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12-09-2008, 01:54 AM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2008 01:00 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #5
RE: AToAH/Varient
A Touch of Lovecraft

Well here it is a way to combine the Lovecraft
Mythos & a lot of the cool bits from the Arkham Horror
Games into AToE.Its not Complete yet ,I still need
to pick up using the Dunwich Horror /Kingsport Horror
& The Shadowbrook Horror stuff.Then do all the GOO
as Mythos AToE Villains with Minion Sheets.

The following are rules to convert the Arkham
Horror Board Game(AH) & supplements To A Touch
of Evil( AToE) Supplement:

1.AToE game sequence,Inv./Hero Sheets & mechanics are used
but the playing Board can be Shadowbrook,Dunwich,
Kingsport or Arkham Boards.

2.The AH ally cards are used as as allies
but their abilities are converted to AToE (see below)

3.The AToE Location Cards are NOT used ,instead use
the AH or its Supplement Location Cards with there results
converted to AToE (note if playing on the Shadowbrook
Board the regular AToE Corner Location Decks are used.
(see the Showbrook Mythos)

4.AToE Inv.are used & given a Sanity Rating which fluctuates
(see Below)

5.The AToE Mystery Deck is used in place if the Mythos Cards

6.The Villain Sheets use the Mythos Villains Sheets(see below)
& Minion Charts per that Villain.

7.The AH Unique Items,Spell,Skill,Gate,Ally,Injury & Madness
Card Decks are used as follows:

-Allies are unique to the Arkham,Dunwich,Kingsport Cards
(you can only use those Game Ally Cards on their Board)

-Unique Items,Spell & Skill Decks can contain these Cards from
all the Expansions.

-The Skill,Spell & Unique Decks MUST contain only 1 Card
of each type Spell,Item or Skill.You may however include
all the Elder Signs available in the Unique Deck.

-In the Shadowbrook Board the Skill Deck is not used
as its function are covered by the AToE Corner Decks.

-All Gate Cards from all the AH Games & Expansions are

- Injury & Madness from (DH Expansion).Whenever Inv.
Sanity or Wounds at Zero & Inv.moved to approbate
Location to heal Roll d6:

1-5 =Regular Healing of Sanity/Wounds apply as per
AToE Knock Out Rules.

6=Inv. Must take an Injury Card (if Wounds) or Madness Card
if Sanity.All Sanity or Wounds are restored & no loss
of items,cards or Inv.token but has an Injury
or Madness Card & its applied per Card Text.

- All Decks are Placed Face Down except for the Common Items

8.The Limit per Inv/Hero is 8 Items,(unless a card allows more)
Note Spells & skills are not items but Allies are.Elder Signs
are not Items.

9.AH and AToE Skill equivalents:

Luck=reroll or force any minion to reroll 1 die
Sanity=give Hero/Inv.AH Sanity tokens= to Spirit +
Honor to start.This is the Max.San Rating.

AH to AToE Skill Checks equivalents*:

Speed-roll 1 d6 to get speed to check against then roll d6
for Hero if = or over 1st die roll Hero successful.
Note use modifiers as per Card Text

Luck-use Cunning Check

Horror-use Honorl Check

Lore=use Spirit Check

Spell=not a Check instead the AH Spell Check modifier
either increases/decreases the # of die the
Caster may roll as per positive & negative
modifiers given below.

Note all checks unless noted otherwise are at +5

(*use any modifiers the card Text may call for,results
are as card text)

Other Conversions:

-When a Gate, or Doom Track movement called for
advance/retreat the Shadow track that many spaces.

-When Monster appears per Location Card Text its a 1 round
attack by a Random Monster .Roll on Location Monster Table
Inv. gets 1 Inv token per hit made on Monster.
(see Random Monster Table)

-Fight means roll on the appropriate Chart/Table
& resolve combat as per the text.

-$ or clues =Inv. Tokens.Regardless of # stated
3 is the Maximum you can gain or loose.

-Ignore references to Refresh/Exhaust on the AH Cards
the concept is not used.Also Ignore references to Monster
Trophies they are not used.

-Make text 18th/19th Century Friendly
(cars become Horses)

-Any modifiers on checks given in the Card Text are handled as

negative (-) Modifiers reduce the # of die the
Investigator/Hero rolls ,however if reduced to Zero die or less
1 die is still rolled but needs a 6 for success.

Positive (+) Modifiers allow Investigator/Hero to reroll # of
die per modifier.

-Any card text that directs Location not on the
Board instead Roll on the Boards Random Location Table.

