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FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
10-08-2008, 06:48 AM
Post: #1
Exclamation FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Hopefully we can get an admin to sticky this post. Since hasn't updated their website with FAQ's I thought I would post what is listed on BoardGameGeek. These are all the questions(so far) answered by Jason C. Hill and other FlyingFrog employees.

This list was compiled by Colin Baillie on BoardGameGeek.

Special Abilities

Sheriff Anderson

I had a question about the Revolver Sheriff Anderson starts with. Does he start with an actual Revolver card from the Hero Deck, or is this a ‘virtual’ Revolver?

Actually, Sheriff Anderson's ability DOES let him take one of the Revolver cards out of the Hero deck at the start of the game. This means when he runs out of Ammo, he can use his 'Man of Action' ability in any building to get it back (unless the Zombies remove it from the game using the card – ‘There's no time, Leave it!’ etc). This makes Sheriff Anderson a really good character for killing off Zombies.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Jenny, The Farmer’s Daughter

OK, so if Jenny has a weapon, it can never break, right? She can add or subtract from her die roll to check for weapon breakage, so if you roll a ‘2’, you add 1 to make it a ‘3’ and the weapon is OK. If you roll a ‘1’, then you subtract 1 to make it a ‘0’, and the weapon is OK. Right? Wrong? If you can't go to ‘0’, then why is it written on the card ’add or subtract 1’ from a weapon break roll?

If Jenny has the baseball bat, she can pretty much fend off/kill a zombie in a fight (as long as the zombie didn't roll a ‘6’, because they normally win ties) automatically, since she can re-roll dice until she gets double 6's (or whatever number she needs) and the bat can never break (since she's Handy)

Jenny's 'Handy' Ability does allow you to add or subtract 1 to the die roll when rolling to see if a Hand weapon Breaks. Unfortunately, this may not bring the roll below 1. So most Hand Weapons will always still break if you roll a 1.

The 'or Subtract' is really just there for potential future Items.

'A die roll may never be reduced to 0 or less. It may, however, be increased to 7 or more.'

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Cancel Faith

Does the Priest lose his ‘Faith’ card if ‘Cancel Faith’ is played on him?

I'm afraid that 'Loss of Faith' does indeed Cancel (discards) the 'Faith' card, even if it has been played on Father Joseph and 'Remains in Play'. There are 3 'Faith' cards in the Hero deck though, so it is possible to play it on him again (so he can regain his faith). Also, if the Church is on the board, he can always run back there to 'Pick Up' Faith from the discard pile.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Discard Pile

Played the basic scenario twice last night and had a blast with it. After being trapped in the high school and overwhelmed in the first game, the players developed a strategy for the win in the second game that might be fishy. A couple of the heroes hid out in the gun store and eventually took all the guns out of the hero draw deck through searching. Can the heroes then take them out of the discard deck as well? I know that searching the garage lets you take a random item out of the discard pile, but the heroes were trying to be crafty and I couldn't find anywhere in the rules that didn't specifically say that they couldn't raid the discard as well. Fortunately they ran out of ammo a lot and it was close, but they did manage to blow away their 15th zombie with a turn left.

Looks like the heroes were playing correctly. Here's some more info on the subject for others who might be confused: The only way to pull items from the hero discard pile is to either play the card ‘Just What I Needed’ which pulls anything from the discard pile or to stand in locations that have a ‘pick up’ item, such as the Gun Shop has the ‘Pick up any gun or ammo.’ Therefore, instead of searching, heroes may rummage through the discard pile (not the draw deck) and find any keyword gun or ammo item. You can also pull the shotgun at the police station. A random hero card may be pulled from the junkyard. Sheriff Anderson may pull a revolver instead of searching in any building. Other than that, there are no more ways of getting guns out of the discard pile. I hope this helps.

(Mary Beth Magallenes. Flying Frog Productions -

Event cards

Can event cards be played at any time? In other words, can a Hero player play one of his Event cards while another Hero player is taking his turn?

