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Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
03-21-2012, 05:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2012 05:48 PM by j0hnnn.)
Post: #11
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
From LNOE wiki faqs

Q16: Meat Cleaver - How do ‘instant’ kills work with weapons such as the Meat Cleaver?
A16: With the Meat Cleaver’s Combat Bonus, if a Hero rolls a 6 on any of their Fight Dice, the Zombie they are fighting is instantly Killed and the Fight ends immediately. Because it is ‘instant’, Zombies do NOT even get the chance to play cards (may not force a re-roll etc). It is also important to note that the Fight is NOT Resolved (the Hero is not hurt, even if the Zombie would normally have won the Fight).
The roll MAY be modified in order to get a 6 (adding extra dice, Re-rolling, adding 1 to a roll to change a 5 result into a 6), but once a 6 is rolled, the Hero may instantly act on it to use the Meat Cleaver’s Combat Bonus. If a Hero decides not to use the Combat Bonus to ‘instantly’ Kill (say they do not want to Kill the Zombie for some reason), the opportunity is wasted and the Meat Cleaver may NOT be used in conjunction with that 6 roll for the rest of the Fight.

No saying about abilities but cards may not be used to change the fate of the fight as it is resolved but any abilities may take place if they are not trying to change the fight result...

So no more card can be played but abilities are imanent from the hero or zombies who possess then and overcome the regular rule.

That said...

A bloated body zombie could prevent the damage...

Jade does not receive a wound from fights where she rolled doubles, so yes she instantly loses but does not take a single wound.

Rachelle ability grants her the right to try and prevent each wound she receives so yes she can prevent.

Feels no pain - Prevents it... as it prevents a instant kill but you are saying that nothing can be done so this card can't be played in such situation rendering it useless against given event?

Just a scratch - Can do it either...

going further

The zard beast could try to prevent all the wounds she would be about to get.

And Jojo can dance her way out of the claws of death.

Got it? there is a post in the boardgamegeek forum about this same question we are discussing... i'll search for it later and post it.
From Flying Frog Wiki faqs:

Q16: Meat Cleaver - How do ‘instant’ kills work with weapons such as the Meat Cleaver?
A16: With the Meat Cleaver’s Combat Bonus, if a Hero rolls a 6 on any of their Fight Dice, the Zombie they are fighting is instantly Killed and the Fight ends immediately. Because it is ‘instant’, Zombies do NOT even get the chance to play cards (may not force a re-roll etc). It is also important to note that the Fight is NOT Resolved (the Hero is not hurt, even if the Zombie would normally have won the Fight).
The roll MAY be modified in order to get a 6 (adding extra dice, Re-rolling, adding 1 to a roll to change a 5 result into a 6), but once a 6 is rolled, the Hero may instantly act on it to use the Meat Cleaver’s Combat Bonus. If a Hero decides not to use the Combat Bonus to ‘instantly’ Kill (say they do not want to Kill the Zombie for some reason), the opportunity is wasted and the Meat Cleaver may NOT be used in conjunction with that 6 roll for the rest of the Fight.

My mistake... the fight isn't resolved at all... this said the wounds aren't exactly result of the fight...

The fight is somehow cancelled but the losing side takes enough wounds to fill all it's health boxes.
Nothing says this wounds can't be prevented cards cannot be played but nothing is said about abilities.

With that said how i would rule the following situations:

Jade roll couple 1's -
Rebellious says she may not be wounded... Her ability is final against a general rule effect... so she loses the fight but takes no wounds.

Rachelle -
Gets to try and prevent each wound separately possibly preventing all of them if she gets a high enough roll...

Feels no pain -
Works as normal... prevents the instantly kill so no wounds for the zombie... supposing it has more than 1 health box. Otherwise as you say it couldn't be played against "instants"

Just a scratch -
Prevents the last wound.

Against all odds -
Prevents the last wound.

