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Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
05-26-2010, 09:39 PM
Post: #11
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Go for the weak one first.A weak player is still a strong Zombie player.Then go for a stronger one(I talking about you Sam).Try to take out the player with the shotgun if you can,once you have a playerzombie or two.
Play your cards these can turn the tides of the game to your favour.
Dump the zombies on board limit rule...LOL
I hate that one.My house rules are Zombies,zombies,zombies...Don't sell extras if you don't want me to use them...LOL
Last but not least grave weapons!!!
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06-01-2010, 03:29 AM
Post: #12
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
I think I'll pretty much agree with most of what is said here. My fairly straightforward "pre-grave weapons" strategy with zombies is this.

1. Like everyone has said don't save cards, use a fight card in every fight, use movement cards right away. Always discard your limit if you have cards that aren't imminently useful.
2. Don't put all your zombies in one space. Do things like block doorways and line up behind. I don't mob a hero until they are getting in trouble. I also like to have a few hanging around the center board area or objectives such as the truck.
3. Keep applying pressure and be patient. Typically heroes will win the early fights easily if they've found weapons and/or use event cards. Just remember, if they have to burn an event card to kill you, that's still a small victory - they don't have an infinite supply of these.

Now in the post grave weapons world I'm not sure I've figured it all out yet, but I pretty much have the same philosophy, but I sprinkle in the grave weapons with good spawn rolls.

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06-03-2010, 12:44 AM
Post: #13
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
This is kind of an ofshoot of the 'don't put all the zombies in one square. Keep the zombies spread out but near the larger town center squares. This allows the zombies to monopolize the quicker travel route at the board center and keep the heroes constantly under threat. Unless you're attacking a hero specifically or blocking a door, keep the zombies off of the edge of the boards...

"If we are very lucky and start running now we might get out of this alive or merely dead"
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06-04-2010, 04:02 AM
Post: #14
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Agreed with Brichs. The less time/turns that Heroes get--especially to search and draw cards--then the less likely that they will find the card that they need to gain the advantage or accomplish the mission goal. Instead of going into a zone vs. man-to-man discussion, "keeping up the pressure" by playing the cards so that you can cycle through the deck will increase the overall speed of your zombie horde. Splitting up the player party is also necessary, as previously said.

In this game, you're direct competitors of the Heroes. If you don't try to kill them *quickly*, you're handing the victory to them. Be relentless.
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06-04-2010, 03:07 PM
Post: #15
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Make sure you keep one zombie per square around the shotgun!!!
I cannot stress this zombie survival rule enough.
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06-28-2010, 09:08 PM
Post: #16
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Always look for the weak link. Most groups will either break into pairs, or have someone who will go off by themself. Focus on taking out one hero at a time.

The senario makes difference too, if it is one where the heroes have to search a lot (like escape in the truck) then surround the buildings they are in.
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07-14-2010, 12:44 AM
Post: #17
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
My girlfriend always kicks my arse playing as the zombies as she is very good at plying cards at the right time and thinking many turns ahead, when I play as them I don't do too well : /

I am a death God... And yes I do like apples!
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10-17-2010, 12:08 AM
Post: #18
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Haven't been playing all that long, but the one thing I've found out is that deck cycling is key. There have been times that I've held on to a great card, thinking that it would come in handy eventually, and have almost always regretted it. My rule of thumb is, if I don't see a way to use this card during this turn or the next, chuck it. Throw everything you can at the heroes (card-wise) early on. I've found that if you can make the Heroes feel like it's hopeless in the early rounds, it will make you job easier the rest of the game.

Also, beware Zombie Hunger. Every time I've lost as the Zombies, Zombie Hunger has played a part in it. Space your Zombies out as best you can, so that the Heroes can't just move in a "decoy" to draw your Zombies away to clear a path for everyone else. Obviously, they can't over-use this tactic, but if it's late in the game and you've killed less than four Heroes, they can really hurt you with it.
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11-02-2010, 10:06 PM
Post: #19
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
Without fail, everytime I play there is one player who thinks they can make it on their own. Divide and conquer go after the weak and the alone first.
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11-06-2010, 10:50 PM
Post: #20
RE: Zombie Strategies (How do you handle playing zombies?)
I don't really have a strategy. Just rely on good dice rolls (which rarely happens).
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