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OD Returns-New Project
04-18-2020, 11:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2020 12:36 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #31
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The Elf Army is done including the 6 Strands of
Human allies.

It's now me & 24 Dwarf Strands,1 Command Strand & 1 Dwarf Hero Strand.
The Dwarf Army is smaller as it's for the Shadow Dwarf War.Unlike the Shadow Elf War,
which takes place in a great forest & uses a Battle Board the Dwarves have withdrawn
into their Mountain Holdfasts. Thus the Shadow forces have to go in & dig them out.

The majority of the Game uses the Claustrophobia Game
Tiles which the Orcs advance into & encountering
various traps/Dwarf Forces & possibly a really pissed
off Cave Bear.The Orcs must find the Throne Room &
kill everything to win.

The Campaign does include 4 surface battles that do use
a modified Battle Board.These Battles can include Allies
for the Dwarves.These Allies range from human Militia/bowmen to
Dissident Orcs. I was checking over
some Midnight Source Material & found that if the Orcs
attack the remaining surface Dwarf City that Sarcosans
Free Riders would be available to aid the Dwarves
( these are humans who are still opposing the Shadow forces)

So liking the idea of introducing Cavalry into the Game
I began looking for 10mm Cavalry that would fit the theme.

Not much available in the US so I tried Pendraken in the
UK & found Irish Horsemen in their late MEDIEVAL Line.

Their Web Store indicated they were open so I ordered.

Then I got this email:

"Thanks for your order!

PLEASE READ! Due to the current Coronavirus situation, the UK Government has implemented a lockdown on the majority of travel. We are still allowed to work but the government may decide to impose further restrictions in the coming days. We are working hard to get all of the orders processed as quickly as we can, but if we are forced to close then there will be a delay on your order. Things are changing daily in this current situation but we will keep everyone updated as best we can."

The last time they tried something like this was the Stamp Act & we all know how that turned out.So it may take a bit
longer to complete my Dwarf Army.

If it goes on too long I'll ask Sam to go kick their butts.

Anyway to Topic today I'm painting up all the Flesh
parts (mainly hands as the Dwarf figs have helms that
cover most of their faces.)


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-19-2020, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2020 12:39 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #32
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The Dwarves were being difficult or perhaps my
painting mania is wearing off.

First off doing the Flesh parts(face & hands) was
on the other Armies figs fairly easy.There are 7 figs on a
strand & the face & hands line up so I could just
run a brush down the Strand to do the Flesh.
Follow up with a Soft Tone wash for depth & then a light dry brush for a highlight.

The Dwarf figs however have their hands all over the
place & they wear helms that cover they eyes or have
a nose guard of the 7 Strand figs only 2 have clear faces.
So I had to pick the face & hands out separately.

Then the Tunics, the Dwarves are mainly chain mail
(again with poses that make the usual dry brushing
a non starter)but the sleeves of their under tunics show.
So I wanted to give the tunics a unique color as I did
for the Shadow & Elf Army figs.I thought the Dwarves
should get something earthly but there was a problem.
All my browns had been committed to things like leathers,
weapon shafts,bases & as small as the figs are it would
all run together.Then I discovered one of my old GW Pots
still had useable paint it was "Volmit Brown" so I
decided to use it for the sleeves (it's a sort of yellow brown).

I did 30 figs up & hated it,the color was too close to
the Flesh color so it looked liked the Dwarves was naked
under their chainmail.(which must be uncomfortable
even for a Dwarf.So I needed a new color & checking
over my paints I found a pot of Warpaints SoB
Portal Blue a medium dark dull blue. Tried it out
liked it & redid the 30 figs & went on & did the other
54 Dwarf Figs.

I also did the Tunics on the 4 Strands of human figs
that the Dwarves get as Allies in certain Battle Board
Battles. Therefor today:

1- Paint the Dwarf Metal Parts
2-paint the Dwarf Leather parts
3-paint the weapon handles parts
4-Use Tone washes on above.

I'm breaking the 24 Dwarf Strands into groups of
6 as it's a lot of detail work & I want to stay sane


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-20-2020, 12:58 PM
Post: #33
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Yesterday turned to be nice weatherwise so that triggered some heavy duty yard work,
so I didn't complete all of my painting schedule.

I did get all the metal bits & wood parts done but not the Leathers nor the washes.
Today then it's a Dark on the metal parts & then do the Leathers (boots/belts) & a
Soft Tone wash.This includes 4 human Strands.

This will leave only the hair usually a quickie but the Dwarves also have full beards
which I'll need to pick out & of course the Strand bases.So I expect to be able
to start the 2nd batch of 12 fig strands by midweek.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-21-2020, 12:40 PM
Post: #34
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The 12 Dwarf Strands I was working on & the 4 Human Strands are
DONE. I still need to paint the Strand Bases so that this AM Job.