Instantly kill vs Barbed wire ability
Side instantly killing takes a wound and instantly kills the zombie.

The fight can't be cancelled but it's resulting wounds can be prevented.
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03-21-2012, 06:34 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2012 06:41 PM by PJON.)
Post: #12
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
Principal Gomez
Immediately cancel any Zombie Card.
Make a Zombie Re-roll its Fight Dice.
"Don't think you're getting out of detention just because you're a zombie."
Q4. - If I have a Hero Card that says, “Immediately cancel any Zombie Card.”, what can I use that on?
A4. - This can be used to cancel any Zombie Card, being played or that Remains in Play.

Mr. Hyde, The Shop Teacher
Immediately cancel any fight involving a Student Hero.
Add or subtract 1 to any Fight Dice roll.
"Run Billy, Run! I'll handle this"

Deputy Taylor
Immediately cancel any fight involving a Law Enforcement or Strange Hero
Choose up to three Hero cards from the discard pile and shuffle them back into the deck.
"Sheriff Anderson... is that you?"

Canceling Cards and Fights
Many times a card will allow you to cancel another card or ability. When a card is canceled, it is immediately discarded without further effect.

If a Remains in Play card is canceled, any markers on the board placed by that card are also removed.

As noted above, a card may not be canceled after it has already caused dice to be rolled (or re-rolled).

If a card is used to cancel a fight, that fight immediately ends without being resolved (no one wins or loses the fight).

Q4. - If I have a Hero Card that says, “Immediately cancel any Zombie Card.”, what can I use that on?

A4. - This can be used to cancel any Zombie Card, being played or that Remains in Play.

Q19: Does a Cancelled Zombie Fight: card count as my one Fight: card per combat?

A19: Yes. Even if a Zombie Fight: card is cancelled, it does still count toward that Zombie’s limit of one.

Q20: Can a Fight be Cancelled after the Fight Dice are rolled?

A20: Yes. A Fight that is cancelled ends immediately and is not resolved (no one wins or loses the Fight, it just ends).

Here is where I might be confused. if the fight has already been resolved, (due to an instant effect ONLY) ended if you will. How can it be canceled ?

Fw: LNOE Rules questionWednesday, December 7, 2011 10:10 PM
From: "Mary Beth Magallanes" <>Add sender to ContactsTo: kristinalives@yahoo.comHi,
You can find the answer to your question here:

Thank you,
Mary Beth Magallanes
Flying Frog Productions, LLC

From: Flying Frog Productions
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 11:27 AM
To: ; mary Beth Magallanes
Subject: Fw: LNOE Rules question

Chris Kemnow
Flying Frog Productions, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: Kristina Valkyrie
To: Flying Frog Productions
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 9:47 AM
Subject: LNOE Rules question

Hi. I am unsure how to resolve a fight. I would like your understanding on the situation.

Jade has a meat clever and is in a fight with a Barbed wire Zombie. Jade rolls a 6 and a 1. The Zombie rolls a 6. What is the final result ? Who has a wound ? Who is killed ? Who wins ?

Thank you

Card:Barbed Wire
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Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game Game by Jason C. Hill

Barbed Wire
The Zombie is tangled in barbed wire. If a Hero rolls a 1 on any of their Fight Dice while in a Fight with the Zombie, that Hero instantly loses the fight.

"It didn't even slow him down!!!"

Notes from Board Game Geek
Q. Barbed Wire says you Instantly Lose the fight, but Meat Cleaver says it is Instantly killed... Hmm... So which is it? Lose? Killed? or... Both?

A. The intent is that all 'Instant' effects would resolve simultaniously. So in this case, the Hero would Kill the Zombie and the Hero would lose the Fight (and take a wound).

The reason that the fight does not normally Resolve with a Meat Cleaver 6 is that the Zombie is Instantly Killed before moving on, so there is no Zombie left to Resolve the Fight with.