-Party Invitation AToE Event Card=Go to Ye old Magick Shoppe

-Magistrates Mandate AtoE Event Card-Go to General Store


Blessed=reroll any 1 die
Cursed=opponent may reroll their lowest die
Note these cancel each other out as per AH rules.

-Elder Signs=allows you to cancel 1 Gate or Minion Attack
(not Villain)but roll d6 on a roll of 1-2 Elder Sign Destroyed.

-Gates=are limited if Card calls for 1 to appear it appears
on Location of the Hero/Inv who drew card .That Hero/Inv.
then pulls a Gate Token & goes to its Other World Location
and has Encounters per AH rules.When he returns roll
on that Boards Random Location Table to get Location
Inv.returns to.Note once Hero/Inv goes into gate its
removed from Board.No closing/sealing of Gates is done
in this Game.Monsters defeated on other worlds are
worth 1 Inv.Token unless that Gate is associated with
the Villain Mythos Monster in which case the defeated monster
is worth 3 Inv.Tokens(this given on the Mythos Villain

-If Gate & Monster both called for ,place the Gate as above
The Monster is drawn from the Monster Cup & placed
Randomly.Such Monsters when encountered fight as per
the regular combat rules & if defeated are worth 1 Inv.Token.

-Spells=only 1 spell can be used in turn or combat round
regular San Cost & card text apply.

-Combat=Inv/Hero's may fight with weapons checking
on Combat or Spells checking on Spirit.They may not combine
such Attacks however they may switch from round to round.
Allies/Elders who add to combat must make separate
Combat attacks when a Hero/Inv.used Spell combat.

-Ignore any card text not covered above,conduct any
Checks card requires-Succeed get d3 Inv. Tokens
Fail apply results per the AH Card Text.

- An Hero/Inv.reduced to both Zero Wounds & Zero Sanity
is devoured by the Mythos & lost forever.Remove from Game
but leave all Items & Inv.Tokens on the Board at his/her
last location.Other Inv.may search for them using a
Spirit or Cunning Check.This moves the Shadow Track
1 forward which can not be prevented.

AH Monster Conversions to AToE Minions

Use AH monster counters they convert to AToE as follows:

-Front ignore everything on front except name
Back use the symbols as follows:

-Horror Rating =use as check against Honor
(any modifiers used as above.Sanity symbols are
# of Sanity Lost if fail check.)

-Toughness=# of wounds Minion has

-Combat #=add Counter's Combat Rating (ignore
any + or - #) and Combat damage to get Combat #
for Minion

- For AToE Card purposes all Mythos Monsters are
considered Daemons

10.Buying Items is covered slightly differently in each Game
& covered in that Game board Directions.The AToE Town
Items Cards & Corner Deck Items are used plus the AH
Unique items.

11.Random Monster Cup-place the appropriate Monster
Counters in its designated cup.When a Random Monster Attack
Called for draw a Counter w/o Looking for the Attack.
See The Random Monster Encounters Summary & Table

12.The Epic Battle Cards/Sinister Plot Cards may be used
any references to Monster Trophies means Inv.Tokens.
When the Villain adds to his Doom Track it means remove
1 Wound.

13.Victory Conditions- As per AToE the Mythos Villain
must be defeated in a Showdown or The Shadow
Track runs out to end the Game.

14.Monster Encounters Summary & Tables

Monsters may be encountered several ways in
AToL Game:

1.Via an AToE Event Card-which references the Minion
Chart being used.Combat as per Minion chart.

2.Via a AH Location Card-which references the Random
Monster Tables (see below).This combat is for 1 Round
and the Inv./Hero gets 1 Inv.Token per wound made
on the Monster.

3.Via a Gate Card-which references either the Gate
Table the in or if OTHER references the Dimensional
Table.Note Gate cards are handled per the AH Rules
(pull gate cards until you get a color match & then if
specific location at is matched or if not use OTHER
text.Monsters on the Specific Gate Tables require
regular Combat and have +1 to their counter wounds #
and you can not break off.
Monsters in OTHER are for 1 Round & Inv.gets 1 Inv.
Token per wound it does to monster.

4.Note in a Shadowbrook Game Encounters are as per
the usual AToE "Corner Cards"But text to fight Minions/
Monsters is handled via a roll on the Random Location
Monster Table.


Random Monster Tables:Roll d6 for Table

1-2=Dimensional Table
3-4=Incorporeal Table
5-6=Corporal Table

Dimensional Cup-put all these counters in the Cup:

Dimensional Shamblers
Color Out of Space
Star Vampires
Hounds of Tindalos
Night Gaunts

Incorporeal Cup -put all these counters in the Cup:

Spectral Hunter

Corporal Cup-put all these counters in the Cup:


If Graveyard Location-add all Ghoul
If Woods Location -add all Dark Young

Once Drawn return Counter to box,if Cup runs
out & draw called for advance Shadow Track forward by one.