This PM I'm basing them up on the 40mmx20mm Game bases.
So this will bring up the 2nd batch of 6 Dwarf Strands which I may
do some detail work on their helms .


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-22-2020, 11:39 AM
Post: #35
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The 12 Dwarf & 4 Human Strands are done /based/boxed.
The 6 Dwarf Strands I'm now working on are nearly done,
I completed the metal/wood parts & leathers Yesterday.

Today I'm picking out the Beards then using Soft Tone wash on them &
the Leathers.This PM I'll do the Strand bases so these figs are basically
done. I'll base them up Tomorrow & move on to the final 6 Dwarf


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-23-2020, 11:39 AM
Post: #36
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Good news, Pendraken has emailed me my
order has shipped so I should be able to finish
my "Dooms" Painting Project by next week.

I'm impressed with the customer Service
the Brits gave I guess I should let go &
forgive Colonel John Simcoe, & the Queen’s
Rangers, for the Massacre at Hancock’s Bridge.

So the 2nd Group of 12 Dwarf strands are done
& mounted up. I also finished picking out the helmets
of the final group of 12 Strands .

Today I'll finish up the final 12 Dwarf Strands
& possibly get their strand bases painted as well.
In any case the Dwarf Army should be finished
up before the weekend.Except for the mounted
units that Pendraken is sending.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-24-2020, 12:01 PM
Post: #37
RE: OD Returns-New Project
The Dwarves are done today it's just a matter of clipping
the Strands off the Sprunes & mounting them on the 40x20mm Game

It's been a month of daily painting so it's going to seem weird not
doing any painting. I have other figs. I could paint up but I think
my painting mania is over besides my brushes really need to be

I still need to do 2 Units of mounted humans which are on their way
from Pendraken. The Shipping email said it took from 1-3 weeks to
go from England to the US & that 2 weeks was average.So perhaps
by the end of next week I can finished up.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-25-2020, 02:54 PM
Post: #38
RE: OD Returns-New Project
This seems Odd it's been 1 month since I stared the Doom(s) paint Project & have nothing
left to paint. I still need to spray varnish my Armies but I usually wait for a couple of
weeks to let the paint set (way overkill I know).

I have been thinking my Pendraken order will give me 15 Riders & I only need 2 bases
of them (probably 6 figs) & I hate to just set the other 9 in the bits/pieces box.

I did do a series of Raid type Missions for my Royal Hyborian Age Campaign which I
could adapt to the Midnight Game World. The Shadow has conquered humanity but
there is resistance from the "Free Riders" This resistance is based on Raids on the Shadows
supplies,troops so if I could base up 5 Free Rider bases plus another human bow unit from
the BoT5A figs. I could do a series of Raid Games.

So the madness may continue.


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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04-26-2020, 07:15 PM
Post: #39
RE: OD Returns-New Project
Congrats on the month's worth of painting and modeling.Zombie17 I'm impressed with how much you got done. You did well with sourcing all the relevant figures too. I'm glad the Brit suppliers didn't let you down. To be honest, there's loads of excellent quality miniature suppliers here.

Perhaps you could do some game reports for the two DOOM battles. I almost pity the poor elves and dwarves...Watchmen02
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04-26-2020, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2020 09:59 PM by Old Dwarf.)
Post: #40
RE: OD Returns-New Project
As soon as I get the Armies varnished, I'll be doing game reports.

I have decided to paint up all the Mounted figs once they get here & use them
in a series of Raid Skirmishes "Against the Shadow-Resistance in Lower Erenland"

Raid Missions(Raids)

Raid Armies are restricted as follows:

1.Total of 6 Units

2.One Unit must be designated the Raid Command Unit,
but it may not be a Mercenary Type.

3.A Battle Board is used

4.Raid Victory Conditions vary on raid Type.

-Unless called for by raid Type Vacant Front Slot doesn't
end Battle. Enemy may enter opponents vacant front Slot
& Battle from it to adjacent Front Slots.Hold Slots still

- if Raid ends via Time Limits Defender is winner lf
Aggressor has not accomplished Objective(s)

Raid Victory Conditions:

The first side that at the end of any turn has a vacant front Slot loses the battle(Standard Raid Victory).
This applies to ALL Raid battles however in some Missions additional Victory conditions are added.
The above however will always end the Game even if the Mission specific Victory conditions aren't met.
If the additional Mission Victory are met they will of course end the Game.
The Victory Conditions besides the Standard apply to the Aggressor. The Opponents Victory is always
Standard Raid Victory .

Raid Missions Table

Aggressor Roll d6 to select Raid Type:

1 =Kill the Leader

Roll d4 for District:


Raid Missions: Roll d6 for Aggressor :1-4=The Sarcosan Free Riders /5-6=Shadow Forces.