Jade does take the wound. The instant effect skips the use of cards and abilities.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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03-21-2012, 06:44 PM
Post: #13
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
Didn't get your question PJON...
I've said in my earlier post that such event cannot be cancelled... but the wounds derived from it can...

You're treating the whole thing as a process... i think each part of it is different and that's why... i believe the fight can't be cancelled but the wounds are a different story.
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03-21-2012, 06:48 PM
Post: #14
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
So no more card can be played but abilities are imanent from the hero or zombies who possess then and overcome the regular rule.

That said...

A bloated body zombie could prevent the damage... A bloted body can not prevent the wound from an instant death item ?

Jade does not receive a wound from fights where she rolled doubles, so yes she instantly loses but does not take a single wound.

Rachelle ability grants her the right to try and prevent each wound she receives so yes she can prevent.

Feels no pain - Prevents it... as it prevents a instant kill but you are saying that nothing can be done so this card can't be played in such situation rendering it useless against given event?

Yeah, flying frog contradicts itself, yet agian. Im dumbfounded by the card, but yeah. It is the only card that can cancel an Instant kill.

Just a scratch - Can do it either... LOL Just a scratch can do some awesome stuff.

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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03-21-2012, 07:10 PM
Post: #15
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
As for Jade think the following... as soon as she gets doubles on her fight dices she is immune to damage...

In the event you asked... suppose jade had an extra fight dice that rolled either 6 or 1... she would kill the zombie and lose the fight but not take any damage as her ability prevents the damage from being applied.
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03-21-2012, 07:26 PM
Post: #16
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
(03-21-2012 07:10 PM)j0hnnn Wrote:  In the event you asked... suppose jade had an extra fight dice that rolled either 6 or 1... she would kill the zombie and lose the fight but not take any damage as her ability prevents the damage from being applied.

I did ask, and sorry to say. Jade does lose the fight, resulting in a wound. She does not take a wound as a result of the fight. She takes the wound because she lost the fight.

It is a process, not a floating concept.
Roll Fight Dice
Apply Cards and Hero's Abilities
Resolve Fight

You do not roll fight dice, resolve fight, then apply abilites. Jades abilty is to avoid the wound. The ability is used before the fight is resolved. The Hero gets to use that ability to resolve the fight.

Johnny winning on ties and sallys reroll is part of Applying cards and abilities. It is not part of resolve fight.

Im not sure how this post became like this. arg Insane19

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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03-21-2012, 07:39 PM
Post: #17
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
Lol... arguing about rules usually ends like this... sorry for that PJON

I'm still with my way of thinking... her ability says clearly that she cannot be hurted in a fight were she rolled doubles... it's a passive ability... like intuition from rachelle she always get to try to prevent wounds...

You asked about she rolling a 6 and a 1 against the allmighty barbed wire.... which of course makes her kill the zed and take a wound no discussion about this...

But in the case 6-1-1 she kills the bastard, lose the fight (cards that demand a hero losing a fight may be played), but does not take the wound... as her ability prevents any wounds on fights in which she rolled doubles.
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03-21-2012, 11:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2012 11:45 PM by vikinglad.)
Post: #18
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
I remember this discussion. Fun stuff.

I still believe that instantly killing (or wounding) is different than both instantly losing a fight and regular killin' for that matter. Normally, it goes like this:

1. Play any cards/abilities that need to before dice are rolled
2. Roll initial dice
3. Play any cards/abilities allowed after dice are rolled
4. Everyone agrees that they are done fighting, winner is determined
5. Resolve Fight: Zombie Wins (Hero takes a wound), Fend-Off (No change), or Hero Wins (Zed gets a wound).

When it says instantly loses, it skips to step 4 and declares a winner. Step 5 remains unchanged. Instantly losing should be no different than a natural loss. Instantly killing means it can't be prevented, but wounds from instantly losing should be the same as from losing regularly. It just means you can't win the fight (fend-off or kill the zed). That said, I do think that Rachelle could intuition here way out of an "instant lose," but not an "instant kill". Nothing should be able to stop an instant kill. Since the double 1's preclude Jade from being wounded in step 5, the outcome of step 4 against a barbed-wire zombie should be irrelevent.

