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LNoE Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck (me as Heroes)
04-13-2012, 06:44 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2013 07:22 PM by samuraitrev.)
Post: #1
LNoE Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck (me as Heroes)
Hello and welcome to this game report. Read on and enjoy!

Mission: At least 2 Heroes need to escape in the Truck. The Truck needs to be filled up with Gasoline and 1 of the escaping Heroes needs to have the Truck Keys.
Board Sections: The Barn, Hospital, The Factory and Gun Shop.
Characters: Amanda, Billy, Rachelle and Stacy.
Starting Zombies: 6
Turns: 15

PI = Play Immediately
RIP = Remains In Play
UI = Unique Item
ST = Survival Tactic
ZGW= Zombie Grave Weapon

Rachelle gets Hero's Choice and starts in the Gun Shop. She has her Revolver and Flashlight. Stacy is on the same board section in The Plant. Billy gets PI Just what I needed and starts with some Gasoline. Billy and Amanda are with the Truck at the Town Centre.

Turn 1
Billy: "Look I know you wouldn't have given me a second look at school and I'm not even mad anymore about you ignoring my invitation to the prom. Fact is; I'm your best bet of getting out of here. I found this Truck; I found some fuel and dad taught me to drive. Now let's get the hell out of here before anymore of those dead freaks show."
Amanda: "I'm not going anywhere in THAT!"
Billy: "You serious?! You're about to be the main course and you're dissing my ride! 5 seconds and I'm leaving...Oh crap! Where's the keys."
Amanda: "Great plan Bond. I know why you want me to come with you. You still think you've got a chance with THIS? Do me a favour get herpes and die!"
Billy and Amanda waste precious time Bickering. Meanwhile Detective Rachelle Winters finds a Fire Extinguisher and fires her last remaining Revolver rounds at a Zombie and discards the gun. Unbelievably the Zombie gets back up...

Turn 2
Billy: "Ok the Truck's juiced up and ready to go.
(He discards the empty Gasoline can)
Amanda check in the Truck; see if you can find the Keys. Hurry I can hear the Zombies."
Stacy: "Wow! You found some fuel and a working Truck. Do you and your girlfriend mind if I hitch a ride?"
Amanda: "ME and that! Hell No! You got any Truck Keys by any chance? Boy wonder here's trying to drive it without. Nice shoes by the way. Prada?"
Rachelle Picks Up another Revolver from the Gun Shop.

Turn 3
Stacy: "I wish. Look we've got to move, fast. They're Coming From The Farmhouse. I think the family shot themselves and the smell's drawn the Zombies there."
Billy: "Your highness. May I inquire if one has happened across some key on one of your many royal visits?"
Stacy: "Wow! You two sound like you're married. I don't want to alarm anyone but we've got Zombies coming our way."
Amanda: "Screw you Billy! I'm out of here"
(Amanda becomes a Loner.)
Stacy: "Wait! We need your help. Right, there's a Stock Pile: of First Aid at the Library. If we're going to last long I say we get some supplies. Here I found a First Aid Kit"

Turn 4
Suddenly a slimy Zombie crawls out of the well and Knocks Away Stacy's First Aid Kit and falls back down the well with it.
Filthy Zombie: "Rah! Uhhhh? AGHHHHHhhhhh...."

Turn 5
Stacy: "Did you see that? I want to leave NOW! They're everywhere! They're going to get me! My God They've Taken the Airplane Hanger now! I don't mean to sound Hysterical but GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
Billy: "Shhhhh! You'll draw 'em to us."
Stacy: "Sorry, it's just- AIEEEEEEEEE!!"
(Stacy is wounded. Billy pulls off the Zombie and its Backpack comes off.)
Billy: "Neato, thanks, I'm keeping this. I wonder what's inside..."
Rachelle makes the 1st kill of the game with her Revolver. She puts the Zombie out of its misery, sprawling on the ground tangled in military razor/Barbed Wire (GWZ).

Turn 6
Rachelle: "I can't take much more. This Can't Be Happening."
Billy searches through the Zombie's belongings and finds a Lighter.

Turn 7
The Zombies had been drawn by Stacy's screaming. Billy and Stacy are mobbed. Billy gets badly wounded and Stacy gets a 2nd wound. Rachelle manages to discard This Can't Be Happening and finds another Revolver. She gives it to Stacy.
Rachelle: "Here Stacy, take this firearm, I've got one. You ok? You look like Shi- Arghh!!!"
(Rachelle is wounded)
Stacy: "Look out! They're everywhere. Hey Just What We Needed, I've found the Truck Keys. I'll just try out Revolver. I guess it's just like a camera you just point and..."
BOOM. Stacy kills her 1st Zombie a sneaky, Crawling Torso ZGW had got into the Antique Shop.
Meanwhile Amanda finds a Signal Flare and kills a Zombie with it.

