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OD Returns-New Project
03-25-2020, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2020 02:46 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #1
OD Returns-New Project
In the depths of a Pandemic ravaged world a
ray of hope-OD picks up his brush after 2 years

The Doom(s) Project involves painting up 3 Armies
that will be used in 2 Games ''The Doom of Erethor"
(Shadow/Elf War) & "The Doom of the Kaladrans"
(The Shadow/Dwarf War).It involves painting some
60 strands of 10mm figs(each strand has 6 figs).

The strands are mostly from the GW
"Battle of the 5 Armies" Game (2 boxes) which used GW "WarMaster'
rules which I found too fiddley so the fig strands were
never painted. A few other strands are included from
the actual WarMaster Game & special one off figs from
GW "Battle of Westros" & FFG BL2 Games.

The Doom(s) Games are based on FFG old "Midnight RPG"
the Theme being Evil has won & crushed/enslaved humanity
the only opposition left are the Elves of Erendor Forest in
the West & the Dwarves holed up in the Kaladran Mts of the East.
Both are Doomed as the Shadow Forces Campaign
against them.

Strand Figure Representation ( unless otherwise noted
are all from BoT5A ):

The Erethor Doom Forces :

Elf forces:

Snow Elves Inf. BoT5A-Elf Spear*
Snow Elves Bow-BoT5A Bow*
Elves Bow-BoT5A Bow**
*=Dk Green Cloak/Bow white w/blue wash
**=Lt.Green Cloak/Bow brown
Wildlanders BoT5A- Human Bow
Refugees -BoT5A-Human Spear
Great Bear-BoT5A-Bear
Dire Wolves-BoT5A-Wolves
Command Unit-BoT5A-Elf King & Elf Spear Strand***
***=Royal Gd. Gold Armor/Helmet

Shadow forces:

Orcs-BoT5A Goblins
Worg Riders-BoT5A Wolf Riders
Elite Worg Riders-BoT5A Chieftains
Worgs-BoT5A Wolves
Oruks-GW War of the Ring Goblins
Ogres-FFG BL2 Grotesque
Fell-GW WarMaster Skeletons
Fell Command-GW WarMaster Skeletons
Fell Command BoT5A Goblin Shaman &
GW WarMaster Skeleton strand.
Legates Advisors-BoT5A -Bard
Zardrix-Night King-BoT5A Dragon
Andherin-Night King-FFg Westros fig.
Command Unit-BoT5A-Bolog & 1 Goblin Strand

Sunauel's Army

Fell-BoT5A-mixed strands Orcs/humans (Necro paint Job)
Command Unit BoT5A- Orc Command & 1 Goblin Strand
Legate-BoT5A Elf King (seduced Elf)

The Kaladrans Forces

Dwarf Forces:

-Dwarf Axe Inf.-BoT5A Dwarves
-Humans Bow( Wildlanders)-BoT5A Human bow
-Human Inf ( Militia)-BoT5A =Human spears
-Command Unit -BoT5A -Dain & 1 Dwarf Strand
-Dwarf Hero-BoT5A-Thorn & 1 Dwarf Strand
-Followers of the White Mother-Dissident Orcs-
BoT5A Orc Goblins Strand

Shadow Forces:

Same as Erethor Shadow Forces Except:

No Fell Skeletons/Worg Riders
BoT5A Dragon is called Arynix
FFg Westros fig is Jahir Night King
Breaker of Holds-Giant-FFG BL2 Berserker

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-26-2020, 02:13 PM
Post: #2
RE: OD Returns-New Project
I had checked my paints (mostly Army painter Warpaints)
& found a few had not survived setting around for 2 Years.

So I need to reorder a few. I went to the Army Painter
Web online Store & found a lot of the paints had changed
names or were no longer offered as they were parts of
Special deals for Zombicide/Black Plague & such.

I decided to bite the bullet & go to the GW web store
& it had a notice they weren't accepting orders due
to the Pandemic!

So I tried CoolStuff Inc. my usual go to but found
they didn't sell paints. I then tried Miniature Market
& they did have Army Painter in stock.It was a
little fiddley going through their inventory but
I found what I needed.Oddly they didn't have
human flesh but I think I can make due with
what I have as I only have 4 &1/2 strands of
human troops.They did have Elf Flesh thankfully
as I have a lot of Elves to paint.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-26-2020, 06:52 PM
Post: #3
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Great to hear you have this project going on. I really like that mood of the impending battle. The forlorn hope of the defenders of order and freedom. I will keep watching how you get on with this project.Zombie17
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03-27-2020, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2020 11:19 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #4
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Well it's gotta be done Zombie10 .I'm going down to my
basement paint room & get it set up for the Doom(s)

The base coated troop strands are now in boxes by
Army type so it's on to my paint table. Alas I must
move the 20+ Gears of War figs that been setting there
for 2 years half done (I don't know why I can't finish them up ??? )

I also have paint pots all over the table from where I finished my
last big project for COMON's Black Plague.
I'll need to put them back in the racks & just sit out the
colors I'll be using.