Gate Encounter Table

Roll on these Tables when Inv./Hero Location match
the Gate World.In OTHER Location use Dimensional
Cup but replace Monster back in Cup after using.
Note The Gate Monsters are always available,in some
cases you will need to "borrow"a Monster from a Location
Cup if so always return Monster to Cup.

Another Time Gate roll d4

3.Elder Things

Lost Carcosa Gate roll d6

5-6 High Priest

Another Dimension Gate roll d6

1-2 Dimensional Shambler
3-4 Hound of Tindalos
5-6 Color Out of Space

Abyss Gate roll d4

2.Night Gaunts

City of The Great Race roll d6

1-2 Flying Polyp

Yuggoth Gate roll d6

5-6.Dark Young

Hall of Caleano Gate roll d6

5-6.Wizard Whately

Dreamlands Gate roll d6

4-6.Serpent People

Plateau of Leng Gate roll d6

1-3.Leng Spiders

Rlyeh Gate Automatic

Star Spawn

Unknown Kadath Gate automatic

Night Gaunts

The Underworld Gate roll d6

1.Formless Spawn
2.Spawn of Abboth
5.Crawling One
6.Serpent People

This concludes the General Conversion Rules.Specific
Information as to the Set up & Special Rules for each
Mythos Game are covered in The Game Boards Section.

The Mythos Villains Sheets cover Stats for each GOO
and it's Minion Chart.

NOTE this is very much a Work In Progress-the above has been modified to
include some things that were left out.When its final version is ready I'll just
repost .

The Arkham Mythos Game
(uses the Arkham Horror Game Board)

Game Set Up

1.Randomly Choose a GOO Mythos Villain which
also Gives Minion Chart.

2.Choose a Hero/Investigator from the AToE Hero
Boards.Figure his/her Max San as per A Touch of Lovecraft
Rules.Give Inv.Give 2 Inv.Tokens & anything else
his/her Board calls for.

3.Set up the AToE Event Deck ,Town Items Deck & Rare Items
Chart plus the AH Unique Items,Skill, Spell Deck,
Location Decks & Arkham Ally Deck.

4.Take Minion Counters & place on Minion Chart.

Note-if you are adding the King in Yellow Variant,
Dark Pharaoh Variant or Black Goat Variant additional
Card Decks are added see the Arkham Mythos Variants.

You are now ready to begin using the regular AToE Game

Arkham Horror Map conversion to AToE:

1.The arrows are road locations

2.The Rectangle areas are Named areas they treated as Follows:

-Down Town=Draw 2 Events & keep/apply 1.Then roll d6
on 1-2 Draw a Mystery Card

-North Side,Merchant District,Easttown,Rivertown
Miskatonic Univ.,French Hill,Up Town & Southside
For all of these when end turn on roll d6 on 3-4 draw
an Event on 1-2 Draw Mystery Card ,on 5-6 Nothing.

-3.Special Locations either follow Location Text Below
or draw from that Location Deck for an Encounter.

-Bank of Arkham=Ignore Location Text just draw for

-Arkham Asylum=Go to Location Text then roll d6 on
1-2 draw from Card Deck for encounter.

-Curiosities Shoppe=Pay 3 Inv.Tokens Make a Cunning Check if
succeed take 2 unique Items & keep one(return other to bottom
of Deck).If fail take draw 1 Unique Card.

-Police Station=Pay 2 Inv.Tokens & Make an Honor Check
if succeed get +1 Cunning

-Pier Docks=Make Cunning Check succeed get 3 Inv.Tokens

-Silver Twilight Lodge=Per Location Text

-Science Building=Make a Cunning check & if succeed
get 2 Inv.Tokens.OR you can play Autopsy Event card

-Administration=Pay 5 Inv.Tokens & draw 2 skills from Deck
Keep 1 & return other to bottom of Deck.

-St.Mary's Hospital=pay 1 restore all wounds

-Ma's Boarding House= Pay 5 Inv.Tokens & draw 1 Ally
from the Ally Deck.

-Ye Olde Magic Shoppe= If Spirit 4+ you may Pay 5 Inv.
Tokens & draw 2 Spells keep 1 & return other to
bottom of the deck. Otherwise draw encounter card.

