6 dice.
once one of the numbers were found, example the 2, I would now have a 2/6 chance of rolling the number needed on a d6
then you get that number and have one number left and have a 1/6 chance to finding that number.

ok so now lets look at it with rolling three 6's:
so now in this way, every time you roll you have a 1/6 of rolling a 6
so the odds of doings this is a lot harder than having a combination
and compared to just using one 6 to open the safe, even though its a 1/6 chance to open the safe just doing it once is a high probability that this will happen at least once.
witch just makes it to easy to open witch is why you dont bring him in until heroes break your barricade

Just my opion on what you should do with Objectives would be:

Hero Team 1: Vs. Hero Team 2 Vs. Victor Vs Zombies
Victor holds the detonator for Hero Teams 1 and 2, and If he escapes town both Teams will die. You objective is to Keep Victor from leaving town with money by killing him and stopping the timer to the bombs strapped to your body and escape the zombie infested Town.

Hero Team 2: Vs. Hero Team 1 Vs. Victor Vs. Zombies
Victor holds the detonator for Hero Teams 1 and 2, and If he escapes town both Teams will die. You objective is to Keep Victor from leaving town with money by killing him and stopping the timer to the bombs strapped to your body and escape the zombie infested Town.

(the catch here would be the team that kills victors gets a token of some sort, that represents a detonator that victor holds,and witch ever team that makes it out of town with this detonator lives, where as the other team dies. This would make it neat for the teams to attack one another to get the detonator)

Team Victor: Vs. Hero Team 1 Vs. Hero Team 2. Vs Zombies
(this is why I don't think victor should blow the safe because why would you want to destroy the money your trying to steal)
Victor is to break into the safe and steal the Towns Fortune and make it Out of Town before he is discovered and killed by either Zombies or either of the Hero Teams wanting the detonator you carry for their survival.

Team Zombies: Vs. Victor Vs. Hero Team 1 Vs. Hero Team 2
You objective is to stop anything from leaving town and win by keeping anyone to complete their objectives.

Now to me this is why I suggested everyone have their own decks because it gives an equality for every team and in my opinion an equality to how you would win with it being every teams Vs. every other team. Also by adding in a Combo gives Victor the ability to play the whole game, but with out testing it I wouldn't know how easy it would be for Victor to open the safe before the other teams may be ready. If you think this isn't what you were going for than by all means play it the way you want, I was just trying to help out because the objectives didn't make much sense to me, and the balance of the teams seamed to be a bit unfair.

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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09-20-2011, 08:19 PM
Post: #7
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
The motivation for all of this seems a bit strange, he has drugged a bunch of townsfolk to play a game between heroes on different sides of the town while he steals money? But, all of the heroes are allied together and trying to kill him? It doesn't flow, why didn't he just kill them at the beginning. Also, why do the heroes even worry about some guy stealing money, when there is a zombie apocalypse happening? As a suggestion, (you don't have to do it) you could maybe set it up so that victor has heavily barricaded the manor so he has ample time to steal the book of the dead or something similar and the heroes have to stop him from escaping town with it or the whole world will be overrun with the living dead. Maybe the townsfolk are the protectors of the book and victor tricked them all into hiding while he was setting everything up. It provides motivation and the game wouldn't change, maybe he blows up part of the book in the process using the dynamite and that causes strange things to occur across the town instead of losing a little money.

Also, It sounds silly that victor doesn't come into play until after the barricades are blown, what is the player playing him supposed to do in the mean time.

I think Victor should come into play at the beginning and have a hard time cracking the safe (needing many rolls to crack it) and at the same time have maybe 1 zombie a turn enter the manor house and have victor have to single handedly fend them off (I would give him some sort of advantage, maybe a gun or something). For instance, making the safe crack be a 3 number combination and victor gets to roll 1 number a turn as long as he is on the safe, hopefully the zombies will hold him off for some time while heroes attempt the break in, but if he does make all 3 numbers he can blow one or both barricades and attempt to escape.
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09-20-2011, 09:20 PM
Post: #8
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
Hi, i dont know about the senario, but I enjoyed the play-by-play. I could almost see them dancing as the headed out of town.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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09-20-2011, 09:32 PM
Post: #9
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
(09-20-2011 08:19 PM)nitro9090 Wrote:  Also, It sounds silly that victor doesn't come into play until after the barricades are blown, what is the player playing him supposed to do in the mean time.

I think Victor should come into play at the beginning and have a hard time cracking the safe (needing many rolls to crack it) and at the same time have maybe 1 zombie a turn enter the manor house and have victor have to single handedly fend them off (I would give him some sort of advantage, maybe a gun or something). For instance, making the safe crack be a 3 number combination and victor gets to roll 1 number a turn as long as he is on the safe, hopefully the zombies will hold him off for some time while heroes attempt the break in, but if he does make all 3 numbers he can blow one or both barricades and attempt to escape.

lol, did you read any of my post?

~If we are being chased by Zombies, I'm tripping you!!!Zombie13
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09-20-2011, 10:23 PM
Post: #10
RE: Game Report: Custom Scenario in progress
(09-20-2011 09:32 PM)Pred Wrote:  
(09-20-2011 08:19 PM)nitro9090 Wrote:  Also, It sounds silly that victor doesn't come into play until after the barricades are blown, what is the player playing him supposed to do in the mean time.

I think Victor should come into play at the beginning and have a hard time cracking the safe (needing many rolls to crack it) and at the same time have maybe 1 zombie a turn enter the manor house and have victor have to single handedly fend them off (I would give him some sort of advantage, maybe a gun or something). For instance, making the safe crack be a 3 number combination and victor gets to roll 1 number a turn as long as he is on the safe, hopefully the zombies will hold him off for some time while heroes attempt the break in, but if he does make all 3 numbers he can blow one or both barricades and attempt to escape.

lol, did you read any of my post?

Of course I did, I just forgot to give you credit, my bad. I did expand upon your idea.
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