There are also a dozen or so plastic soda bottle caps I use
to paint from that need to be thrown away with their dried
up paint.

Then I'll cut the bases of their sprunes & lay them out
on the table to be painted.

So necessary stuff but not the FUN part of painting by far.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-28-2020, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2020 09:21 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #5
RE: OD Returns-New Project
All your Base belong to OD ! todays work:


The actual painting has started with the bases.
I like brown bases for army Units (some do green
but I just prefer brown). I use Reaper Brown
(which does require 2 coats to cover the black base coat)
& then highlight a dry brush of Reaper Orange Brown.

When doing army type Units I like to keep it simple
no flocking/grass/sand (they look neat on display
figs but I've found don't hold up well in moving Units
around on Battle Boards.)

The Doom(s) Campaigns use mostly BoT5A 20mmx40mm
bases which hold 2 strands of figs back to back so I
need to paint the bases before the strands are glued on
otherwise there's no room to between the strands.
There are few 25mm round bases for special characters.

The Bases have been completed & were left to dry.
In the afternoon I dry brushed the highlight &
boxed them up as I won't need then until I get some
Units painted. It'd basically get your base coat brush
& go to it but these bases are thin & although I tried
to cover the edges when painting it didn't work.So I
had to take 40+ bases & pick them up & do the sides.
It's a small detail but it looks like Hell if leave the sides
uncovered or partially covered.

I am afraid the Pot of Reaper Golden Brown I use is getting
low & once the fig strands are put on the base I use
the same paint on the strand bases so I may not have
enough paint for them. But I'll deal with that once the
figs are painted.

I did base up the single figs that go on the round bases
(so their easier to paint) & the figs I'm using from BL2
which I had to cut off their BL2 bases & glue them on
to the 40mmx20mm bases. (the Giant goes on 1 & 3
Oruks go an other & 2 Ogres go on a 3rd.

I also discovered that the BoT5A bases have 5 holes
that the strands bottom bases snap into don't work.
The pegs seem a tad big for the holes & the amount of pressure
needed to force then in place would damage the
figures.So I'm simply cutting off the pegs & will glue
the Strands directly to the Bases covering the holes.
Also on the Bases that will only have 1 or 2 figs the uncovered holes
look odd.So I had some extra regular WarMaster Bases without holes painted up for those


PS-Damn Found out I was 7 bases short so I had to do them
in the evening. Also I found the Reaper Webstore
& ordered a pot of flesh & Earth (looks like they changed
the name from Golden brown but the paint # is the same'

Double Damn Damn this thing has mushroomed .I found some more Source Info
on the Erethor Campaign that showed the Shadow Forces Rivalry so I added
a Section to the Campaign Rules to handle it.

However that also required me to create another army "Sunauel's Fell Army
so 12 more Units added to be painted. The Units are a mixture of the Fell
(controlled dead dead of Human/orc/Elves).Which means
13 more 20mmx40mm bases & 1 25mm round base.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-29-2020, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2020 03:38 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #6
RE: OD Returns-New Project
DE Plan-DE Plan:

I'm doing the Shadow Army first,it's the largest & it's used
for both the Elf & Dwarf Wars (with small adjustments to the OoB).
I wanted to do the Orc Strands first as they have the largest numbers
but alas Miniature Market seems to be setting on my paint order which
contains what I'm using for Orc flesh.Thus I'm starting with the Fell
Unit which I do have paints for.

These are metal Skeleton Strands from the regular WarMaster Undead Army.
I had needed a Skeleton Unit for my Dawn of the Hyborian Age & ordered
6 Strands off ebay.3 were used for that Unit & painting them relit my
painting mania.For this Project I'm doing 2 Units : a 2 Strand Troop
Unit & a 1 Strand & 1 Necromancer Fig as a Command Unit.

Paints:All Army Paints War Paints

Skeletons-Fang Bone with Soft Tone wash & white dry brush highlight.
Shields/Spears- Oak Brown with Strong Tone wash & harvest brown dry brush highlight
Spear heads - Claymore metal with Strong wash.