Kill The Leader

Your Opponent has been energized by a new Sub Commander, who is stirring things up in the District.
Command decides to get him before he becomes a real danger to your security.

I.Set Up:As per usual Raid Terrain & Troop Deployment.


The Aggressor is to eliminate the Opponents Command
Unit from the Board.

Special Rule- Defenders Command Unit must move into
a Vacant Front Line slot.

III.Special Victory Conditions:

Aggressor- Victory=Destroy Opponents Command Unit

Defender-Command Unit on Board when Time Limit expires.
or Aggressor has vacant Front Slot.


Your supplies have been slow in coming,so Command
decides to help itself from your Opponent.

I.Set Up:


1.Place 2 Terrain pieces will be Villages or if
the Region of the Battle is Cultivated use 2
Cultivated Areas place in Front Line Slots of
Defender .

2.Use 3d6 roll for Terrain Placement.High # gets no
terrain reroll duplicates.


The Aggessor is to occupy & Plunder the Villages
or Cultivated Areas.

Special Rule- a Vacant Front Slot does not end the Game. An
opposing Unit may enter it's enemies Vacant front Slot & battle
adjacent enemy Front line Units but Hold Restrictions still apply.

III.Victory Conditions:

Aggressor -Special Victory Conditions= Control Opponents
2 Terrain Pieces at end of Game

Defender-Keep Aggressor from occupying 2 Terrain Pieces when
Time Limit expires or Game ends.


Your Command needs more information on your Opponents .
Thus a probe in force is sent across the border.

I.Set Up:


1.Use 3d6 to Generate 2 Terrain placement Areas highest # Slot
gets no Terrain-reroll duplicates.

2.Terrain Pieces are placed in Middle Slots of Battle Board

3.In each Terrain Piece place a small coin or paper
Objective Marker(small enough that Unit can carry)


Aggressor is to collect Objective Markers..

-To collect Argessor's Unit occupies the Terrain piece
with the Objection Marker & then at end of turn places
Objection Marker on the Unit(even if Unit in Combat)-

-Carrying Unit may transfer Obj.Marker to any Friendly
Unit anytime in any type of base to base cntact(even
if one or both in combat)

Opponent is to defeat Aggressor and stop him from
getting the Obj.Markers or failing that getting the
Obj.Markers off the Aggressors Board Edge

-If Unit eliminated carrying Objective Marker
the Obj.Marker is Lost(remove from Game-it
represents information gathered.)

III.Victory Conditions:


- Victory: Have both Obj.Markers at end of Game.

Defender--Victory is to prevent Aggressor from 2 Obj. by
destroying Aggressor Units with the Obj.Markers. by
end of Game.

-If Game ends due to Standard Raid Victory Conditions
& Unit(S) still on Board carrying Obj Markers & the
Aggressor is the Loser.Ignore Obj.Markers they don't
count(Info Lost in confusion of Defeat.)


Your Opponent is up to something,Troops are on the move in the District.
Command decides to strike first to disrupt the Opponents plans.A Spoiler Attack
is launched.

I.Set Up:As per usual Raid Terrain deployment.

II Objectives:

Aggressor is to get behind the Opponents lines & spread
confusion & disruption.

Opponent is to drive off Agressor & keep him from behind your Lines.

III.Victory Conditions:

Aggressor:-Victory- End game by Vacant Defender Front Line Slot

Defender : Prevent Aggressor from Victory by time Games Ends via Time


Your Opponent has been causing trouble in the District.Command
decides to make an example,that cause them to think twice before
sponsoring these types of activities.A Force is sent to burn out their
suspected HQ.(if Shadow is the Aggressor/or Outpost if Free Riders
are the Aggressors.

I.Set Up:


1.Place 1st Terrain Piece as usual on Defender's Front Line Slot

2.the 2nd Terrain is the Manor House of the Border Lord
(its considered bad going Terrain)


1.Opponent may place any 1 Unit on The Manor House

2.The balance of the Defenders Forces & the
Aggressors Forces are placed as per the usual
Raid Deployment rules.


Aggressor is burn the Manor House/OP & kill anyone inside

-This takes 2 consecutive turns an Aggressors Unit
must occupy the Manor House/OP & Defending Unit eliminated .

-Special Rule- a Vacant Front Slot does not end the Game. An
opposing Unit may enter it's enemies Vacant front Slot & battle
adjacent enemy Front line Units but Hold Restrictions still apply.

Note: If Manor House/OP Defending Unit can't be driven off (Rout)
ignore all Rout Results.If eliminated Defending Unit in same Slot
occupies Manor/OP even if in combat.