Unless it says otherwise on the card, yes!

Some exceptions are cards that say, ‘except during a Fight’ which means that if Fight Dice have been rolled, you can't play the card until that Fight has been resolved (and any resulting wounds dealt).

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

If there are two Zombie players, the rules say that ‘they may show each other their cards and discuss strategy’. What about the Hero players? Can they show each other their cards and discuss strategy? I guess no.

Actually, the Hero players may show each other their Event Cards as well, but the decision of how they are played always rests with the player who has the card. This helps to push the teamwork feel. The Heroes really do need each other to survive.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions –

First Aid Kits

Can heroes use First Aid Kits on themselves at any time?

‘First Aid Kit’ CAN be used on the Hero who has it. You'll notice that Becky's healing ability may only be used on 'another' character in the same space.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

I Feel Kinda Strange…

If a Hero is wounded by ‘I Feel Kinda Strange...’ and is then healed by a Med Kit, Becky or Youth ability, is the card still in effect?

Even if a Hero heals, ‘I Feel Kinda Strange...’ ‘Remains in Play’. This makes the card very dangerous for Heroes and one that is good to cancel if you can.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Lights Out

Once a ‘lights Out’ has been played on a building, do Heroes need a light source in order to search in that building?

Lights Out has no effect on searching, it just slows movement.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Oh, The Horror!

What happens if the Zombie player draws an ‘Oh, The Horror!’ card and has to draw three new cards immediately, and then draws another ‘Oh, The Horror!’ card - draw another three?

It is possible to get a second ‘Oh, The Horror!’ as part of the three cards. Like drawing any other Play Immediately card, you must play it. It is harsh when it happens, but is very uncommon. In general, ‘Oh, The Horror!’ is a good card for the Heroes to cancel. Though it doesn't directly do any harm, it can open you up to a world of pain.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Play Immediately

The Zombie Player starts with 4 cards. At the start of each new turn he draws back up to 4. If he runs out of cards he reshuffles.

When the player is drawing back up to 4, and he draws a play immediately card, does he lay it down and keep drawing up to 4 or does that count as toward his 4 card total (i.e. if Scott has 2 cards and needs to draw 2 more to fill his hand at the start of the turn - he draws one and then draws his second, which is a ‘play immediately’ card - does he draw another after the play immediately or does he continue his turn with 3 cards in his hand?)

The Play immediatelys DO count towards the 4 total drawn. The play immediately cards are just played immediately.

Is there any limit to how many cards a zombie player can play in a turn? (i.e. can he play 2 ‘play at the start of zombie players turn’ at the start of his turn, then play 2 shambles cards later on?

Can play them all or not at all. No limits.

(Coony, playtester -

I'm going to add as well the Zombie player does not need to lay them down when he draws play immediatelys. If he/she draws several play immediately cards he/she can choose in which order he/she plays them

(Mary Beth Magallanes, Flying Frog Productions -


On the promo cards, do you just throw them in the mix or are you supposed to pull a card to replace? Since they duplicate an existing card I'm assuming you pull one of those out. But then since there's one card for hero and one for zombie it might just even out fine to throw them in without pulling one. Does adding them instead of pulling an old one screw up the balance?

All of the Promo cards for LNOE are released in pairs that are designed to balance one another. That means that you can just add them in to your existing decks.

Now granted, if you start adding several different sets of Promos it might start shifting the balance a little for certain Scenarios (especially those that require the Heroes to find Search Items).

As for the Preview Release (GenCon) Promos, 'Chainsaw' and 'Brains', these are probably the two most powerful cards in the game, but you only get one of each in the normal Hero and Zombie Decks. Adding the Promos in allows for you to have two of each which sort of steps it up a notch. If after playing with them for a little while you decide that it is 'too much of a good thing' for either/both players, you can always pull/switch them out.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


The zombie card ‘resilient’ says that if a zombie is killed with a gun, this card can be played to make the player discard the gun. There really is no other discussion about what happens to the zombie - that would make me think the zombie stays dead, but the gun is discarded. The confusion for me is that the card is entitled ‘resilient’ which implies that the zombie shrugs off the damage as well and doesn't really die. I think the character in the picture on the card is saying something like ‘why won't it die!’ or something like that, which is another indication that the zombie doesn't die. The ‘text box’ on the card says nothing about the zombie surviving the attack and says only that when a zombie is ‘killed’ with a gun it is discarded. Anyone have any thoughts?

