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LNoE Game Report 18 Rescue Mission (me as Zombies)
03-22-2012, 06:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 07:16 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game Report 18 Rescue Mission (me as Zombies)
Hello and welcome to another game report. This scenario is from the expansion Survival of the Fittest. We discover that a dog is not necessarily a mans best friend. Also an unlikely alliance emerges. This report had to be typed out twice and took me all day! Please take 5 mins to read and enjoy!

Scenario Special Rules: Grave Weapons, Zombies Auto Spawn, Always Zombie Heroes, Survival Decks, Barricades, Heroes Replenish, Hero Card Pool (6), Townsfolk Allies.
Mission: The Heroes must get 3 out of 4 Townsfolk to The Safehouse + The Safehouse has to be Zombie free. The Zombies need to kill 2 Townsfolk or fill every space of The Safehouse with no Heroes in there.
Board Sections: High School, Gun Shop, Hospital and Junkyard.
Characters: Ash, Rachelle, Sheriff Anderson and Sally.
Starting Zombies: 9
Turns: 15

PI = Play Immediately
RIP = Remains In Play
UI = Unique Item
ST = Survival Tactic
ZGW= Zombie Grave Weapon

The Safehouse is the General Store. On the opposite side of town is the Townsfolk hide out. They are barricaded in The Bank vault. Ash starts with his Shotgun and Old Betsy. Rachelle has her Revolver, Flashlight and a Hunting Rifle. Sheriff has his Revolver and an Axe. Sally has a Fence Post.

Turn 1
Sheriff: "Ok everybody, I want you all to remain calm. We're safe in here and I promise; if you all do what I say we're all going to make it through this. Anything to add Detective Winters?"
Rachelle: "We are trained for this kind of thing. I've been on the roof and spotted some survivors across town. I flashed my Flashlight using Morse code but unfortunately I didn't get a message back. We need to get in there and help them. If we all work together we can fight our way out of this town and reach Bridestown. They will have contingency there plans for this kind of thing. Any questions?"
Ash: "Holy F%8k! Sorry to crash the party primit- I mean guys but in case you haven't noticed the world's gone to s%*t out there. I'm talking end of the world if you wanna stick around and be happy meals that's your call. This dog's been following me since Baxter. She's grumpy and she's got gas but she's saved my ass a few-"
Sheriff: "Who in God's name are you? How can we trust you? You've only just turned up. We're getting out of here. We're going to work together using synergy and we're off to Bridestown. I'm running this show. This' my town."
Ash: "WELL HELLO Mr FANCY PANTS! Listen Bridestown's not where you wanna be right now, trust me. I'm talking wall to wall all you can eat Zombie buffet. I've seen plenty of guys like you, Smalltown go down as light snacks with the rest of the poor saps following them. You wanna make it through this? We take back this town yard by yard and blow every one of those brain nibbling freaks back into hell. One more thing Smalltown (pulls out Shotgun from back holster and spins in twice and levels it at the Sheriff's face) You ever, and I mean EVER say synergy in my presence again you're getting both Barrels. YOU GOT THAT?"
The Sheriff and Ash carry on Bickering.
Suddenly The Safehouse is plunged into darkness Lights Out. Rachelle picks off 2 Zombies from her position on the Safehouse roof with her high powered Rifle. Sally Reinforces The Safehouse barricade while thinking about the ripped, arrogant, stranger. She then curses herself for getting those kind of thoughts about him, while her poor boyfriend Billy was out there.

Turn 2
A Zombie bursts through the barricade and takes a bite out of the Sheriff's arm. Ash leaps forward and snaps the arm like a twig. The Zombie howls and retracts its mangled limb.
Ash: "Watch it small town. These b£$%^&*s get frisky after dark"
Sheriff: (With a pained smile) "Th-Thanks for that stranger (cough, cough) just give me a minute. I Feel Kinda Strange"
Rachelle drops another roamer from her sniper position with the Rifle.
Ash: Hey Old Betsy go chew some bones!
Betsy pins 2 Zombies to a wall as they enter The Safehouse. The Sheriff makes a kill with his 9mm Glock Revolver. Ash blows a Zombies head to smithereens with his Shotgun. Sally finds some Keys and uses them to open a locked case. She finds a First Aid Kit and a Baseball Bat. She leaves the bat preferring to keep her unwieldy Fence Post.