The Command Fig. represents Gorgathan - who rose from the almost extinct Bone Mother tribe
to become one of the first orcish legates. Alas his pride at being doubly blessed by Izrador led to
jealously & hatred by his own people. Denounced by his Tribe he serves as the discarded advisor
of Grial the Fey Killer, unfortunately, Grial neither wants nor needs his help . In order to escape
his situation Gorgathan spends most of his time out among his silent dead troops.


Clothing-Cloak -Shadow Black-wolf grey highlight.Loin cloth -Necromancer Cloak-Uniform Grey highlight
Skin-Monster Brown with soft Tone Wash & matt White highlight on face & hands(Tribal tradition)


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-29-2020, 03:59 PM
Post: #7
RE: OD Returns-New Project
It's most therapeutic having a sort out. It's a shame technology is your sworn enemy as I'd like to see the models. Maybe send me a link and I can check out what they look like.Zombie17

Keep up with the project OD it sounds like you're making a concerted effort.
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03-29-2020, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2020 10:21 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #8
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Sam, technology is not my ememy it just quit being friendly after the
transistor Sam, technology is not my enemy it just quit being friendly after the
transistor raido came out.I'll try to see if I can update my act but if not you
can always visit the guest room is nice & I'll get some Earl Grey.

I get into painting jags where I can go on for months which this project
could well take up. Afterwards I can't look at a brush it's taken me 2 years
to recover from my last painting binge.

Of course I can paint up a strand of 6 10mm figs.about the time I can do one 25mm+
figure but it's detailed work (detail brush/fine detail brush /insane detail brush). So I'm
off to give the skellies shields/weapon handles & heads a Strong Tone Wash.


PS-I've painted all the 156 Faces & 312 arms & then
applied Plague shade & highlighted with Monster Brown
for the Orcs & pale flesh for the Humans & Elves.
I was worried they might turn out too green but turn
out looking OK.

I also received my Reaper paint order today
& the Earth Brown is the same as the Golden Brown
so my Strand bases will match the 40mmx20mm
bases.I also checked on my Miniature Market
paint order (the one I really need) & their finally
processing it.

Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-30-2020, 10:39 AM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2020 10:47 AM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #9
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The Skeleton Fell Units are done (2 Units down
78 more to go)I'm still hindered until my new
paints arrive so I'm painting up what I have paint
on hand for.

So next up will be Sunauel Western Fell Army.
12 Fell Legions(mixed dead:Human/Elf/orc)
+ 1 Command Unit (1 orc strand & Orc General
Kulos ) & Jaran Legate (subverted Elf Necromancer).

A bit of background in Midnight the dead come back
unless burned (well the Orcs eat theirs)as Flesh
hungry zombies. As long as they feed daily on living
flesh they stay almost as they were when alive.If
they don't feed they begin to rot.The Legates
of the Shadow Church have powerful spells that
can control these beings & some can even delay
the rotting process.

The Fell Unit under Gorgathan (the Skeletons) are
skeletons because Gorgathan is not powerful enough
to stop the process. The Legate Jaran is however
that powerful so the Fell under him look more like
their living selves with a bad skin condition.

So I'll be painting up BoT5A Orc/Elf/Human Strands
but painting their Flesh up using as follows:

Orc Fell-Necro. Flesh with Plague Wash & Monster Brown
dry brush.

Human/Elf Fell-Pale Flesh with Plague Wash & Necro.
Flesh dry brush.

The clothing will get a Grey drybrush to dirty it up.

I'm starting mass production to get through the 25
Strands.Starting with doing all the Flesh ,then the
clothing/armor & finally the Shields & spears.

Anyway when I finish this Army it should give me a
good idea of how long the whole Project will take.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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03-31-2020, 01:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2020 01:10 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #10
RE: OD Returns-New Project
I've painted all the 156 Faces & 312 arms & then
applied Plague shade & highlighted with Monster Brown
for the Orcs & pale flesh for the Humans & Elves.
I was worried they might turn out too green but they
turn out looking OK.

I also received my Reaper paint order today
& the Earth Brown is the same as the Golden Brown
so my Strand cases will match the 40mmx20mm
bases.I also checked on my Miniature Market
paint order (the one I really need) & their finally
processing it.

So for today it's Clothing :

Orc Fell- Necromancer Cloak (Army paints)
Human Fell-Turf Green tunic /leather pants (Reaper)
Elf Fell-Elf Green Cloaks/Tunics-Meadow Green(Reaper)

Then a soft tone Wash (Army Paints) & highlight of
grey dry brushed (the dead do not wash clothes)


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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