On a Revolver, this doesn't matter because the roll to Hit the Zombie is the same as the roll to see if you are out of Ammo (if you roll a '1' to Hit, the gun is out of ammo). On other Guns such as Pump Shotgun, Resilient may be played AFTER the roll for ammo is made. This makes Resilient powerful, but to use it effectively, you might have to keep it in your hand for a while (taking up one of your four card slots - or one of your two card slots in a two Zombie Player game).

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

They've Taken The...

‘They've taken the...’ Card: If you roll the die and the result is either ‘Zombie's’ or ‘Hero's Choice’, does that let that player pick a specific building, or just a specific zone (requiring that an additional die be rolled to determine the specific building)?

Whenever a 'Hero's Choice' or 'Zombies' Choice' is rolled for a Random Building, they may choose the specific Building itself. The building chosen must be eligible (it has the two or three 'random roll' numbers in the corner of the building). If something is being placed inside the building, like a New Spawning Pit, the specific space of that building is always chosen by the player who controls whatever is being placed.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Can a zombie player play his cards on the other player's zombies?

The Zombie cards are only limited by the text on the card. If it says, ‘your zombie(s)’ you can only play it on your color of Zombie. Otherwise, you can use cards on any Zombie.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Zombie Heroes

Zombie Heroes - these are created ANY time a player's last Hero is killed, AND, if ANY Hero is killed during the Black Zone? Also, I assume Zombie Heroes immediately lose all their items and cards.


(Jason Horton -
(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Baseball Bat

We played the game this weekend for the first time, and had a question regarding the procedure for making attacks with weapons that state ‘may be used multiple times per fight’ (I was playing a friend's copy of the game, so I can't look up the card text or the rules at the moment, but I think it was the Baseball Bat that caused the question).

How does this work? Say the Zombie player rolls his die and gets a 4. Then, the hero rolls his two dice, and gets a 2 and a 3. The hero has the baseball bat. What is he able to do, how many times can he do it, and when does he check for bat breakage? Is it a separate roll?

The other weapons state roll ONE extra die, or ‘Limit once per fight’, the baseball bat is the only card that has this effect listed on it, and as far as I know, your interpretation is correct. Since it states it may be use multiple times PER FIGHT you could keep rolling an extra die & rolling for breakage until you either win or break the bat.

Since you can wait until you roll the die before you decide to play a card, the procedure might look like this: roll your 2 die, decide to use the bat, roll the 3rd die, check for breakage. No breakage? Did you kill the zombie? No? Roll 3rd die again, check for breakage. Repeat as necessary.

(Moon Sylver -

Not quite! At least not the ‘roll 3rd die again’ part!

Let's say the Zombie rolls a 4.

The hero rolls 2 and 3.

Hero decides to use the bat: a 3 (another roll to see if it breaks - no).

So the hero has now 2, 3, 3.

The hero now HAS doubles and could kill the zombie, but he still needs to roll higher. So the hero uses the bat again: a 5 (check for breaking - yes, the bat breaks).

That makes the heroes result 2, 3, 3, 5! (2 ‘normal dice’ plus two dice from the bat).

So with the last strike, the hero was able to kill the Zombie because of his higher roll, and the doubles he had rolled before. The card doesn't say to re-roll, but to add another die, and that can be done multiple times per fight.

In one of my solo games, Sally had to hit about six times before that Zombie finally gave up - and yes, the bat broke with the last hit. She had several doubles, but no higher roll yet (needed a 5 but continued to roll 3's and 4's).

