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LNoE Game Report 19 Search For The Truth (me as Zombies)
03-25-2012, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 07:17 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game Report 19 Search For The Truth (me as Zombies)
Hello and welcome to another game report. This scenario is from the expansion Survival of the Fittest. This report is HOT! But who gets all Discovery channel with whom...? Read on and enjoy!

Scenario Special Rules: Grave Weapons, Always Zombie Heroes, Survival Decks, Barricades, Heroes Replenish.
Mission: The Heroes must find 2 Unique Items with Keyword Records. Then depending on the Record there are different paths to take. The Zombies must dine on 3 Heroes.
Board Sections: The Factory, The Barn, Hospital and Super Market.
Characters: Becky, Sally, Sheriff Anderson and Jake Cartwright.
Starting Zombies: 9
Turns: 17

PI = Play Immediately
RIP = Remains In Play
UI = Unique Item
ST = Survival Tactic
ZGW= Zombie Grave Weapon

Sally has some Ammo. Sheriff has his Revolver plus a Flashlight. Jake rides into town looking Heroic on T.J. Thoroughbred.

Turn 1
(At the Town Center)
Sheriff: "C'mon pull yourselves together! Sally I don't know where Billy is. God knows I miss him too but he's a strong, bright kid and he knows how to shoot. We'll see him again I promise. Jake I don't like this any more than you do, but we gotta work together. None of this whacked out talk about secrets ok. It doesn't help and get down off that damn horse you're going to draw their attention."
Jake: (Appearing not to hear him) "There's something wrong here Jack. Something you know about. Something you Anderson's have always known about. You do what you've gotta do. I'm going out there to Search For The Truth and when I find it there's going to be a reckoning. YAH!!" (Jake gallops off).
Sheriff: "DAMN YOU JAKE!! What the-?"
A Zombie had snuck upon them during the debate. The Sheriff emptied his last Revolver clip into the Resilient thing and it fell motionless. He discarded his gun.
Sheriff: "Ok it's dead. Sally stay close I won't let them hurt you."

Turn 2
Sally: "I don't need you I don't need anyone!"
To protect herself from the pain of losing someone else Sally had decided to become a Loner. On the other side of town a desperate fight is taking place as Becky tries to escape the Hospital. She creeps closer and closer to the door. An inanimate body lies under a bloody white sheet. She is almost at the door. The thing under the sheet leaps up Urghhhhhh and wounds her. Becky runs from the thing she was the only Survivor in the whole Hospital. The epidemic had hit there first and seen the worst of the killing. She'd already been through a nightmare little did she know how bad things were to come... Sally finds some Keys and uses them to open a locked storeroom. Inside she finds a Hunting Rifle and a Push Broom she takes both. She caressed the barrel of the rifle almost tenderly as if finding it was the answer to all her problems. Her mother had died. Her father was an alcoholic she didn't know anymore and now she had lost the only one in her life she loved. She swore she wouldn't become one of those things either. It seemed like a dream, like it was somebody else as the she slipped the muzzle into her mouth. It seemed so natural the metallic tang and the smell of gun oil became part of her. Her finger rested lightly on the trigger as a single tear made its gentle way down the contours of her porcelain like face. It was time.
Sheriff: Sally don't do this. Look at me. SALLY!
The spell had been broken the Lawman approached slowly taking the Rifle out of her hands.
With a flash of anger he smashed the butt through a window and fired the Rifle shot killing a Zombie.
Sheriff: "For God's sake what were you thinking?"
Sally: "I'm sorry, I'm- Just leave me alone!"

Turn 3
On the other side of town. Jake stops to let T.J have a drink a Zombie leaps from the shadows straight for his horse. Jake catches the thing around the throat but is wounded as they roll on the ground. The Sheriff takes off his jacket and wraps it around Sally's shoulders.
Sheriff: "You're shaking. I said I won't let anything happen to you."
Her head nestled into his neck and she looked up into his eyes. She came towards him and the full on kiss took him completely by surprise. Hot urgency had galvanised her as she began almost tearing off his clothes.
Sheriff: "Wait, we shouldn't"
Sally: "Just for once, don't talk. This could Be Our Last Night on Earth and Jack you keep that hat on"
Jack lost all inhibitions as moral issues made way to natural urges. Books tumbled from shelves and off the shaking Library desk. Sally smiled at the 'Silence Please' sign she was pressed against. Becky had made her way over to the Diner she hadn't ate for 2 days unfortunately she was halted by a Locked Door.