Turn 3
A hungry Zombie destroys a reinforcement at The Bank desperate to tasty salty Townsfolk brains. Old Betsy's courage fails and she runs for the hills howling.
Ash: "Hey come back here. I said He- No good mangy mutt!"
Sally is wounded by a sneaky Zombie but she manages to kill 1 with her nails.
Sally: "Ow, ow ow ow ow ow, I mean like totally OW ow ow. Oh NOOO!"
Sally becomes Trapped in The Safehouse and every square is filled with Zombies. Fortunately it's not game over as there's still Heroes inside. Sally uses her First Aid Kit and heals. She wraps bandages around the wound and stops the bleeding. Rachelle discards the Rifle as it's out of ammo.
Sheriff: "Hey stranger, come here. I'm beat. We got off on the wrong foot. (ack! cough, cough) listen take this Axe get the others out of here."
Ash: "Rest up Smalltown, take it easy. The name's Ash. We're all getting out of here so spare me the 'save yourselves' speech. Carry on defending here. I'm getting those other guys outta there."
Ash makes his way to The Bank and scrambles over the Barricades.
Ash: "Alright people saddle up the calvary's arrived. Who's first? You beatnik. You're with me. The rest of you start cracking skulls or it's gonna get real cosy in here quick."
Mr Hyde joins Ash. Lizzy and T-Bone kill 2 Zombies trying to get through the barricades.

Turn 4
An enraged Zombie destroys the Reinforcement Sally had built at The Safehouse. Rachelle is wounded trying to protect Sally. Unfortunately Sally disappears under a mass of rotten limbs only to emerge minutes later as a Zombie Hero a twisted mockery of life.
Jenny crawls out of another vault in The Bank. The Zombies were growing in numbers and had began to Swarm. (Advanced Ability). Ash arrives back at the Safehouse and fires his Shotgun into the building like a man possessed. 3 Zombies are killed and Zombie Sally is wounded. Ash's Shotgun is torn out of his hand by grasping limbs and is discarded.
Rachelle and the Sheriff both get kills with their Revolvers. Jenny convinces Lizzy to follow her out of The Bank. Lizzy kills another Zombie with a knitting needle through the head. Rachelle had now proven herself as a born survivor and gained her Advanced Ability Manhunt.

Turn 5
Lizzy: "My God They've Taken The Hospital! And the Light's Out in the Gun Shop."
The ravenous Zombies destroy 2 Reinforcements at The Bank they were clearly breaking through. Ash is engulfed by Zombies and pinned to the ground. With an inhuman roar he fights his way out of rending talons and gnashing maws killing one with a crushing fist and lobotomising another with the Axe. This came at a high price as he'd been wounded twice. Jenny leaves Lizzy in Rachelle's space.
Jenny: "Ok Lizzy. You're safe now. I've got to go back for the others."
Lizzy: (with tears of gratitude) "You should have saved one of the others. I'm old, I've lived my life. What I mean is...Thank you, Thank you."
Rachelle makes it into The Safehouse with Lizzy and is joined by Ash with Mr Hyde. The Sheriff props himself up at a window and fires his Revolver killing another Zombie. The nausea and agony had become intolerable but the Sheriff had grimly sworn to serve and protect until he finally blacked out.
Sheriff: "Ash, we did good didn't we? We're Taking Back The Night". (Advanced Ability)

Turn 6
Rachelle makes another kill with her reliable Revolver. Zombies were falling everywhere and staying down.

Turn 7
The dark Gun Shop became even more sinister as it became a New Spawning Pit. Ash had realized that most of the Heroes had been bitten and he had seen what happens next. He decided the best course of action was to become a Loner.
Jenny: " Ok T-Bone You're with me. Jeb you open the barricade up and slam it shut real good. Ya hear?"
T-Bone: (Finishing a beer) "Hell! I'll follow you anywhere sweet cheeks just for the view"
Jenny: "Don't even think about it. One slimy finger touches me and it's broken"
T-Bone didn't even hear the threat as his blanket of intoxication had carried him into mental images best left in T-Bone's head. Sheriff makes another kill with his Revolver it was getting harder to focus and his limbs had began to stiffen up. Rachelle's knew she was doing the right thing when she squeezed the Revolver trigger and sent Sally to rest forever.

Turn 8
Rachelle slumped against a wall crushed by the enormity of what had happened. She'd sworn to protect that poor girl and ended up putting a bullet through her head. Suddenly hands smashed through the wooden boards the searing pain of a wound shot through her forearm. Due to sleep deprivation and fatigue Jeb had not shut The Bank barricade properly and he nodded off. He awoke to see Zombies standing all around him. His screams didn't last long and the Zombies' hunger was momentarily sated as they feasted on his entrails. The most refined, philosophical of the Zombies almost tasted a piece of brain and his bestial grunt may have described it as a kind of meaty jelly with a hint of peppercorn. However this is purely conjecture. Jenny had taken a different exit route out of The Bank only to find a Locked Door.
Rachelle and the Sheriff make another kill each. The Sheriff was close to blacking out.