(Ben Spicher -

Moon Sylver and Ben are correct. You can keep swinging (adding extra dice and rolling to see if it breaks) until either the bat breaks or the Zombie breaks (or both)!

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


On the blitz ability it says the hero may continue moving when entering a zed occupied square after fighting, if the square contains more than one zed, we thought the hero had to fight every zed in the square before moving on, were we correct?

You are correct. With the Blitz ability, Johnny may move into a space with one or more Zombies, Fight each of them, and then continue moving (win or lose, assuming he is not dead). This may be done multiple times during your move, even involving the same Zombie(s) more than once. For instance, Johnny could move into a space with a Zombie and Fight, move out, then move back into the same space and Fight that Zombie again. Blitz can be a really fun ability to use (especially with a Chainsaw), but it can easily get you killed. You have been warned!

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Bonus Cards

Fight and Combat Bonus cards can be played after the fight dice rolls. So, you can roll the dice, then decide to use your chainsaw/gun/whatever? Sort of takes the risk out of it doesn't it?

Yes, cards can be played after the fight dice are rolled to change the outcome.

(Jason Horton -
(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Card Limits

Had a game last night, and couldn’t find the rule, but is there a limit to how many event cards a player/zombie player can use in a turn? For example we had a fight with a hero vs. zombie and the zombie player used ‘Urrggh’ and ‘Tasty Braiinnss’, this gave the zombie in question 3 fight dice and of which could add +1 to any of those rolls, is this correct?

Page 14: A Zombie may NOT use more than one Fight: card per fight

(Ben Spicher -

Again Ben is correct (nicely done).

Zombies are not restricted in how many cards they play in a turn (even in the Hero Turn), with the exception of 'Fight' cards of which they are limited to one per combat. Individual Zombies can only really hold one idea in their head at a time and it is usually, ‘Tasty braaiinnnss!’

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Says zombies are killed on a 6. What if the zombie player rolls a 6 (or through card play gets a 7, etc)?

Actually, you'll notice that the Cleaver says, ‘instantly’ killed. That means if the Hero rolls a 6 at all, the Zombie is instantly killed and the fight ends immediately. Because it is instant, Zombies do not even get the chance to play cards (may not force a re-roll etc). Cleaver of doom indeed. Just don't get overconfident, I have seen many Heroes charge into a pack of Zombies with a meat cleaver and get torn to pieces.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


When battling with humans they get to roll 2 dice. If they roll doubles they kill the zombie. Does that mean it has to be a higher roll than a zombie?

Doubles only count when you have the higher roll to defeat the zombie. However with the use of cards you can increase the number of fight dice you roll. So if you roll three dice and get a 5, 3, and 3 and the zombie player rolls a 4 you would fend off the zombie with the 5 and defeat him with the double 3s.

Keep in mind too that you can roll two dice first and then decide whether to add more dice via cards to go for the kill. So if you rolled a 3 and 5 you could then decide to use a card in the hopes of getting another 3 or 5

(Jason Horton -

Hand-to-Hand combat in Last Night on Earth is called a 'Fight' and works as follows-

The Hero rolls 2 Fight Dice and picks the highest roll.

The Zombie rolls 1 Fight Dice, but wins on a tie.

If the Zombie wins, the Hero takes a Wound (if it is their last wound they are killed).

If the Hero wins (one of their rolls is higher than the Zombie's roll), the Zombie is kept at bay and 'Fended Off'. The Zombie stays in the space, but doesn't hurt the Hero.

If the Hero wins, and rolls doubles on any of their dice, the Zombie is not just 'Fended Off' but actually wounded (this is enough to kill a normal Zombie).

Without a weapon of some sort or a trick up your sleeve, combat can be very dangerous for a Hero. This description is of a basic Fight with no weapons or extra cards or abilities being used. As you can see, it's not too hard to Fend Off a Zombie, but unless you kill it, you may have to keep fighting it in consecutive turns.

(Jason C. Hill, Flying Frog Productions -

Number Of Battles

If there are two heroes and three zombies in a space:

1) On the Zombie's turn are there 3 battles or 6?