III.Victory Conditions:

Aggressor: Victory=burn the Manor House/OP & end Game

Defender:-Victory prevent the Manor House/OP from being burnt before
Games ends via Time limits.

V.Weather & Weather Effects

Weather Table(used for both Invasions & Raids)

To determine if Weather effects the Battle.At
the start of the Battle just after Deployment

If any results are doubles roll d6:

5-6=Possible Rain

Weather Effects:

Check to see the effects of the Weather results:

Rain/Mud - All Shooters receive a -1 for shooting combat.

Fog - All Combat effects at -1. On an Activation roll of 1, the fog lifts

Possible Rain-Battle starts in good weather but if an Activation
roll of 1 made the Rain Starts.Effects as per regular rain.

Table VIII. Army Deployment

Select Units as follows:

1. Group Units that are the same type together in line
2. Group any 1 of a kind by itself

Roll appropriate die* to select Units- Note Units are selected individually
even of the same Type. Select 6 for Raid.

Place Units on Battle Board Areas as follows.

1.Command Unit is placed in Reserves Area
2.Roll d3 to Place Selected Unit

1-2=Right Flank
3-4 Center
5-6=Left Flank

Raid Battles:

-6 Units are Deployed See Raid Missions for Restrictions.

Note in Raid Battles only Primary Slots are used. 2 Units
max. per BB Front Line Slots.
Deployment & Movement same as Invasion Battle.

-Game length is Turns(21/2 Hours) unless Victory obtained

-Note each Turn (both sides) =20 minutes/ Session Reports
for each hour (Glass).

-Battle Actions at start of each Turn roll d4 # rolled is total #
of Actions Side can Take that Turn .

-Note if no side moves into Middle Ground for 2 Turns
(for each Phase Battles ends in Draw)

- No unit may be attacked twice in a turn.

Mandatory Action Location-determines Area Locations
a side MUST spend its Actions in each Turn. Both side Roll d6
Starting with Attacker & then Defender:

1-2=Right/Left Flanks-Center Holds
3-4=Center/Right Flank-Left Flank Holds
5-6=Center/Left Flank-Right Flank Holds

Note Actions may be spent in both designated
Areas or only one. All Actions must be spent
unless Units or space not available.

Hold means no Actions may be spent on Units
in the Hold Areas. They may defend as usual.

Actions may always be applied to Units in Reserve
Area regardless of the above roll results.

Leader Phase Actions- no more than 2 actions may
be assigned to Command Unit to use during Leader
Phase.They may be used for Rally Rolls or to move
Units in Reserves or to move Command Unit.
These Actions do not have to be used.

Units in Reserve may make move Actions into friendly
Hold Areas but may not Attack once there.Cav. types

Note Enemy Units adjacent to each other in mutual Hold
Areas are considered to be in combat but no result has
been reached in that fighting. Also applies to adjacent
units that are not assigned actions.

Combat & Reserve Slot Units:

-Units in Reserve spend 1 Action to support Front Battle Line Unit. A Unit may only support 1 Unit a turn. Note
max support from reserve support or Flank Support
is +1 each if both apply support at +2. If Commander
is Supporting then he may not Rally that round.

-Fire Combat Targets Cannot be Supported in Fire Combat


- Units in Reserve may switch with Front Line Units
at cost of 1 Action unless Front Slot Unit in contact with enemy unit.

-Units in Front Slots may move to adjacent Battle Areas
if not adjacent to enemy Units. costs 1 Action.

-A Unit moving to attack may Attack either Enemy Unit in the same Battle Flank/Center area .(if 2 Enemy Units)
Attacking Units may only Attack Enemy Units which they are Adjacent.

Thus a Unit moving to Attack in a Flank/Center area which has no other
Friendly Units are present has a choice of which Enemy Unit to Attack
if 2 Enemy Units are in that area.

+1 is added to any Charge Attack/Defense if the Unit has another friendly Unit in the
same Area that is not adjacent to an Enemy Unit.
(max of 1)

Raid Forces:


5 Units free Riders(inc Command Unit)
1 Unit village resistance
Special-possible Benaudi Monks Assassins*
(does not count as part of Raid Force Unit Max.-
placed & remains in Reserves-Sharuun District only)

*1 time per Game Monks may attempt to assassinate
Shadow Forces Leader.

-Roll d6 1-4 attempt fails/5-6 successful (Free Riders Win)
-Monk Unit may not be attacked.


6 Units Orcs(inc.Command Unit)
1 possible Human Mercenary(Smiling Killers-Alvedar District only)
(if used subtract 1 orc Unit)

If Cambrail District-5 Fell (undead) + 1 Orc Command Unit


Sighing like the night wind and sobbing like the rain,—
Wailing for the lost one that comes not again:
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