-South Church= pay 2 Inv. & make Honor roll if succeed
gain +1 Spirit OR pay 5 Inv.Tokens & be Blessed or Remove

-General Store =pay 4 Inv.Tokens & select any common Item
OR roll d12 on Rare Table & get what called for.
(See Table below).OR Pay 6 Inv.Tokens roll on Ultra Rare Table

Note on all other Arkham Locations you encounter the
Card Text

Common Items Table:

Padded Jacket
Healing Herbs

Rare Items Table:

Or roll d12 to get this item.
1 item only is available unless otherwise noted.
If item not available reroll.

1.Saber- 2 available (from Manor Deck)
2.Pitchfork-2 available(from Windmill Deck)
3.Wooden Stakes(from Windmill Deck)
4.Lantern(from Windmill Deck)
5.Dagger(from Windmill Deck)
6.Axe(from Old Abandon Keep Deck)
7.Musket-2 available(from Abandoned Keep Deck)
8.Healing Herbs(from Old Woods Deck)
9.Pistol(from Windmill Deck)
10.Book of Town History
11.Cross (from Manor Deck)
12.Woodsman's Overcoat (from Old Woods Deck)

Ultra Rare Table:

Or Roll d6 to get Deck & then die called for to get item
1 item only is available once taken reroll

#1 Manor Deck -d3

1-2.Family Bible
3-4.Book of Medicine
5.dueling Pistol(madness Supplement)
6.Holy Water

#2 Windmill Deck-d3

1-2.Lucy's Diary
3-4.Gunpowder Keg
5.Rope(Madness Supplement)
6.Hunting Rifle

#3 Abandoned Keep-d6

1.Old Carving
4.Rogue's Rapier
5.Book of the Occult

#4 Old Woods-d6

2.Booke of Witchcraft
5.Cav.Horse(Madness Supplement)

#5 Town Items-d6

1.Silver Shot
2.Book of Lore
3.Book of Town History
4.Charmed Relic
5.Runic Amulet
6.Tools of Science

#6 Reroll on this Table.

Random Location/Lair Table

Roll d4 to get # of block & then d10 to get Location

1.Block #1

1.Stage Station(Train Station)
2.St Mary's Hospital
3.Independence Square
4.Historical Society
5.River Docks
6.Silver Twilight Lodge
7.Police Station
10.Reroll on this table

2.Block #2

3.Arkham Asylum
4.South Church
5.Unvisited Isle
6.The Witch House
7.Hibb's Road House
8.Science Building
9.General Store
10.Reroll on this table

3.Block #3

1.Curiosities Shoppe
2.Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
3.The Bank
4.Ma's Boarding House
5.The Unnameable
6.Velma's Tavern (Diner)
8.Black gate
9-10.Reroll on this table

4.Block #4

1.North Side
5.Merchant District
6.French Hill
8.Miskatonic Univ.
10.Reroll on this table

The Arkham Supplements

1 of the 3 following Supplements may be added to this Game
by the following.

King in Yellow

-Add the Blight Deck& KiY Ally Deck

-Each time a the Shadow Track advances into a new area
place A Yellow Sign Token on that Area & draw a Blight Card
(these cards can not be recalled if if Shadow Track is moved

- Anytime a Mystery Card with Hysteria on it is played
it Triggers the placement of an Act Card.The 3rd Act
ends the Game with a Mythos Victory.

- Hastur is the Mythos Villain

Curse of the Dark Pharaoh

-Add Barred,Benefit,Detrimental & Exhibit Item Card Decks

- Nayarlathotep is the Mythos Villain with the
Dark Pharaoh Mask.

Black Goat of The Woods

-Add Cult & Corruption Card Decks & BGoTW Ally Deck

- If offered Cult Membership roll an Honor check
succeed & refuse Card fail Inv.must take card.Note
all Illuminati Inv. the Honor Check is +6

-Shub-Niggarath is the Mythos Villain

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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Messages In This Thread
AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 10-29-2008, 06:50 PM
RE: AToAH?Varient - Old Dwarf - 11-03-2008, 05:33 PM
RE: AToAH?Varient - Old Dwarf - 11-24-2008, 07:22 PM
A Touch of Kingsport - Old Dwarf - 11-26-2008, 11:55 PM
RE: AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 12-09-2008 01:54 AM
RE: AToAH/Varient - deadrabbit - 12-09-2008, 03:05 AM
RE: AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 12-10-2008, 12:18 AM
RE: AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 12-12-2008, 01:13 AM
RE: AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 12-14-2008, 07:12 PM
RE: AToAH/Varient - Old Dwarf - 12-14-2008, 11:56 PM

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