We played as follows: Three, two pairs of combat, each hero with a different zombie, and then a third combat with the third zombie, and the heroes get to decide which hero fights the third zombie.

2) On the heroes' turns are there 2 battles or 6?

We played as follows: Each hero, in their turn, has to fight all zombies in the same square. Therefore, the number of battles depends on the results of each hero's outcomes, i.e., it could be as few as two or as many as six, assuming there aren't cards played that could affect the fights.

This is exactly correct! In the Zombie turn, the Heroes and Zombies are paired off evenly and Heroes choose who has to fight the extra(s). While in the Hero turn, a Hero has to fight every Zombie in their space (keep in mind that if the Hero started in the space with the Zombies, he could always move away before having to fight).

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

If there are an odd number of zombies in a square with multiple heroes during the zombie's attack phase, do the heroes have to decide, before any combats are fought, who will fight the odd one, or can they complete their respective combats and then see who is in the best shape to fight the last one?

Yes, the Heroes must decide how many Zombies each of them will Fight before any of the Fights take place (you have to sort of hedge your bets). As they are paired off evenly, this only matters for the extra Zombies.

There are cards, e.g. Mr Hyde that add/subtract 1 (for example, with Mr Hyde) to a combat die. If so, how does this affect doubles for getting zombie kills? e.g. if the Zombie rolls a 4 and the hero rolls a 4 and a 5, and then the hero can play a card to add +1 to a die, will this count as a double 5 or are only ‘natural’ double rolls counted for kills? And, if so, I guess can zombie cards that can do this (there aren't any currently AFAIK, but thinking of the future) ‘cancel’ kill doubles rolled by the heroes?

It does not need to be 'natural' doubles to wound a Zombie. Cards like Mr. Hyde are really good for getting that extra boost to give you the kill instead of just Fending Off. Rolls are only taken into account when you Resolve the Fight (after everyone is done playing cards and using abilities). Until then, the rolls/results may be altered around as much as the players want. (The only exception to this is cards that have an 'instant' effect such as Meat Cleaver).

As I understand it (assuming you are using the advanced rules), if a hero is killed in the ‘black’ turn zone, it will always be turned into a zombie hero and be replaced with another hero, but if in the ‘red’ turn zone it will only be turned and replaced if it is the player's last hero, correct?

If so, doesn't this alter the balance of the game depending on whether there are 1, 2 or 4 hero players, once the turn marker is in the red zone? If there are 4 then there will always be 4 heroes present as each hero will be each player's ‘last’ one, if there are 2 hero players, then there could only be 2 heroes alive, if each player lost one (and then there would only be a max of 2 heroes for the rest of the game), and if there was only 1 hero player, he would only have 1 hero ‘respawned’ (if the game went on longer than 4 kills for the zombies to win)?

You are correct, this is how it works. One of the things that this means is that the game experience is different if you are playing with one Hero Player or four Hero Players. With four Hero Players you will always have all four Heroes running around, but you are more likely to have Zombie Heroes running around as well. Also, it is much harder to coordinate multiple Hero Players to work together than if there is one player controlling all of the Heroes (ever heard the phrase, ‘I'm not going in there!’). In testing it was shown time and again that these factors actually balance out the differences nicely

You'll also notice that many of the Scenarios have a Zombie Victory Condition of killing X number of Heroes (they can win any Scenario by killing off 4 Heroes). This also helps to balance out the differences (if you have more Heroes running around more of the time, there are more Heroes for the Zombies to corner and kill off).

On the card ‘There's Too Many!’ it says you may remove zombies from the board if you don't have enough to spawn, does this also apply when spawning zombies during normal play?

This is a special case just for that card. You may only remove and place Zombies from elsewhere on the board with cards that specifically say so, such as ‘There's Too Many!’.

(Jason C. Hill, Flying Frog Productions -

The following situation came up tonight: Jenny and the Drifter are in the same space. Into the space wanders three zombies (during the zombie turn). The heroes get to divvy up the resulting fight, and assign two zombies to Jenny and one to the drifter. The hero player plays ‘Mr. Hyde’ which cancels a fight which involves a student hero (Jenny).

