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LNoE Game Report 7 Burn It To The Ground! (me as Zombies)
06-17-2011, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 07:02 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game Report 7 Burn It To The Ground! (me as Zombies)
Hello and welcome to another game report. This is gonna be shorter as I tend to drone on. I won't include all the cards. Just items, wounds, deaths etc. I'm steadily working through the scenarios this is another one from the Growing Hunger expansion.

Scenario Special Rules: Zombie Grave Dead, Free Search Markers, Heroes Replenish.
Mission The Heroes must burn the Manor House using 4 Gasoline markers to douse the 4 Zombie Spawning pits inside and a Fire item to light it.
Board Sections Supermarket, High School, Graveyard and Junkyard.
Characters Kenny, Sam, Ash and Jake.
Starting Zombies 8
Turns 17

PI = Play Immediately
RIP = Remains In Play
UI = Unique Item
ST = Survival Tactic
ZGW= Zombie Grave Weapon

Zombie Gravedead ability (Pack Mentality). Gravedead can be spawned on the board next to another Zombie.
Ash gets his Pump Shotgun and gets a Wireless Radio.

Turn 1
Ash is straight into the action as he's jumped by 2 Zombies one of them wounding him. Ash loads his Pump Shotgun and blows one of the filthy Zombies away. Jake searches using that damn ability of his and finds a Gasoline on turn 1!

Turn 2
Sam gets to pick up a card from the sacrifice on Zombie Surge and would you believe he gets another Gasoline Ash is attacked again by Zombies after his brain he decides he's had enough
"Get your filthy bones outta my mouth!"
He kills the ZGW in hand to hand and gets rotten Blood Spray all over him. Jake is also attacked taking a wound. Sam picks up a Shovel. Kenny gets a First Aid Kit. Ash gives another walking corpse both barrels of the Pump Shotgun killing it.

Turn 3
Mein Got They've Taken the...Church. Doc Broady heals Jake. Unfortunately he's wounded again! Sam finds a Revolver. Kenny pulls a Fire Extinguisher off a wall.

Turn 4
Sam picks up a Pump Shotgun then fires the Revolver which misses and is discarded. You'd think with his 'Nam service he'd be able to fire straight and bring some ammo! Kenny using I Found It picks up another Gasoline.

Turn 5
Sam gets proper narked and stoves a Zombie's head in with a Shovel. Kenny finds the Manor House surrounded.
He uses the Fire Extinguisher he lifted to move the Zombies crowded around the Manor House away from the door. Finding it locked he throws the Gasoline through the window. He dodges cold grasping hands his painfully emancipated limbs a hard target for the undead. He douses the first Zombie Pit with the Gasoline.
Jake uses the Just What I needed card to take a Gasoline. Stinking to high heaven Ash finds some more Ammo shells. Sam Gets into the Manor House too and douses the 2nd Zombie pit with his Gasoline. An ex-pacifist Zombie lurking near the Manor House is taken out by Sam's Pump Shotgun which is again discarded.

Turn 6
Sam is attacked and wounded by a particularly loathsome Zombie and driven by rage repeatedly caves it's head in straight after with the Shovel. He now has his Advanced Ability. After the adrenaline subsides he realised he's been Bitten.
"Gaghhh I went all through 'Nam for this? I 'aint ever gonna be one o' them puss heads!"
Kenny's pipe like legs are caught by a Zombie and he's dragged to the ground and he's chewed upon like a bbq rib.
A new Hero arrives (Jenny). Jake uses another Just What I needed to take a Fire Item Welding Torch. Sam filches a Pump Shotgun from the now empty Police Station. Ash picks up a First Aid Kit from the Drug Store.

Turn 7
Jenny proves impossible to resist for an amorous GWZ armed with a Sickle takes a playful nibble and wounds her. Jake breaks into the Manor House and places the last 2! Gasoline markers in the Manor House dousing the last 2 Spawning Pits. and in fine fettle decides to (as you do) eat a Zombie doctor. Killing it with How Do You Like It?

Turn 8
Ash uses his First Aid Kit and heals himself. Jake is wounded he meets Jenny in the Manor house and forgets the mission entirely.
"Hey darlin I can tell you work on a farm. How about I be your Stallion? You do realise This Could be our Last Night on Earth"
With this desperately bad chat up line Jenny leaps upon Jake's weatherworn frame and a scene ensues much more gruesome than any Zombie attack.

Turn 9
Jake was quite right as the mortified Jenny is killed. Before Jake can rescue her. Having to discard his Welding Torch to save his own life.
New Hero (Billy). Sam makes another kill with his new Pump Shotgun. Ash picks up the Signal Flare and manages to kill 4 of the Zombies feeding on Jenny's corpse with his Pump Shotgun.

Turn 10
The Zombies retaliate and Ash takes 2 wounds. One of the bites makes him ...feel kinda strange.

Turn 11
Ash picks up some Rusty Keys and discards his Wireless Radio because it only plays the song "I Like ta Move It" by the Outhere Brothers.

Turn 12
The amazingly useless Billy is taken down by a tiny little girl Zombie and wounded and finally put out of his misery by a happy Tarman Grave Dead. "More Brains!"
New Hero (Rachelle). Jake picks up the Fence Post and the Sledge Hammer and Chooses the Fence Post. Which would you have chosen? Rachelle uses a Just what I needed to take the Welding Torch. She then kills a Zombie with her Revolver.
"That's how I roll in Bridestown bitch!"

Turn 13
Ash kills a Zombie with the Signal Flare laughing as he does so. Rachelle takes another shot with the Revolver and drops another Zombie.

Turn 14
Sam gives the Shovel to the stinking Ash so he can bury his clothes.

Turn 15
Jake and Rachelle make a break into the Manor House. Jake yells
"Go get inside you have to stay this madness!"
Rachelle just makes it inside and just a few feet from the door way the terrible twosome who have previously dined on Blue Billy Steaks grab Jake and fatally bite him ending the Heroes hope of surviving the night...

Result Zombie Victory (4 Heroes killed).
Hero of the game Jake (Doused 2 pits, picked up 3 scenario search items, 1 Zombie kill)
Weapon of Choice Pump Shotgun (8 kills)
Pits Doused 4

I hope you enjoyed this close game. Please let me know your likes/dislikes of these reports as I would like to improve them. CheersZombie13
To see game report 8 see here
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LNoE Game Report 7 Burn It To The Ground! (me as Zombies) - samuraitrev - 06-17-2011 06:30 PM

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