Turn 4
Sally and the Sheriff lay entwined on the Library floor speechless and breathing heavy. Suddenly a Zombie Librarian rips off the stock cupboard door and cannons into Jack as he forces the abomination away from Sally. He could have just sidestepped the thing but ended up making an Unnecessary Self Sacrifice and got wounded in the process. The Sheriff manages to get his hands to his Rifle and kill the Zombie but these Resilient Zombies were hard to put down and the Rifle was discarded out of ammo. They both dressed finding it hard to meet each others gaze. Sally finds a Fire Extinguisher on the wall and takes it. Jake sat on the ground trying to wrap his wound with a torn piece of cloth.
Becky: "Wait let me help with that. I'm Rebecca, most people call me, well called me, Becky."
Jake said nothing but nodded and smiled with what he hoped was a look of gratitude. It was a pretty good field dressing and the wound healed. The Sheriff had now became someone Sally could believe in. She now knew together they were Taking Back The Night. (Sheriff's Advanced Ability)

Turn 5
Jake and Becky had began to get to know each other as Jake had given Becky some food from his pack as a gesture of goodwill. The tranquility was short lived as another Zombie came from the darkness and tore at his bandages opening Jake's wound again. The Sheriff Picks Up another Revolver and Becky fixes Jake's bandages healing the wound again.

Turn 6
Sally had decided she wasn't going to be a Loner anymore. She finally had someone she could depend on. It was time to escape this side of town the Zombies had turned into a horde around them. Perhaps drawn by the pheromones or the noise. She discards the empty Fire Extinguisher forcing the Zombies back roaring and covering their eyes. Another Zombie reopens Jake's wound this was getting ridiculous. With a horrible realization Sally had become Trapped by the dead.
The Sheriff fires his Revolver and manages to kill a Zombie with a blood drip, making a path for Sally to escape. Becky heals Jake.
Becky: "If that bandage comes off again, you're bleeding to death."

Turn 7
The numerous dead bodies had all been put in the Airplane Hanger this now became the location of a New Spawning Pit. During the desperate escape the Sheriff and Sally are wounded.
Sheriff: "Sally Go! RUN!" (To himself) "That's it girl get out of here. Oh god I can't go on I Feel Kinda Strange..."
The Sheriff aids Sally further by killing another Zombie with his Revolver.

Turn 8
With a fearful look back the Zombies were pouring in every window in the building she'd just left.
Sally: "My God They've Taken The Library."
Jake is wound never gets chance to heal as he's attacked again. The Sheriff makes it into the Factory and kills another Zombie with his Revolver. Sally was out of danger but the Sheriff was slowing down due to his injuries. Jake finds a Hunting Rifle and kills his 1st Zombie with it. Becky finds a First Aid Kit and heals Jake using her ability.

Turn 9
The Sheriff is plunged into darkness in The Factory with Lights Out.
A Zombie with that still retained a low cunning and some Fighting Instincts crept behind the Sheriff and with a crushing blow fractures his skull with a Baseball Bat.
His life was at an end but his bloody form arose from the floor and let out a tortured wail at the other Zombie who turned to seek living prey. The Sheriff had become a Zombie Hero.
A new Hero, Johnny, had arrived with an unshakeable knowledge that any Zombie trying to take a chomp out of him would be eating his heavy duty Flashlight. The Zombies were growing in number and Swarming around the town. (Advanced Ability). Jake makes another kill in the Hospital with his Rifle then discards it. Becky finds the discarded Hunting Rifle.
Becky: "This is Just What I Needed. There's nothing wrong with it! Just needs a jam clearing."

Turn 10
The Hospital was just about free of Zombies as Jake strode towards the last Zombie and smashed it in the face with a powerful cross. He hit it again and again feeling small bones of its skull break on impact. He lifted the writhing body over his head and with a powerful run up sent it crashing through the second story window onto the tarmac below. The rotten thing splattered dead on impact.
Becky: "You seem to have a Talent For Survival Mr Cartwright."
Jake: "You know I feel I owe you something, what with patching me up so many times."
They held each others gaze both of them headstrong and proud but the apocalypse seemed to put what really mattered into sharp focus.
Becky: "Come here you rough son of a bitch. I've got something that'll make you feel sooo much better"
Jake: "I gotta say. The uniform's helping already as for your bedside manner I 'aint gonna object. Hope you're ready for this girl."
Jake and Becky made sweet, sweet love like it was their Last Night on Earth. The only guy in town who hadn't had anything yet Johnny finds a Shotgun.

Turn 11
Becky feels on top of the world flushed with Overconfidence. The Antique shop is taken over by a Swarm of Zombies. Jake is attacked and bites a Zombie killing it. Screaming
Jake: How do you like it Grahhhhhh!!!
He swallowed some of the Zombie's blood and realizes he shouldn't have Bitten it. Johnny finds a Jade's Skateboard next to a dead Goth. Becky takes a Backpack off a corpse in the Hospital. She fires the Rifle and kills her 1st Zombie. Jake finds a Monkey Wrench in the Hospital boiler room and gives it to Becky. (The Wrench). Becky was wounded but ignored it as she was a Survivor. (discarded)

Turn 12
The Heavens open up with Heavy Rain. Fork lightening strikes the roof of the Hospital leaving it with Lights Out. Thunder boomed overhead as if the very forces of nature were angered by the presense of the Zombies. Sally prises a Cigar out of a dead chef's hand. Becky is wounded again and discards her First Aid Kit to heal her 2 wounds. Jake manages to make it out of the Hospital window and Jumps on the back of T.J. Thoroughbred and gallops off. A Zombie leaps out and Jake is thrown as T.J. gallops off into the night. Johnny Picks Up a First Aid Kit at the Drug Store and empties both barrels of his shotgun into a dead pharmacist's face.
Johnny: "Take two of those you rotten bitch" (BOOM!)