Turn 9
Lizzy: "They're Coming From The Gun Shop!"
Ash: "What the-? Listen grandma they're coming from everywhere. If you want to sit blissfully unaware. Take your readers off and take the battery out of your hearing aid otherwise, button it."
Jenny, still trapped in The Bank, is wounded by a GWZ with a rusty Pitchfork. A wave of adrenaline sweeps over her as she gains a new found Heroic Resolve and pummels 2 Zombies in Hand to hand. T-Bone looks on in awe at this golden haired, goddess kicking dead asses and falls head over heels in lust. He's snapped out of his feverish thoughts as Jenny screams at him.
Jenny: "Snap out of it! What's wrong with you? (Kicking open the door) Look there's a drain cover let's head into the Sewer, you first."
A fitting analogy for T-Bone's mind...
Jenny and T-Bone emerged from the Sewers and made it into The Safehouse.
Ash brings Mr Hyde into The Safehouse. Rachelle brings Lizzy into The Safehouse too.

Result: Hero victory (3 Townsfolk rescued and cleared The Safehouse).
Weapon of choice: Revolver (9 kills)
Hero of the game: Jenny (She rescued 2 Heros from The Bank and got one of them into The Safehouse.
Townsfolk of the Game: Lizzy (2 kills)

Epilogue: The Heroes had survived the night and the sun began to rise. Much to everyone's surprise the Sheriff awoke. By some miracle his body had not succumbed to the infection. Following Ash's advice the Heroes and remaining Townsfolk wiped out the Zombies and built a perimeter fence around the town. Woodinvale had become an oasis and the Heroes became legends.

Hope you enjoyed this report. Please comment
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03-22-2012, 07:29 PM
Post: #2
RE: Game Report 18
Awsome! Yet another great report! It's like tuning in for a new tv episode every time!

Through victory my chains are broken.
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03-23-2012, 12:26 AM
Post: #3
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
Thanks Darth this took me about 8 hours to do today as I had to it twice. I've had the day off work as my car's dead. So I had the time. I may have scared a few off as turn 1's a bit wordy but I like to tell a story. also the reports would be a lot smaller without the shots but I feel they help with the narrative. Thanks for being one of my regular readers. The rest know who you are and I appreciate your support.
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03-23-2012, 12:43 AM
Post: #4
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
Those sewers keep looking cooler and cooler.
We never used the system here.

I am the reason God stopped watching.
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03-23-2012, 01:05 AM
Post: #5
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
It's quite a powerful card in certain scenarios. I've had my dead arse handed to me on a few occasions with a timely use of the sewers. l must somehow 'lose' that card!
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03-23-2012, 01:41 AM
Post: #6
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
Your hard work is really appreciated. I'm sure your game play is really enhanced because you are always thinking about how to turn something into a story. Thanks for all the hard work.

Through victory my chains are broken.
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03-23-2012, 01:41 AM
Post: #7
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
I've only just read thru the turn 1 description - loved the way you tied in Bickering!


Yay! I got my happy ending! Watchmen02 :P
Nice report as always. The painting, photography, and narrative really makes for an entertaining read. I look forward to the next one as always.
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03-23-2012, 01:58 AM
Post: #8
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
(03-23-2012 01:41 AM)munkymuddface Wrote:  I've only just read thru the turn 1 description - loved the way you tied in Bickering!

The game's so atmospheric they kind of write themselves. I mean 1 card like that can take me off on a tangent so I have to stop myself getting carried away!


Yay! I got my happy ending! Watchmen02 :P
Haha! I had you in mind and hoped you'd approve.
Nice report as always. The painting, photography, and narrative really makes for an entertaining read. I look forward to the next one as always.

Keep reading 'em and I'll keep writing them.
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03-23-2012, 04:11 AM
Post: #9
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
As always, a good read my man! Thanks for taking the time to write these up! it also helps that all your models are nice to look at in your pictures. Were you the heroes or zomboids? I can imagine the hero player(s) biting their nails when 'Trapped' was used inside the safehouse >=)
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03-23-2012, 06:46 AM
Post: #10
RE: Game Report 18 Rescue Mission
Awesome read. My favorite line this time?
Quote:T-Bone didn't even hear the threat as his blanket of intoxication had carried him into mental images best left in T-Bone's head.

My wife just saw the pics of your sewers for the first time, and she said they look real cool. She's right. Zombie17
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