1) Does this card cancel one ‘fight’, meaning that Jenny must fight the second zombie? (And the drifter fights his?)

2) Or, does Jenny not have to fight either of ‘her’ zombies? (but the drifter still fights his?)

3) Or, if the entire thing (space?) is a single ‘fight’, then Jenny and the Drifter do not have to fight at all?

We played as per (1), citing language within the rulebook of ‘fights’, but the rest of the night kept finding examples which would seem to cause problems when used with that definition (such as items that heal but cannot be played ‘during’ a fight - but ‘between’ individual fights?).

Could you explicitly define when a ‘fight’ starts and ends?

I agree with ‘1)’. When a hero and Zombie end in the same space, they will need to fight’. Hand-to-hand combat with more than one Zombie are obviously fights.

Where is the problem with an item that cannot be played during a fight, but between individual fights? It just means that you can't ‘heal’ a hero that was just killed during a fight (‘resolving’ a fight is still part of the ‘Fight’ procedure I'd say). But if he was wounded in that fight, he may heal before fighting against another Zombie in the same square (they ARE slow, you know…)

(Ben Spicher -

Your '1)' is correct.

A Fight is a single hand-to-hand combat between one Zombie and one Hero. The Fight starts as soon as the 'Fight Dice' are rolled and only ends after the Fight has been Resolved and any wounds have been applied.

Healing cards which ‘may not be used during a Fight’ may be used between two Fights in the same turn (as Ben pointed out, Zombies are rather slow, but you can't heal yourself if you are currently being killed).

Also, just as a side note, cards that ‘Cancel a Fight’ may be played DURING a Fight. So you can wait until you roll the dice and are actually losing before Mr. Hyde comes out and Cancels the Fight. A Fight that is Cancelled is not Resolved so no one wins/loses and no damage is done.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Out Of Ammo

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does the gun run out of ammo on the 'to hit' roll, but the shotgun needs a separate roll to check if it runs out of ammo? Or do they both need a separate roll?

The Revolver is just a single roll and if you are unfortunate enough to roll a '1' to hit, the gun is out of ammo.

With the Pump Shotgun it is an additional roll for ammo because you get to roll to hit each and every Zombie in a space. The end result is that no matter how many Zombies are in the space you're shooting at, you only have to roll once to see if you are out of ammo.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Ranged Weapons

Can you use a ranged weapon in a hand-to-hand fight?

As I understand it, no. Because a hero can only make one ranged attack per turn and the Ranged Attack step comes before the Fight Zombies step in the hero's turn order.

(Jason Horton -
(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Zombie Heroes

Can a hero become a zombie hero even if he is full on wounds? If he does, does that just mean that one hit kills that zombie hero?

When a Hero is killed and turned into a Zombie Hero, they remove all Wound markers from the character card. From that point forward, the Zombie Hero must take a number of wounds equal to the character's starting wounds to be killed (they effectively become a zombie that has to be hit either two or three times to kill depending on the character).

It is worth noting that any card that says that it ‘Kills’ a zombie actually fills all the remaining Wound slots on a Zombie Hero and CAN kill them outright

(Jason C. Hill, Flying Frog Productions -


Town Center

Does the centre board squares represent 1 or 2 in respect to movement and shooting range?

The large spaces count as one space, as it states in the rules.

(Kris J -


Burn ‘Em Out

What do you use to mark the detonated zombie pits?

I believe in the rulebook under Scenario Notes it says to mark the destroyed pit with a Wound marker.

Can the zombie player still spawn from destroyed zombie pits?

Once a pit is destroyed there is nothing left there to spawn from (so Zombies will have to find somewhere else to crawl up out of).

On the turn where the zombie pit is destroyed, do all the zombies on that pit get destroyed as well?

Destroying a Zombie pit has no effect on Zombies that are already in the space.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Die Zombie, Die!