Turn 13
Sally has to discard her Cigar. Another Zombie with Fighting Instincts cracks Becky across her back with a Baseball Bat wounding her. She is wounded again by another Zombie. Becky manages to wound Zombie Anderson and heals Jake's Bitten with Monkey Wrench. Johnny heals Sally with his First Aid Kit. He searches the Drug Store and Picks Up another First Aid Kit. Sally finds Sam's Dog Tags and gratefully takes Johnny's First Aid Kit. Sally is wounded by a Zombie. Becky had become trapped in the Hospital and Jake was unable to save her. Zombie Anderson gives her a fatal bite.
She rises again and becomes a Zombie Hero. A new Hero, Ash, arrives at the Town Centre with his Shotgun and some Dynamite. He climbs out of the well after fighting an acrobatic Zombie down there. He surveys the town with a steely gaze and prepares to go to work. Jake fights for his life and is wounded. The Zombies were starving and becoming Ravenous. (Advanced Ability)

Turn 14
Sally: "My God They've Taken The Farmhouse"
Sally uses her First Aid Kit to fully heal her physical wounds. Johnny kills a slimy Zombie with one punch as its head comes off and cracks open on the floor like a rotten egg. The smell was indescribable. Sally gets a wound using Sam's Dog Tags. Jake finds Lizzy's Shotgun next to the corpse of an old woman. Sally gives Jake her Push Broom. Jake makes a kill with Lizzy's Shotgun. Johnny finds Doc Broady's Medical Bag next to a corpse of a doctor. Johnny gives the medical bag to Ash. Ash heals Sally.

Turn 15
Johnny: "I've Got To Get To The Post Office that's where I last saw T-Bone. He owes me $10."
Ash finds the record Doc Broady's Memoirs after searching the doctor's corpse further. The Survivors all gathered around the stranger.
Ash: "Look it's all here! These 2 names we need to find them. I'm guessing you guys know these 2 Townsfolk."
Jake: "I knew it, I told Jack but he'd never listen. He must have known all along!"
Time was running out and the Heroes needed to find 2 Townsfolk. Jake Picks Up the First Aid Kit in the Drug Store. He fires Lizzy's Shotgun out of the window and wounds Zombie Anderson.
Johnny: "You've just shot Zombie Anderson!"
Jake: "Anderson was a Zombie?"
Sally finds Jeb's Lucky Wrench. Next to a mangled corpse.
Sally: "What Jack's one of those things? Wait I recognise this it was my Step brother's. Oh God No!"
Ash heals Jake with Doc Broady's Medical Bag.

Turn 16
Johnny: "My God They've Taken The Barn Oh well, who cares, we might as well just- Arghhhhh F%*K!"
Johnny is wounded by a Recently Dead GWZ. Ash pulls his Shotgun trigger and blows Sheriff Anderson's brains out.
Ash "It's ok Sally. It's what he would have wanted"
Sally has no time to reply with an outburst as a Zombie attacks her and wounds her. She manages to kill the Zombie with Sam's Dog Tags. Johnny gets to the Post Office and finds it empty. (He loses I've got to get to the) He kills a Zombie outside with his Shotgun. Jake kills 2 Zombies with Lizzy's Shotgun. Sally takes Ash's Dynamite. Ash finds The necromonican ex mortis roughly translated Book Of Death
Ash: "No, no, no not again"
Johnny is high on Adrenaline (Advanced Ability) and the voice doesn't register.

Turn 17
Jake is wounded frozen to the spot with that voice. The Zombies seemed strengthened by it and tear at Johnny in a frenzy. They drag him to the ground and feast on him. I'd like to say his death was quick. It wasn't.

Result: Zombie victory (3 Heroes killed).
Weapon of choice: Hunting Rifle (5 kills)
Hero of the game: Ash (He found 1 of the records and killed Zombie Anderson)

(Note the Heroes had found 1 of the Townsfolk but I didn't find this out until the end of the game)

The secrets of Woodinvale are never discovered and the Zombies have taken over. Ash and Jake manage to break out of the town along with Sally. Their life on the road is fraught with danger and terror as they make for a hideout Jake knows called Timber Peak.

Hope you enjoyed this report. Please comment
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LNoE Game Report 19 Search For The Truth (me as Zombies) - samuraitrev - 03-25-2012 05:45 PM

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