Chainsaw uses a different term: "automatically kill." I guess this is a kill (fill all wounds, preventable) rather than an instant kill.

The link to the answer in your post does not seem to be working, Pjon. Was it an official answer to your specific question about Jade?
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03-22-2012, 02:26 AM
Post: #19
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
Thanks vikinglad organized all i was trying to say in a single a clear post...

as for Jade... an answer from soundgirl...

soundgirl Wrote:
j0hnnn Wrote:
Hey soundgirl... sry to bother...

but what if Jade agains an Barbed wire zombie and with garden shears rolls the following: 6 - 1 -1...

what happens? she kills the zombie, loses the fight and doesn't take a wound?
You are correct, she would kill the zombie, lose the fight, but because she rolled doubles, does not take the wound. For more info on this, you can read the Barbed Wire entry in the FFP Wiki

I think this one is seetled...

A good measure for the power of a weapon is how cool it looks...
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03-23-2012, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2012 02:04 PM by PJON.)
Post: #20
RE: Chainsaw v. Zombie Hero?
(03-22-2012 02:26 AM)j0hnnn Wrote:  Thanks vikinglad organized all i was trying to say in a single a clear post...

as for Jade... an answer from soundgirl...

soundgirl Wrote:
j0hnnn Wrote:
Hey soundgirl... sry to bother...

but what if Jade agains an Barbed wire zombie and with garden shears rolls the following: 6 - 1 -1...

what happens? she kills the zombie, loses the fight and doesn't take a wound?
You are correct, she would kill the zombie, lose the fight, but because she rolled doubles, does not take the wound. For more info on this, you can read the Barbed Wire entry in the FFP Wiki

I think this one is seetled...

The link did not work ?
Hi, I still do not follow the porgression of things. Vikinglad said it well, but then i got confused.

Since the double 1's preclude Jade from being wounded in step 5, the outcome of step 4 against a barbed-wire zombie should be irrelevent.

If Johnny rolled double 1's and the zombie player rolled a 1

Since Ties preclude Johnny from Losing in Step 5, the outcome of step 4 against a barbed wire zombie is irrelevant ?

is that also true ? Following the previous logic, im guessing yes ?

See all the rules say to me is

The Fight Normal Resolution
roll dice
using Cards and abilities
zombie fight cards-hero combat bonus cards
Resolve Fight "A fight is only resolved after all players have decided not to use any more cards or abilites."

The Fight with Instant Effect
roll dice
Instant Effect - The use of cards and abilities is omitted due to the instant effect.Move instantly to Resolve.
Resolve Fight

The difference to me, is that a Hero and/or Zombie is not allowed to use thier cards or abilities.

Cards and abilities are the same. Allowing an ability to be used "to me" is allowing a card to be used.

Q. Barbed Wire says you Instantly Lose the fight, but Meat Cleaver says it is Instantly killed... Hmm... So which is it? Lose? Killed? or... Both?

A. The intent is that all 'Instant' effects would resolve simultaniously. So in this case, the Hero would Kill the Zombie and the Hero would lose the Fight (and take a wound).

The reason that the fight does not normally Resolve with a Meat Cleaver 6 is that the Zombie is Instantly Killed before moving on, so there is no Zombie left to Resolve the Fight with.

This still makes sense to me. or am i back to Instantly doesnt always mean instantly ?

Yes, i understant the zombie is dead so it cant play any cards or abilitis because its removed from the board.
A. The intent is that all 'Instant' effects would resolve simultaniously. So in this case, the Hero would Kill the Zombie and the Hero would lose the Fight (and take a wound).

Freak02 " Feed me your Flesh " Freak05
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