Haven't tried it yet, but was wondering if anyone else tried playing Die Zombie, Die! with the advance cards? Does in affect play balance? I'm asking because I was thinking of the time (OK, I'll admit it, I'm lazy) I'd save not picking out all the advance cards out of the card deck every time to play it.

Yes -- it’s ok. Die Zombies, Die! is actually one of the ones where it theoretically DOESNT matter if you use 40 or 60 cards

(Stephen Shaw -

It's true, 'Die Zombies, Die!' was designed to be played either as the Basic game (40 card decks) or Advanced Game (with all 60 cards). It works well both ways. It is designated as the 'Basic Game Scenario' because the premise is easy to understand, the victory conditions are straight forward, and it plays rather fast. All in all, a good intro to the game mechanics.

That being said, using the Advanced cards with 'Die Zombies, Die!' makes it that much more interesting as a head-to-head battle scenario.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Gas Explosions

Was wondering whether a player or zombie that has a wall between them and a gas explosion is considered adjacent for the purposes of being killed by the blast?

You are correct, Walls do NOT block the explosion.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Gas Marker

In the advanced section on page 18 of the rulebook, the following rule is listed for exploding Gas Markers:

‘Any Zombies or Heroes in the space are immediately Killed; any in adjacent spaces are Killed on the roll of 3+. Remove the Gas Marker from the board.’

A couple of questions:

I assume that blowing up a Gas Marker requires two rolls; a first roll to hit and then a second roll for the effect on adjacent spaces. Am I right?

Regarding the roll for those adjacent spaces... Is it one roll, one roll per adjacent space, or one roll per model?

You are correct! Roll once to hit the Gas Marker, then roll individually for each model that is in an adjacent space.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Locked Doors

How long do locked doors stay locked? Just a turn until a Hero finds keys? Would it be possible for Heroes to become locked inside a building?

‘Locked Door’ only affects a single character for their current move. It is assumed that after that they (or any other character) are able to force the door open or break through somehow.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -


Can a hero search a square with a zombie there too?

Yes, Heroes can still search even if there is a Zombie right on top of them ready to pounce. This is especially helpful if the Hero happens to roll a 1 for movement - searching is usually a better option.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -

Start Location

In the ‘Escape in the Truck’ scenario, if a Hero brings in a new Hero, due to the ‘Zombification’ of their last Hero, are they allowed to start on the truck, if there is no ‘start’ building for that Hero?

Heroes who come into play mid-game are not placed in their Start Location, but rather in a Random Building or Center of Town with a Free Hero Card (Hero may choose either). This applies even if you are playing 'Escape in the Truck'.

(Jason C. Hill. Flying Frog Productions -
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10-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Post: #2
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
I've referred to that quite a few times! It's good to have it here as well.

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10-08-2008, 07:25 PM
Post: #3
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Excellent and helpfull post! Thanks!

I am the reason God stopped watching.
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10-09-2008, 04:18 AM
Post: #4
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Thanks! I will try to re-compile this list with updated questions and answers as I get time.
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10-09-2008, 05:14 AM
Post: #5
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Sweet this confirms the way we play is spot on so far!

Thanks for the post man!
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10-09-2008, 02:37 PM
Post: #6
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Ditto'd sentiments. Thanks killer13!

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10-10-2008, 04:03 AM
Post: #7
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
You are very welcome! I am going to do another review before Sunday, hopefully there is something I can add to this list.
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10-12-2008, 05:13 AM
Post: #8
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
Here is a VERY NICE set of FAQ's put together by Colin Baillie:

View Attachment

I will also try to put it in the downloads section.

Attached File(s)
.pdf  LNOE__FAQ_v3.pdf (Size: 1,014.66 KB / Downloads: 137)
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12-01-2008, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2008 01:11 AM by deadrabbit.)
Post: #9
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
never mind
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11-14-2010, 11:39 PM
Post: #10
RE: FAQ's answered by Jason Hill
thanks, it's very useful.
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