Turn 8
Rachelle has to discard her Revolver. So many Zombies, so little ammo... Stacy carries on firing her Revolver and kills another Zombie.

Turn 9
The Zombies had all left the Airplane Hanger; it was no longer Taken Over. Stacy finally runs out of ammo and has to discard her Revolver because of-
Stacy: "Hopeless, it's bloody hopeless. There's Zombies all over the Truck. We'll get torn to pieces trying to get through there"
Rachelle: "No. This is not over. I've been carrying 'round this Fire Extinguisher all day for a reason. I'm going to run to the Truck and clear a path through them. You guys follow me."
All: "What?!"
Rachelle: "I've always wanted to shout this. LEROY JENKINS!!!"
The Heroes using the smoke as cover run to the Truck. Stacy fires up the ignition and the old Truck roars into life. Billy jumps into the back. Rachelle jumps into the passenger seat and yells,
Rachelle: "Ok gun it, if we hit any all the better!"
Amanda: "Like I said, I'm not riding in that fossil"
Billy: "Your call, hope you can run fast, laters!"
For the first time the clouds part and the sunlight hits the Truck window as the Heroes speed off into the distance with a new sense of hope.

Result: Hero Victory (3 Heroes escaped in the Truck with a full tank of Gasoline and the Keys)
Weapon of choice: Revolver (2 kills)
Hero of the game: Stacy (She found the Keys and killed 2 Zombies)

Upon Reflection
Yes I was lucky getting the Gasoline right off the bat. There is an optional special rule in SotF which tells you to put it back in the deck and pick another card but we never use that rule. The Heroes get it pretty rough as it is. It was great to have all my Heroes alive at the end. Billy and Stacy had 1 wound left each and I was worried they'd all get 1s when getting to the truck and get eaten. (Thank you for taking pity this time fickle dice Gods.) As you all probably know The Fire Extinguisher can be a game winning card for the Heroes and is worth keeping hold of, if possible, for these kinds of great escape moments. The Zombies spent a lot of time crowding around the Truck trying to block the escape route but it's a big area to defend. Personally I would have made a bee line for Stacy after turn 7 she only had 1 wound left and the Keys. Killing her would have made things difficult. I also would have tried to pick off the weaker Student Heroes. But it's easier said than done. As you know, the Zombies aren't that fast and sometimes there's never a Shamble when you want one.

If you've never seen the Leroy Jenkins clip look here it's probably my all time favorite short clip. (just watch it for me). These guys had their WoW characters for ages and planed their attack meticulously. Leroy Jenkins had been downstairs cooking chicken and returned. Hilarity ensues.

Hope you enjoyed this report. Please comment
To see the next game report go here
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04-13-2012, 06:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2012 06:59 PM by vikinglad.)
Post: #2
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
OMFG! I can't stop laughing.
That is so f-ing funny. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to go watch it again.

Great report, by the way. I have had fast escape in the truck games due to the search item being found at the beginning too. We toss it back in the deck for this scenario, since there are only 2 search items anyway.
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04-13-2012, 08:12 PM
Post: #3
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
Crazy, we just had a 4 turn Escape in the truck game last Friday night lol. One of the Heroes pulled the gasoline as their free starting card. Not a good night for the zombies. Though I destroyed the heroes in the second game, Plague Carriers Zombie03
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04-15-2012, 12:56 PM
Post: #4
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
haha thanks vikinglad. Wow Anim8r 4 turn Hero victory! I'm glad the Zombies got their own back the next game though!
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04-15-2012, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2012 07:43 PM by Franzoid.)
Post: #5
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
While I appreciate the story you wrote, Escape in the Truck always leaves a bad taste in my mouth :p

I'm not a fan of the scenarios that encourage the Heroes to sit and search until they get what they need, and then escape in the truck is rough because they usually have either an extra gasoline to blow up the zombies or a fire extinguisher to push them away. At least you only have to kill two of the Heroes to win I guess!

As always though keep doin' what you're doin', I love reading these.
I like that they left Amanda behind Insane20 her and Becky make me a grumpy zombie master!
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04-16-2012, 12:20 AM
Post: #6
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
Nice work! Go heroes they never seem to have a victory so this was a nice change of pace.
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04-16-2012, 05:56 PM
Post: #7
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
Thanks alderdust and franzoid for giving these reports a look. I will get the next game report up soon.
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04-16-2012, 08:12 PM
Post: #8
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck least I have chicken.


Awesome Report. I am also a fan of your new lay out. Awesome kewl story.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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04-16-2012, 08:57 PM
Post: #9
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
I have also read more than several of your reports. Didn't think of mentioning it, but keep up the good work, they sure are funny to read Watchmen02
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04-17-2012, 12:14 AM
Post: #10
RE: Game Report 2B: Escape In The Truck
I like the new reflection section it makes sense analyzing the game for strategy kind of like having hindsight seeing what you should of or could of done.
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